I'm giving gVim a try, among others because it has a neat plugin for todo.txt.

That nice plugin in it's readme description demonstrates its usage by saying to do x you should <localleader>x. Looking up the help file for <Localleader> made me lost. I started thinking that I should map the localleader to \ by :let maplocalleader = "\\" but obviously I just don't get it, didn't succeeded yet.

Please elaborate on how can I use a plugin's feature by its <localleader>x. What should I write after :?

1 Answer 1


I have just figured it out with the help of usevim.com.

There is no need to enter in the command mode by :, just press the local leader that by default is \ and in 1000ms press x. Can be that your local leader has been set to , instead of \.


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