Follow all the steps of MSDN help to customize the tile on windows 10 for desktop application but Windows 10 is not showing any tiles after complete all steps from the msdn help.
Steps followed:
1) Create the manifest file start with my Appname "Connect.VisualElementsManifest.xml"
<Application xmlns:xsi="">
2) Place .xml at executable location, copy Assets folder at executable location.
3) Run the powershell command "(ls "$env:programdata\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\Connect.lnk").lastwritetime = get-date"
4) Found the event 28032 in Event viewer with failure reason NULL.
5) After all the steps tiles NOT showing on start screen.
6) Using same steps and xml, Tiles successfully shown on Windows 8.1 but somehow it not working on Windows 10
Please help, Thanks in advance.