Hi I am trying to create a batch file to disable the page file on windows 7, is there any wmic command will do this? I know I should be able to use

"wmic pagefileset delete"

however this always give me the error no instance(s) available, any example would be great, many thanks!

  • 1
    Why can't you just set the pagefile to zero?
    – BillDOe
    Aug 7, 2015 at 21:16

1 Answer 1


When you want to change your page file settings you need to first turn the automatic pagefile off and after that make a new pagefile with your own defined settings. In the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) the automatic pagefile and the set page file have different aliasses: The automatically managed pagefile can be 'managed' through the pagefile alias. Since everything is managed automatically there's only a view command you can use in the following way:

wmic pagefile


wmic pagefile list /format:list

(I prefer the last one since it has output in a more humanly viewable format)

The selfmanaged pagefile can be managed through the pagefileset alias. Before you can set a pagefile however, you need to disable the automatic pagefile. The command for this is:

wmic computersystem where name="%computername%" set AutomaticManagedPagefile=False

After that you can use the pagefileset command to set a pagefile, to create a pagefile, to delete a pagefile... basically all the stuff you want to do with a pagefile. For instance: to create a pagefile to replace the C:\pagefile.sys with a fixed size of 2048 Megabyte, (I don't know why the Step-by-Step guide mentions bytes... the command obviously measures in MegaBytes) simply type:

wmic pagefileset where name="C:\\pagefile.sys" set InitialSize=2048,MaximumSize=2048

After setting the pagefile yourself, you can check its settings with:

wmic pagefileset


wmic pagefileset list /format:list    

(Obviously I prefer the latter one again)

To make the settings take effect you need to reboot.


  • after disabling the AutomaticManagedPagefile you remove the pagefile with the following command : wmic pagefileset where name="C:\\pagefile.sys" delete
    – shluvme
    May 2, 2021 at 14:21

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