Say, I got two windows, Window 1 contains 2 pane (1, 2), Window 2 contains 3 panes(1,2,3), and I'm in pane 1 in Window 1, and I want to jump directly into the pane 2 in Window 2, PREFIX w which is choose-window will list all the windows in the session so I can jump into the right window, but it will not list the panes, PREFIX q which is display-panes will let me choose the right pane only in the current window, but not across windows.

So I wonder if there is any command that let me choose panes across windows. The best solution is choose-window or a new command will not only list all the windows but also list all the panes inside each window like tree in a directory.

  • 2
    list-panes -s will show all the panes in the current server, but doesn't provide a way to choose one to make active. You can probably script something that takes this output and passes it to choose-list.
    – chepner
    Aug 29, 2015 at 2:36
  • @chepner Thanks for the list-panes -s, but according to the CHANGES file in Github repo page, the choose-list has been removed, I'm using the latest version of tmux from git.
    – CodyChan
    Aug 31, 2015 at 2:09
  • Sorry about that. I must have been looking at the man page on two different machines (one apparently out of date) while trying to find if there was a feasible answer.
    – chepner
    Aug 31, 2015 at 2:39
  • (Note to self: bind-key h choose-tree, then use it with C-b h. It doesn't seem to conflict with any existing binding according to C-b :list-keys.)
    – toraritte
    May 16, 2023 at 15:04

3 Answers 3


This problems is solved by commit aad4e4d on github page several months ago, use choose-tree (just bind it to a key) to show all panes in all sessions/widows/tabs, it even shows a preview box when you scroll line into one pane from the list, very nice.

Just compile and install tmux from github source code and you can use this feature.


The command is

tmux list-panes [-a|--all]

You can access this from within a tmux session with

<prefix>: list-panes -a

For example, if you need to pass a command to all panes that have vim running, you can do something like:

    tmux list-panes -aF "#{pane_id} #{pane_current_command}" |
    awk '/vim|nvim/ {print $1}' |
    xargs -I {} tmux send-keys -t {} "C-[" ":so ~/.vimrc" "C-m"

This command does the following:

  • tmux list-panes -aF "#{pane_id} #{pane_current_command}" lists all panes across all sessions and windows, and for each pane, it prints the pane ID and the current command running in the pane.
  • awk '/vim|nvim/ {print $1}' filters the output to only include lines where the current command is either vim or nvim, and then it prints the pane ID of those panes.
  • xargs -I {} tmux send-keys -t {} C-[ ":so ~/.vimrc" C-m takes the pane IDs output by awk and for each pane ID, it sends the keys <Esc> (to ensure we're in normal mode), :so ~/.vimrc (the command to reload the vimrc file), and <Enter> (to execute the command) to that pane.

Any item in this list, that return the format <Session.pane_id>:

tmux list-panes -aF "#S.#D"

can be used for send-keys:

tmux send -t '<Session.pane_id>' ls Enter

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