My preference for running CMD is to use Windows+R » type cmd
» Enter.
But this doesn't open it with admin rights. Is there a way to type your way through to command prompt with admin rights?
The easiest and quickest solution that follows your method, is by starting the command prompt as follows:
Press win to open the start menu. Type in cmd
to search for Command Prompt.
Press ctrl+shift+enter to launch Command Prompt as administrator.
This works from Windows 7 and up.
win+r does not natively support this though, but an alternative (and less quick) way, is to type in runas /user:Administrator cmd
and then type the password for the administrator account.
EDIT: It seems that the latest version of Windows 10 does offer support for ctrl+shift+enter at the Win+R dialog, so you can now use it there too.
+ R
keeps the command ;)
Sep 4, 2015 at 12:55
works on any shortcut found in Start menu. If it is a real program it will fail to elevate to Admin
Another fast way is to use Windows+X then hit A.
However I marked the other answer as the correct one because the question originally asked for a way to do that through Windows+R
a simple answer:
now: Win+R > admin > simply hit ok or enter.
nice to have
alternative (external) commands
elevate.exe cmd
nircmdc.exe elevatecmd
powershell.exe -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/c %CD% && %1 %2 %3 %4 %5' -Verb runas"
(Tested on windows 7)
In Windows 10, you can also type cmd in Run window, press Shift + Ctrl + Enter, instead of just pressing just enter. It will ask for permission & cmd will be in Administrator mode.
To run cmd as administrator through Win+R without additional password typing (but UAC warning is still in-place though) just use the following trick:
powershell "Start-Process cmd -Verb RunAs"
If you want to get an access to cmd by clicking a shortcut:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C powershell "Start-Process cmd -Verb RunAs"
Hope this helps.
Another solution is:
The best solution for me (W10):
1- Pin the taskmanager In Taskbar : C:\Windows\System32\Taskmgr.exe
Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc , richt click on the taskmanager in the taskbar and select "Pin to taskbar" and close the taskmanager.
2- Press Ctrl + Shift + Click on the pinned taskmanager
3- Type the administrator and password account
4- Click on File -> Run new task
6- Enter "cmd" and select "Create this task with administrative privileges." check box
Let the Taskmanager open If you need to use other commands with admin rights by using the check box (regedit.exe, services.msc, mmc.exe, control userpasswords2...)
As of Windows 10 Build 16362 (and higher), you can use the Ctrl
+ Shift
+ Enter
shortcut in the Run dialog to launch a program elevated.
"Power User Menu" in recent versions.runas /user:Administrator cmd
, asudo
-like tool for Windows available as a Chocolatey package.