I have tried to configure and to use the webdav plugin in Tuleap but I am a bit lost.

I have exactly followed the help page of the webdav plugin (first option) and I do not know how to know if it works. Moreover I have the following message when I restart httpd service:

Starting httpd: [Tue Apr 28 00:27:10 2015] [error] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: Could not resolve host name webdav.tuleaptest.maglo.fr -- ignoring!

Here you can find the configuration that I have used:

  • Tuleap server:
    • OS: CentOS 6.7
    • Tuleap version: 8.6
    • Tuleap server name = tuleaptest.maglo.fr
    • Project name created in Tuleap = test
  • webdav plugin:
    • sabredav_path = /usr/share/sabredav
    • webdav_base_uri = /
    • webdav_host = webdav.tuleaptest.maglo.fr
  • httpd configuration:


# Subversion virtual hosts alias


< VirtualHost *:80>

     ServerName tuleaptest.maglo.fr
     ServerAlias svn.*. tuleaptest.maglo.fr
     Include conf.d/codendi_svnroot.conf

< /VirtualHost>

< VirtualHost webdav.tuleaptest.maglo.fr:80>

     Include conf.d/php.conf
     DocumentRoot /usr/share/codendi/plugins/webdav/www
     AliasMatch ^/(.*) /usr/share/codendi/plugins/webdav/www/index.php
     <Directory /usr/share/codendi/plugins/webdav/www>
          Options Indexes MultiViews
          AllowOverride None
          Order allow,deny
          Allow from all

< /VirtualHost>


# Project web site virtual hosts alias



Is there a mistake in my configuration ?

If there is no mistake, how can I use the webdav plugin in order to access from Nautilus for instance to the "documents" of the "test" project in Tuleap ?

1 Answer 1


I answer to my question because after several attempts I have finally achieved to install and configure the plugin webdav for Tuleap. I have used the second option in the installation readme :

Under "/etc/httpd/conf.d/codendi_aliases.conf" add (in alias matches definition, add it to the beginning):

# 0- WebDAV plugin web/php pages 
AliasMatch ^/plugins/webdav/(.*) /usr/share/codendi/plugins/webdav/www/index.php
<DirectoryMatch "/usr/share/codendi/plugins/webdav/www/">
    Options Indexes MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

Then plugin configuration:
webdav_base_uri = "/plugins/webdav";
webdav_host     = "domain.tld":

Now in a web browser (chrome or firefox) I can access to the docman and files area by using in the address bar: https://domain.tld/plugins/webdav/

After indicating my login and my password, I can browse through the projects.

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