I installed Office Professional Plus 2016 on my windows 10 system. When I installed it, it didn't give me an option of which office programs to install, like it did in the 2010 version (ex. word, excel etc.). The only program I will use is office word. I don't want all the other programs.

Is there a way, or "hack" to get rid of all the programs besides for office word?

  • Is it the preview? Commented Sep 25, 2015 at 7:53
  • No. It's the full version
    – Steve
    Commented Sep 25, 2015 at 7:54
  • I just know, that it wasn't possible in the preview, but I think it should be possible in the full version. So it was in the earlier versions: When you have an installer, you could choose customize. Commented Sep 25, 2015 at 8:06
  • 1
    There is NO way if you are running a Click-To-Run version
    – clhy
    Commented Sep 25, 2015 at 8:07
  • @h0ch5tr4355 - It isn't possible; Alright it is possible it involves a hacked together solution; The Office installer was changed with Office 2016.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Sep 25, 2015 at 10:38

2 Answers 2


Seems you installed Office in Click-to-Run way, unfortunately it's not possible to select what you want to install by default

But you can try changing installation config to achieve this

As the answer in this post in Office Tech, you can add something like below in xml config to skip applications you don't want

<ExcludeApp ID= "Access" />

If you want only Word, then exclude all but Word in config like

  <Add OfficeClientEdition="64" >
    <Product ID="ProPlusRetail">
      <Language ID="en-us"/>
      <ExcludeApp ID= "Access" />
      <ExcludeApp ID= "Lync" />
      <ExcludeApp ID= "Outlook" />
      <ExcludeApp ID= "OneDrive" />
      <ExcludeApp ID= "OneNote" />
      <ExcludeApp ID= "Groove" />
      <ExcludeApp ID= "Publisher" />
      <ExcludeApp ID= "SharePointDesigner" />
      <ExcludeApp ID= "PowerPoint" />
      <ExcludeApp ID= "Excel" />
      <ExcludeApp ID= "Visio" />

After editing, save and run installer

Full Office product list from Microsoft TechNet


For starters, out-of-the-box, Microsoft doesn't support individual installation of office 2016 applications. See this quote from their blog and this post:

  1. Can I install a subset of the Office 2016 applications?

No, the ability to selectively install individual applications is not available with Office 2016. The vast majority of customers prefer the full installation of all of the Office apps so they are assured that they have the ability to open, view and edit any document they may need. We will continue to evaluate feedback on this topic.

If you're interested in a work-around, all I've found was this post, but results aren't verified. Apparently, MS is now providing administrators with a deployment tool for click-to-run installations. If you plan on trying this, I'm curious to see if it works. If it doesn't, it's still possible to supply MS with feedback concerning this, it wouldn't be the first time they change policies after massive feedback from the community (see how onedrive for businesses is evolving at the moment).

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