Windows 10 Pro installs updates whenever the system feels like it. Sometimes this is extremely inconvenient, like installing updates while on a presentation or working on some important files. On previous versions of windows I switched to "download updates but install manually", usually installing the updates on shutdown.
How can I set this behaviour on windows 10 Pro? (if this can only be done on Windows 10 Enterprise I have access to that, too)
Update: My main question is: how do I disable automatic update installation. Usually update installations hit me during some important work. It may even trigger an automatic reboot (using a popup right in the middle of me typing something, so my typing will count as popup answer). At minimum it will slowdown my PC during some activity where I don't want slowdown. For my tablet (Surface Pro 3) once it even installed the updates after I closed the keyboard and put the device away in a bag. Lucky me I noticed the ventilation working hard (and useless, in a bag), otherwise it probably would have fried my surface pro 3.
Really, fully automatic updates suck. How do I get rid of them. Installing on shutdown would be nice, but any other solution is better than automatic installation.