I have 6GB ram and my system is Ubuntu 14 & 32 bit. How can I use the ram more than 4GB? please help me.


1 Answer 1


Probably you can use your 6GB of RAM without doing anything:

There is a technique called PAE (= Physical Address Extension), which allows you to address 64bit addresses with a 32bit OS. Meanwhile PAE is a requirement for newer Ubuntu versions like 14.04. And since you have Ubuntu 14.04 32bit and more than 4GB I assume you can use all of it:

Check by this command how much RAM you got:

free -m

The output will be a small table: Look in line Mem: for the column total.

In the case you didn't install your OS yet and you receive an error related to PAE during installation, you can look in this guide: a guide from Ubuntu documentation.

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