What is the part of a printer called that holds the ink cartridges? I believe it is called a "carriage," but I have seen other names for it. What is the official or actual term for it? Thanks!

  • There isn't a universal name, and different printers have different configurations. Some have the cartidges in a fixed location, some plug into the print head. If they plug into the print head, the moving piece that holds the cartridges and print head is sometimes called a carriage.
    – fixer1234
    Nov 7, 2015 at 19:04

1 Answer 1


I know no official name, but I would assume you could call it a 'clip', or even 'cartridge-clip'. Maybe the word 'magazine' could also apply, however this is usually reserved for a clip which also has springs or mechanisms to facilitate release or loading.

From Cambridge dictionaries online

clip noun (FASTENER) › a ​small ​object usually made of ​metal or ​plastic, used for ​fastening things together or ​holding them in ​position

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