Questions tagged [background]

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Set Windows Background Colours from a Webpage Script

The Display Screen Optimiser I have a web app which identifies the optimal background colours for reading speed. It can set this optimal colour as the background for our site but our users want to be ...
Steve's user avatar
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How to change theme/background settings in Windows 10 automatically or with one click?

Question background: I set my background to slideshow that changes every 10 minutes. It also choose the accent color automatically from my background and show the accent color on start, taskbar, and ...
Halil Nebioğlu's user avatar
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Is there a clever way to group a bunch of files together besides using a folder (for Windows desktop background images)?

I have many photographs, and I want to pick about 1000 of them to use as Windows desktop backgrounds (aka wallpapers). The easiest thing to do is copy the ones I want into their own folder, and then ...
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