Questions tagged [batch]

Batch processing is the execution of a set of commands or software programs without user intervention. A batch file is a text file containing a sequence of such commands or programs invocations. Please use the tag [batch-file] for that.

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-1 votes
1 answer

Batch- file to move all files from one location to another in windows?

what I'm after is a batch file that will move all files from one folder to another, with the view eto schedule this as a task to run twice daily. I know the whole move command etc but appears to be ...
Kyle's user avatar
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How can I batch convert all of my video files to AAC audio without converting the video?

I've used XMedia Recode to do this and it works great. I set video to "copy", audio to "convert", and it takes 2 minutes for a 2GB file. There's two problems with it for batch work though. It doesn't ...
James's user avatar
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2 answers

Error calling .vbs from .bat

I am currently trying to call a .vbs file from a batch file and it keeps giving me an error. This is my batch file: @ECHO ON cscript "C:\Users\Alex.Newton\Desktop\VBScripts\First scripts\This is my ...
Alex's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

"The syntax of the command is incorrect."

I've developed a new feature for my Batch game which gives the user the ability to define the name of their own save file along with the loading system and the new saving system is working properly as ...
Rattle189's user avatar
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How to run batch file command line argument on another server?

I have Encrypt.bat on \\RDWAPPserver which contains code to encrypt the file and upload it to FTP server by using 2 commandline parameters. Encrypt.bat needs 2 commandline parameters exl: \\...
abhayk's user avatar
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How would I query, then toggle Windows updates off and on via a batch file?

Please take it easy on me if I speak out of place is this is my first post. :-) but I've been looking for a way to query the Windows Update service through a batch file and based on its current state, ...
RidleyJ329's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Destination and Start in on a batch

On a normal windows shortcut we have the Destination field and the Start in field. Can I do those on a batch ? . Complicators: Windows is on C: The application is on E: The Start in folder is on ...
Lucas BS's user avatar
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How to show a comfirmation dialog when a batch file window is closed

When users click the close (X) button of a batch file window, I want it to show a confirmation dialog asking "Are you sure want to close this batch file?" with Yes/No options. How can I do this?
Nuach's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Need command to edit a service's log on to Local System Account

When you right click a service in services.msc and go to properties and Log On, it lets you change it to Local System account, how can I switch to that setting with a batch command, I want to switch ...
Matthew Terry's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

I can't run .bat and .cmd files with start command (Windows 7)

I can run .bat and .cmd files typing his names in windows console, but if I run with start "" file.bat I get this error: System can't run specified program. I have tested with a very simple file test....
Juan Antonio Tubío's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I upload a file to an FTP server using a batch script?

I have created a batch file called FTP_automation.bat which contains the code below. SET MyPath=E\PGP\test_pg ftp open 21 TESTA9MS test11 binary put %MyPath% quit Pause When I am ...
abhayk's user avatar
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Ampersand & special character on a Active Directory Name and CMD commands

I have a group that part of its name contains an ampersand & I am trying different commands for example dsquery group -name A&I-group but it does not work I tried escaping it using the ...
Eduardo's user avatar
2 votes
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Batch File XCOPY Invalid number of parameters

I'm trying to create a backup batch file, it's been a number of years since I last did one and I'm having a bit of trouble. I am creating a folder in one location with the date and time in the folder ...
ShadesUK's user avatar
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4 answers

How do I make a registry entry with command prompt?

How can I make command prompt (batch) add this entry to the registry? To set the value of the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy registry entry Open the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\...
Matthew Terry's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Copy all files from a list of folder locations

I have a list of folder locations from which I would like to copy all the contained files at these locations. The list of folder locations are stored on a seperate line within a text file (.txt). All ...
RobN's user avatar
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How to pass parameters in batch file and zip the file using 7z.exe?

I need to create a batch file as per below requirements 1) pass path1 & path2 while running the batch file exl: testrun.bat E:\ERP\test1.txt E:\ERP\header.txt 2) Need to store these command ...
abhayk's user avatar
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0 answers

Set Windows 7 to "Performance optimized" under Visual Effects with Batch script

I have this .bat script to start a specific game: @echo off if not "%~1"=="p" start /min cmd.exe /c %0 p&exit start "" "GTAVLauncher.exe" timeout /t 60 /nobreak >nul taskkill /f /im ...
Lanti's user avatar
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1 answer

set telnet to use NTLM with command

To set telnet to use NTLM authentication you type in telnet and press enter then type set NTLM How can I make it do this with a command. using telnet set ntlm for example does not work.
Matthew Terry's user avatar
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TOUCH a batch file from itself

I'd like a batch file to touch itself to an arbitrary date/time. I've tried... touch.exe -xamq -t 201010201020 -- batch.cmd start /b "" cmd.exe /c "touch.exe -xamq -t 201010201020 -- batch.cmd" ......
Joel A's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

ffmpeg | batch convert | make same filename

How would I use ffmpeg to create a batch convert file for sample rate conversion, such as: $ ffmpeg -i *.wav -ar 22050 *.wav Take note, that i'm only doing a sample rate conversion, but in the end I ...
fohrums's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Commands not executed with %comspec% /k

I am trying to execute a .bat file with a set of commands which can be executed individually through the command line, but not all together through the script: %comspec% /k ""C:\Program Files\...
101's user avatar
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3 answers

Use batch to make duplicate files based on one extension

How can I make copies of some files with a specific extension (but changing the extension) just based on their extension? I've tried just showing those files but get nothing: @echo off for %%f in (*...
Gerardo Charles Rojas Vega's user avatar
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1 answer

Getting GUID from Mountvol in Batch file

This is sort of silly, but today is the first day I'm using batch scripts, so bear with me. I'm using the following code to find a particular drive letter assigned to a volume. set "volume=\Volume{...
Mycroft Holmes's user avatar
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2 answers

How to write to a batch file to tell it to write to another batch file

How to write to a batch file a command which itself writes to another file. Basically what I'm trying to achieve is this File1.bat echo abc >> op.txt File2.bat echo abc >> op.txt >&...
Dhiwakar Ravikumar's user avatar
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2 answers

%%f in a batch file with Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

I have a line like the following in a several batch files: FOR %%f IN (%*) DO something.exe %%f I've used them for a long time with no problem. I recently had to replace my hard drive and had ...
Gene's user avatar
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1 answer

IF statement in batch file not working properly

@ECHO OFF PAUSE IF EXIST "C:\Program Files\NexphaseV6\ECF" ( ECHO Directory exists! PAUSE ) ELSE ( MKDIR "C:\Program Files\NexphaseV6\ECF" ECHO Directory made! ) PAUSE When I run ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 answer

Delete all files in the folder except one extension(say .idf) using batch file [duplicate]

My current code to delete all files in a folder older then 2 days is : forfiles /p "C:\Test" /s /m *.* /c "cmd /c Del /F /Q @path" /d 2 There is one .idf file among all other files. I want to delete ...
Nick's user avatar
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WMIC |more has extra rows when .csv opened in Excel

I am trying to output the name and version of each program installed on my system to a .csv file. I could do something more complicated with VBScript, but would prefer to keep this very simple to ...
Fred's user avatar
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1 answer

Automatically enable telnet services with batch

Even after installing telnet it will not work until you go services.msc and enable Telnet by changing the setting to automatic. Is there a way I can do this preferably with cmd or otherwise with ...
Matt's user avatar
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What are the underlying Windows7 mechanics that are responsible for opening selected files via key 'Enter'?

I need to create a batch script that opens n files, of same type and same suffix, with program p, without creating n instances of p (i. e. use multiple tabs instead of multiple instances). For some ...
mike's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Have the command prompt launch an application like Notepad and block until it is closed

I have a Batch script I essentially want it to present the user with a notepad window opened with a configuration file for the user to edit each time they run the script, and I want the Command Prompt ...
Pysis's user avatar
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3 answers

Parse string using batch script

How can I parse string using batch script? Goal is to save in a array everything under Import: and strip out #head for example --> //MPackages/Project/config/abc.txt and //Packages/Project/config/cde....
Mihir's user avatar
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1 answer

NET USE remove if no right

I have a .bat for connecting network drives. I have 11 in total. My script works, but for now even if the user has no rights, that it connect the network drive. I would like if the user does not have ...
inksis's user avatar
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Windows: How can I use the command line to set registry permissions

OS: Windows 7 Desirable Method: Command Line Other acceptable methods: VBScript How can I use the command line to set registry permissions? I found the REGINI utility, but I'm not having any luck ...
Beems's user avatar
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Batch - How to cat multiple files together without header records

I'm attempting to merge multiple files together with the following command: copy test1.txt+test2.txt test3.txt This works just fine, however, the files I'm attempting to merge contain header records ...
Intentional's user avatar
2 votes
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How to crop images in batch and then re-crop the same way

I am getting automatically generated screenshots of our application, some of which need cropping, since they may only relate to a pop up window or some small portion of the screen. Is there some way ...
Ondrej's user avatar
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3 answers

using tr from coreutils for windows

I have to transform contents of file from \ to \\ on Windows in script. So I got Coreutils and tried to use tr \ \\ < file_in > file_out on Windows CMD, but \ in file_out remainde \ instead of ...
R. Nec's user avatar
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5 answers

How to find process pid of an application

I have portable version of an app. I have ran for example 5 multiple instances of it and they all have the same process name but different pids. I want to find a way to for example kill one specific ...
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Appending an extension to a new file created with xcopy

I've been having problems with xcopy in the past few days, and I'd like to stop ripping out my hair. In my DOS class, a portion of an assignment requires a file to be copied (with xcopy), and the new ...
Herpeslurpee's user avatar
4 votes
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Making Batch to run Windows PowerShell, then have it run some text

I am newer to making batch files. I am trying to run a command that will open windows PowerShell in a specific directory, and then once there to run a command. So far I have the following. Powershell....
Austin's user avatar
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WIX: Run batch file based on checkbox value with admin right

I created a installer using WIX. However, after installing the software, I have a checkbox asking the user whether to run a batch file or not. If the user check the checkbox, the batch file will run. ...
Stanley's user avatar
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1 answer

Batch command to archive folders with content using WinRaR

I have lot of folders in the root "C:\Test\Archiv\" (more than 1000). To be more specific, I get one every hour. They are named as following : ay %year% m %month% d %day% h%hour% In each folders are ...
MeuMeuX's user avatar
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Is it possible to filter attribute of dos command output?

Below is output of this command netsh interface ipv4 show interface Idx      Met     MTU         &...
user2090820's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to download from a direct link using batch files and Google Chrome? [duplicate]

I want to create a batch file which is capable of downloading any files from direct links. I already tried this: chrome start
mounir gamer's user avatar
4 votes
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How do I make exclamation marks show using echo

Earlier today, I was continuing on making an RAR Password Decryptor. I was testing it out on a test RAR file with the password being just an exclamation mark but when I use my Decryptor all it says is ...
lolz189's user avatar
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MRenaming network interfaces based on index with WMIC and netsh with Batch

I have two Intel NIC's that I need to rename based on their index numbers, WMIC is nice in that it seems to always return index numbers in numerical order so we can take the output directly without ...
Sam Martin's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Batch file FOR command skipping lines

I need some help with the FOR command in batch filing. What I want to do is read the file "Test.txt" and read only the third line and turn it into a usable variable within this batch file. Here is ...
Nikpie7's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How do I detect the number of parameters to a batch file and loop through them?

Is there an easy way to detect the number of parameters passed as arguments to a batch file, and then use for /L to loop through them?
builder_247's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Batch create PDFs by combining all PDFs in folders [duplicate]

I have hundreds of folders full of PDFs. I would like to create a PDF out of each folder called the name of that folder. For example, "folder_name_1" has 10 PDFs. I want to convert it to a PDF ...
barney's user avatar
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batch script to list local hard drives and then do a dir command on each drive

I tried to make a script following this topic "batch script to find drive letter of a mounted device" With help of one stackoverflow user we got the script running. This is the script: @echo off ...
bapa's user avatar
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