Questions tagged [billion]

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OSX mDNSResponder opening all ports on Billion

I recently swapped my router for a Billion 7800VDOX, and noticed some attempted connections to my iMac from external addresses. On investigation I found that a uPnP port had been opened on the router ...
Clyde's user avatar
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how to access my Billion 7800VDOX router web UI after having configured it in bridge mode (modem)?

Unfortunately the ip address I usually use doeesn't work. No reference in the manual or whatever. The router is doing its job as a modem (connected to a router).
horizonbrave's user avatar
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cli commands for Billion 7402GX

hope I've come to the right place. I have a Billion 7402GX which needs port forwarding done for CCTV. I can't find the Virtual Server section in the web gui. Is there a cli command I can use to show ...
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Laptop sometimes loses WiFi connection when phone connects to WiFi

Environment Laptop A (Windows Vista) Laptop B (Windows 7) Phone A (iOS) Phone B (Android) Phone C (Android) Wireless 802.11 g/n 2.4GHz router (Billion 7800NL) Problem When Phone C enters the house ...
Sam's user avatar
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How can I set this WiFi network up, sharing internet through a Time Capsule?

How would I go about setting this up? So far I have the modem and the Billion talking to each other. The internet (vsat modem) ethernet cable goes to the 'ewan' port on the Billion and is setup as ...
Vash's user avatar
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*.home.gateway timedout - Odd DNS Client Events (Event Viewer) warnings

I have noticed DNS Client Events warnings in my Event Viewer when my computer is woken from sleep. I have supplied the differing data below and a sample event detail below that. (...
Valamas's user avatar
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ADSL Modem Randomly Rebooting

Over the past several months my ADSL modem, a Billion 7402R2, has developed a habit of randomly rebooting. This is normally preceeded by a short period (under 1 minute) of unresponsiveness. It might ...
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