Questions tagged [camtasia]

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7 answers

Camtasia replacement for the Mac [closed]

On the PC, I use Camtasia to record various screencasts. Is there something similar for the Mac?
AngryHacker's user avatar
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How can I remove noise from an audio recording?

I used to record important technical meetings and demos using Camtasia Studio, using a Mic to capture the speaker voice. Sometimes we invite attendees by asking them to call us in the meeting, and ...
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Camtasia doesn't save the cursor in the GIF recordings, what could the issue be?

I use TechSmith Camtasia 2022 on Windows 10 and it doesn't save the cursor in the GIF recordings. What could the issue be? Camtasia is configured as follows: Adding cursor effects in Camtasia Studio ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar