Questions tagged [coffeescript]

CoffeeScript is a programming language that transcompiles to JavaScript. It compiles predictably to JavaScript and programs can be written with less code, with no effect on runtime performance.

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How to get global tab-width in spacemacs?

Brand new to emacs and spacemacs. Hoping to learn the ropes. I have added the following lines to my .spacemacs file: (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) (setq-default tab-width 2) (setq-default c-...
Steve's user avatar
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IntelliJ / WebStorm Editor Colors not showing correctly

I'm running WebStorm 10.0.2, and for an unknown reason someday my CoffeeScript code started showing only some highlighting. I have no idea of what's going on since the settings seems to be fine. ...
igorsantos07's user avatar
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History and completion not working in coffeescript repl on linux mint

I have recently switched from Ubuntu 12.04 to Linux Mint 14. One thing that is mysteriously not working is autocompletion (tab) and history (uparrow) in coffeescript repl (coffee command). Instead of ...
Tad Lispy's user avatar
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set file type in vim according to the hashbang line

In vim, how can I set the file type not only according to the extension, but according to the #! line at the beginning? For instance, I would like vim to recognize files as coffee-script files when ...
Johann Philipp Strathausen's user avatar
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Best method for CoffeeScript / LESS autocompilation?

I've been using LESS and CoffeeScript substantially lately, and wondering what would be the best method of monitoring. Currently I use, which works great, but I don't think there's a solution ...
Eric's user avatar
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How can I run 2 watch commands simultaneously for coffeescript?

I'd like to run the following commands in parallel with 1 shell script. coffee -wc lib/ coffee -wcb public/ Currently, I have to press ctrl+c to cancel out of the first one before the second line ...
resopollution's user avatar