Questions tagged [docker]

Docker - An open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins.

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Permissions error in directories used by Docker and application I am developing

I have run a docker container mysql from my own application development on C#, and configured data persistence to this path: C:\ProgramData\Persistence\data\mysql When i start everything goes well ...
Francisco Nuñez IA Lover's user avatar
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How do I configure Docker containers for Traefik Proxy correctly?

I was trying to test out Traefik Proxy, so I added Traefik labels to an existing Compose file I had for OpenSpeedTest. version: '3.3' services: speedtest: restart: unless-stopped ...
LittleBit's user avatar
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docker container can't resolve hostnames defined in dns-server container

dns-server container version: "3" services: dns-server: container_name: dns-server hostname: dns-server image: technitium/dns-server:latest # For DHCP deployments, use &...
Daviid's user avatar
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Running into kvm_amd error while attempting to run Docker and a VirtualBox VM at the same time on Ubuntu

I'm trying to run a Docker Container for Graphite and a VirtuaBox VM for Home Assistant OS, yet I'm running into an issue with kvm_amd while trying to start a VM with Docker running: VirtualBox can't ...
Veillax135's user avatar
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Installing latest docker compose release on debian

I am trying to install an up-to date docker compose on debian so I can use the new include keyword and am getting a version mismatch between the apt info and docker compose version. I have added the ...
THaslbauer's user avatar
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Access remote SSH tunnel from inside docker container

I have a webserver on my MacBook in my home network behind a NAT, serving on port 80. I also have a publicly accessible server running Ubuntu, from which I want to access my local webserver, so I open ...
henk's user avatar
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Route docker network traffic through cisco VPN connection on host

I have a bridge docker network and want the containers to be able to access devices on my company LAN through the CiscoAnyConnect VPN. (i.e. I want to route traffic from docker0 to cscotun0 However, I ...
Rob Audenaerde's user avatar
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Unable to install Docker desktop on Apple Silicon due to undocumented bug regarding storage space

I'm simply trying to install Docker Desktop into my Mac Mini M2 running Sonoma 14.0 but is not working. The steps I've followed: Download Docker.dmg from docker site (appropriate to Apple Sillicon) ...
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Install rstudio-server failed in a docker container based on centos 7

I think this is the correct place to post this question. I am using Dockerfile to build the Rstudio development environment. FROM rstudio/r-base:devel-centos7 AS base RUN wget https://download2....
cloudscomputes's user avatar
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I deployed a container with a non HTTP worker script to Google Cloud Run and it stops working after 20 minutes all the time

I'm deploying a dockerized worker script to Google Cloud Run that is not serving HTTP requests (thus, not an API). I had this exact same image deployed to a shared CPU that has 1 GB ram and 1 ...
pinkWojak's user avatar
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Cannot install DDEV from PowerShell

I am trying to install DDEV from PowerShell, following these instructions:
MrSnrub's user avatar
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can't docker-compose up all at once on ec2 t2.micro

I have 3 services in my compose.yaml, 2 web apps and nginx proxy manager, on ec2 if I call sudo docker-compose up it will eventually freeze and the instance will become unresponsive ( I have to reboot ...
Omu's user avatar
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Pterodactyl Docker Pulling times out when using iptables

When I'm using iptables to block incoming traffic by either: - iptables -A INPUT -j REJECT or - iptables -P INPUT DROP It times out and says nothing and just finish pulling. (takes 1 minute). My ...
setpopa's user avatar
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Why is docker-in-docker using so much disk space?

I often run a VS Code devcontainer for developing a Home Assistant add-on. This devcontainer runs Docker (inside of my host Docker). After a few hours of working, my host Docker runs out of disk ...
Elliott B's user avatar
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Can i create a new root user with root priviliges when i have just access to the boot partition?

is there any way i can create a new root user when i have just access to the boot partition. I have no access to / partition . This is just a question for my own lap. So don't worry. I running an alma-...
naseweis's user avatar
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accessing the filesystem of the host from a docker container running in --privileged mode: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'

I'm running a systemed docker container with ssh conection and now want to mount the host filesystem to gain access to it. ( don't worry this is just for demonstration purpose) If i do mount /dev/vda2 ...
naseweis's user avatar
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Docker date root moved but old containers and images not found

By default the docker's images and containers are all saved in the folder /var/lib/docker but that using system's space, and is limited(may be 50G), I want to move the content from there to /home/...
cloudscomputes's user avatar
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Is there a widely accepted, or intelligent way, to do user privilege setting and mount with Docker?

I am using Docker to set up the development system for the whole team using R/Python/... My way is create seperate container for different develop language. However, since there are 10 people working ...
cloudscomputes's user avatar
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Is it possible to change the default user of docker minio/minio:latest from root to any other username/group?

I am using minio/minio:latest image in my docker-compose.yaml file, and I want the minio docker container to have a user other than root. after checking the /usr/bin/ shipped with ...
Ouss's user avatar
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Docker install in centos 7.4 with version info failed

I try to use yum install docker-ce-3:25.0.4-1.el7 #the current version to install, It saids no package docker-ce-3:25.0.4-1.el7 available. but if I remove the version info,just type yum install ...
cloudscomputes's user avatar
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Uninstall docker command didn't get docker removed

So when I according to run following command sudo yum remove docker \ docker-client \ docker-client-latest \ ...
cloudscomputes's user avatar
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docker compose down service with label

I'm trying to figure out how to programmatically compose down several services with a label. Currently I'm just using docker container stop as such: docker container stop -t 60 $(docker ps -q -f "...
Modem7's user avatar
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Cannot use an nginx container to use port 80 on Mac

I am trying to run a dockerized nginx container on port 80 on my Mac Sonoma 14.4: sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 myapp_frontend:0.0.1 There are no error messages when running the container, but upon ...
demiglace's user avatar
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sudo visudo in a Dockerfile with CentOS base image

I am creating a Dockerfile using the centos:7 base image. I need to edit the file at etc/sudoers and append NOPASSWD privileges to it for a new user and some groups. I have looked up in forums that ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Issues with LDAP plugin for Tuleap Community Edition

That’s my LDAP configuration $sys_ldap_server_common_name = 'Active Directory'; $sys_ldap_server = 'ldap://XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'; $sys_ldap_server_type = 'ActiveDirectory'; $sys_ldap_dn = 'OU=...
Superuser's user avatar
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Run Docker image without any root access

Think of yourself working on a managed Linux server, just using a normal user identity, without any way to use root at all. Lazy and paranoid system administrators refuse to install any new packages. ...
Kane Green's user avatar
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running telnet.exe inside windows container simply exists

I created an image with the following Dockerfile: FROM AS base USER ContainerAdministrator RUN powershell.exe -Command Add-WindowsFeature ...
cly's user avatar
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Does docker (-compose) support pure L1 or L2 networking?

As a hobby project I'm trying to build a "mini internet" from the ground up, including hosts, routers, dhcp, dns, tls, the works, but I'm having trouble finding a platform that is as "...
Daffy's user avatar
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Create User and su in Dockerfile

Trying to create a new user foo with adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" smarthome I trie to su to that user su foo, what does not work (whoami is still root). I think that the ENTER is ...
curator's user avatar
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set configuration of docker-desktop programaticaly

I'm here again, let's see if you can give me a hand... Normally when you install docker-desktop from 0, some configuration files are set to: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Docker\setting.json It is almost ...
Francisco Nuñez IA Lover's user avatar
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EC2 Ubuntu instance with 30GB free space on attached volume says no space left on device

I have an EC2 instance on AWS with 30GB volume attached. When running docker to build an image though, I am encountering this issue of no space left on device. Actually, running df -h I can see /dev/...
cami's user avatar
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Docker Desktop Update Hangs on macOS

On my MacBook Pro (2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9, 23 GB RAM) running macOS Sonoma 14.3.1, I am running Docker Desktop version 4.26.0 (130397). The latest version is 4.27.2 (137060). When I try to ...
Colin Fraizer's user avatar
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Building Windows server based Docker image in Atlassian Bamboo

In a corporate devstack I have access to an Atlassian Bamboo, version 9.2.9 build 90208 - 21 Dec 23. Is it possible, and if yes how, to build a new Docker image from
Kérdezösködő Indián's user avatar
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Docker certbot trouble after relocating data-root

Because of my Docker images/containers filling up my root partition, I've been trying to move the data-root directory of my Docker installation to a different location (current: /usr/lib/docker; ...
MPA's user avatar
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Installing Superset Locally Using Docker Compose and Rancher Desktop on WIndows. Error: While importing '', an ImportError was raised

I am following the superset docs . But I keep getting this error over and over again. superset_app | ...
Ayushman singh's user avatar
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How to start dbus on Docker/Linux? Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory

I am running puppeteer through Node.js in Docker and was getting this error after not doing anything with dbus: puppeteer:browsers:launcher Launching /usr/bin/google-chrome --allow-pre-commit-input --...
Lance's user avatar
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Nextcloud AIO - How to persist modifications to php.ini in a docker container that frequently reboots

I’m running the Nextcloud AIO docker container. This consists of a master container that then runs the other containers such as the apache, and sql server containers. With this working I want to ...
SneakyShrike's user avatar
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How to run and network Docker Swarm inside Docker containers?

I'm trying to get docker swarm to run inside docker-compose where containers fill the role of nodes. For educational purposes, I'd like to be able to simulate a distributed swarm via docker-compose. ...
MrChadMWood's user avatar
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ls in Docker on Windows not showing one directory

I'm running Windows Server 2016 Datacenter version 1607 (build 14393.6614) with Docker Desktop Community Version (31259). I'm running an Ubuntu docker container in an interactive mode with my ...
user1543037's user avatar
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How can I update image for specific container without losing data?

I run a Minecraft Bedrock server in a Docker container (image itzg/minecraft-bedrock-server). I pulled a newer version of the image, but the container keeps using the old one. The manuals I found on ...
Evgeni Nabokov's user avatar
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Containerized applications and hardware resources

Linux user here. With increasing frequency, I am considering using containerized applications for several applications, mainly to avoid dependency problems and stressful reinstallations in a hurry. In ...
terauser's user avatar
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Docker ERROR: failed to solve: cannot copy to non-directory when copying to

Similar to this question, but when copying from a previous FROM target (source): COPY --from=sqitch-build /app . This worked fine until recently, when it started emitting this error: ERROR: failed to ...
theory's user avatar
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Firefox can't detect Flash player plugin when running in a docker container

I'd like to run Firefox 84.0 (the last version support flash player) supporting flash player in a docker container. But Firefox can't detect the flash player plugin which is in the path "~/....
shendu's user avatar
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Setting GitHub Actions Secrets on Docker container build/run command, but encountering a parsing issue

I'm in the early stages of building an automated pipeline. Still in the exploring phase. Right now, I'm struggling with setting the environment variables for the container I'm going to run my app. The ...
Jorge Mauricio's user avatar
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Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine (Rootless)

OS: Ubuntu 22.04 Docker: 25.0.1 I'm following instructions to setup rootless docker but I'm getting the following error: $ dockerd-rootless-setuptool....
drum's user avatar
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Cloudflare warp and docker ssl termination at the host

I am trying to set up cloudflare and docker such that SSL termination happens on the host and not on the docker containers themselves. This is useful because I want docker containers to be able to ...
Digital User's user avatar
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Use NGINX to serve as both webhost + direct subdomain request to dockerserver:port

First, I struggled hard with the title. I've been trying back and forth, googling like mad and the resources I find are most likely way to complicated for me. But I find it so unbelievable that it's ...
Plankt0n's user avatar
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Wireguard queries showing up in PiHole, but no return packets are recieved by the client

I've got a docker bridge network with Wireguard and PiHole containers running within. I've forwarded all necessary ports, and using (My server ip) as my DNS in the router works great on ...
techgenius101's user avatar
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Would it be alright to run Antivirus docker container to scan host system?

We are using a CSP's customized linux (Alibaba Cloud Linux 3, ACL3), and every antivirus software we asked stated that they do not support ACL3. And we don't want to migrate all servers to another OS ...
Lunartist's user avatar
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How to assign WRITE permission to IIS_IUSRS on a folder in a Docker container based on Windows

I am running a Docker container based on the following Windows Server 2019 core image: This container is running an ASP.Net 4.8 ...
Frank Martin's user avatar

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