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Questions tagged [echo]

echo is a common command to print a message onto an output device, like a display

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echo printf output in two lines for some expressions instead of one

Using Debian 12 stable. The following echo works as expected, ie. the hardcode label and the result of the expression are displayed in the same line echo "unzip version: $(unzip -v | head -1)&...
Polymerase's user avatar
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Can `find` piped to `echo` be used to do massive harm?

I am currently taking the Google cybersecurity coursera cert course. I am now in the Linux section and learning a few Linux commands, I am totally new to it but I was wondering about one thing. While ...
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xargs and echo limited number of replacements

I want to duplicate some text a few times. Xargs doesn't do more than 5 items. I don't know if there is a better way to do this. echo "sometext " | xargs -n 9 -t -I RRRR echo RRRR RRRR RRRR ...
nelaaro's user avatar
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Generating a script through CMD

I've been trying to find an answer to this peculiar question but haven't had any luck. For work, I've been creating a tiny little script that would help my colleagues and I with the repetitive tasks ...
FoxNBeard's user avatar
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silence echo without output to terminal

"NON-Compliance - PermitRootLogin" printed into output.log & test1.txt. I do NOT want to echo to the terminal. How can I do that? echo "NON-Compliance - PermitRootLogin" | ...
jackpaul's user avatar
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Calling a Recursive Function in a Batch File

I am currently trying to write a batch file for a project that will mimic the structure of the following pseudocode: void h ( int n ) if ( n ≥ 4 ) h ( n / 2 ) end if print ...
Digital Samizdat's user avatar
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Echo line to start of text file using Windows batch command?

This works to add the text my_new_text as the last line in all .txt files: FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir /b *.txt') DO echo my_new_text>> "%%G" Is there a simple edit that ...
bat_cmd's user avatar
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Echo variable which references another variable in shell script

Statement: "$k"_Id_avg="$(grep -i "$k"_Id_avg file.txt)" and $k is a loop variable. Now I want to print the value stored in the above variable, how can I do it? I have ...
Umang Deep's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does `xargs` not work with `echo` but work with `ls`?

root@home:~$ ls root@home:~$ echo abc > z1 root@home:~$ echo xyz > z2 root@home:~$ ls z1 z2 root@home:~$ ls | xargs -I{} cat {} abc xyz root@home:~$ echo z1 z2 | xargs -I{} cat {} cat: 'z1 z2': ...
xmllmx's user avatar
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Can't insert correct "enable" secret password with Plink.exe for my Dell switch

I'm trying to use "Plink.exe" to connect throught SSH to my Dell switch N1548P and run "enable" command to enter EXEC mode. I'm using Plink with CMD in Windows 10. This is the ...
amigood's user avatar
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Root Amazon Echo and install linux kernel - what programs can run on it? [closed]

I have an old v1 Echo that I want to experiment with. Using this guide, I see it's possible to root this Echo and install a custom linux kernel (2.6.x) on it:
youcloudsofdoom's user avatar
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Tail -f is not showing the update of the file when edited form editor

I have opened a file using tail -f <filename, and tried to append some texts in the same file from another tab using vim, the updated content is not showing. But if I append some texts using echo ...
shiponcs's user avatar
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Can anyone explain what are this numbers `echo -ne "\033]0;Title\007"` [duplicate]

I'm using them for setting the terminal title or terminal tab title but want to know what the numbers refer to. Could anyone please give me a hint on where I can find that info?
Florin Irion's user avatar
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Spectrum Router not allowing ICMP Echo Requests

I am currently trying to set up a server off of my Windows 10 PC, after lots of troubleshooting I have concluded that my router is blocking ICMP Echo requests (AKA Ping) from reaching my computer. ...
Cameron Bell's user avatar
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Difference between Echo and Write-Host in PowerShell ISE

I'm starting to learn (beginner) about PowerShell script. I found that echo and Write-Host both can display output in the console screen, so what is the difference between them? I read this question ...
Sann's user avatar
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(git) Bash: how exactly does a line break differ from \n in a variable?

My apologies, I must have made some mistakes when performing the initial tests, as after putting everything into a single script the xxd output does indeed always match the stdouput. The entire script ...
matthias_buehlmann's user avatar
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use echo to write to file and include single quotes

I have the command here doctl compute ssh testdroplet --ssh-command 'echo -e "import http.server\nimport socketserver\nfrom http import HTTPStatus\n\nclass Handler(http.server....
codyc4321's user avatar
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Supress stdout except for echo commands but show stderr

I have put a very large bash script together that installs packages and configures a LAMP stack etc. With any scripting I usually do, I like to tidy it up by using echo commands to let the user ...
willowen100's user avatar
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7zip password protected zip - SHOW the password that i type

wondered if, when i unzip a pasword protected file and it says "enter the password, it will not be echoed" if i could see either what i type or paste (echoed!) OR a ***** to show that what i'...
user2754867's user avatar
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CMD echo working with PLINK>exe

good day, I tried to use the format below for my plink and when I went to login with the username I changed the password on it didn't accept the new password. so my question is, when using "(...
Thomas Bonar's user avatar
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Create a Automate script and use another script is echo password

I have created a fully automated script which uses ssh login to login from one server to another and do some file operation, but the script is not fully automated as it prompts for a password, we do ...
Akankshi Mishra's user avatar
6 votes
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How do I create a command on Windows without having to create a file?

I want to create the command hello without having to create a file like hello.bat. I want the command without the file. The command must execute an echo Hello World!. Is there a way to do it on ...
Twinsen's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a bash script to simplify using echo to overwrite the same text file with new text?

What I'm trying to do is simplify using echo as I will be overwriting the same file each time with different text. Currently I'm using this in the terminal: echo "blah blah blah blah" > /home/...
Spaz's user avatar
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What is echo doing?

Recently, I noticed that echos in which I include lots of "!" result in weird stuff. For example: echo !! gives me: echo rm -r * 1000 rm -r * 1000 (rm -r * was the last command I executed before ...
user96931's user avatar
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4 answers

redirect echo in a cmd batch file to a variable fail

I use the below function to check if echo is set on or off, and as you can see it pipes echo statuse and then uses the output to set a flag: FUNCTION :echos echo > echo.txt & rem pipe ech ...
ilinkcs's user avatar
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How to connect Echo Dot to University protected wifi

I recently won an Echo dot in a Hackathon and I was very excited to try it out but sadly the dot does not connect to 'Eduroam', the university network. The Uni site says that eduroam uses '802.1x ...
Ariane's user avatar
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whitespace padding a file length using echo in a windows batch file

I'm using a for loop in a windows .bat file to make a text-file listing files in directories. FOR /R %%G in (*) DO ( ECHO %%~zG %%~nxG >> zzz-list.txt ) [Phone won't let me input a tab ...
user3082's user avatar
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Blue Snowball Ice usb mic has echo sound

I use the Blue Snowball Ice usb mic. I have put mic around 6 - 12 inches from my mouth. I have used screen cast ometic Normalize and Reduce Noice functionalities of that tool. But I can hear a big ...
Sampath's user avatar
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My echo file is returning the incorrect order for files

So I'm using FFmpeg to join a list of .ts files together, to do this I need to create an echo file with all the names of the .ts files in chronological order. The files are all named as numbers, in my ...
Syed Shah's user avatar
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Dir piped into Set

Im trying to make a program that selects a file name, then pipes it into a variable. My Attempt: Dir /B "C:\Program Files (x86)\ServerMaster\Internals\Versions\Van1" | (set /p myVar= & set myVar)...
Brennan Olson's user avatar
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Difference between echo $(cal) and echo "$(cal)" [duplicate]

I'm using echo $(cal) and echo "$(cal)"in Linux and it gives me different results as in the picture. The double quotes should not interfere with $ in this case, so what gives the echo "$(cal)" that ...
ItsJay's user avatar
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How to redirect output to a file so the previous redirected output is not lost?

I'm quite new to all this, trying to run a basic batch file to output some commands to a document. It works fine until I add some more echos in. Example: echo "Failed Drives" > Report.rtf ...
user1051860's user avatar
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bash script:echo output garbled and in wrong order

I am having an issue with a bash script that is echoing output in an unexpected order. The script is as follows. The problem is with the output of lines 30-32. 1 IFS=$'\n' 2 i=1 3 bluered="" 4 ...
Brian's user avatar
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How to read a .txt file in a batch script on a network? [closed]

I'm making a little game because I was bored and I want it to work in a LAN network, my map files are in a shared file. When I try to echo the contents nothing comes out. Here is the code: ( ...
user1001402's user avatar
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Add variable space at the end of line in file

I want to add white space at the end of each line. Number of white space is in variable. If number of white space is fixed then I can use this command sed 's/$/ /g' for two spaces. space_variable=...
Vishal Patel's user avatar
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How reinstall the /bin/echo in my debian?

Something wrong for my /bin/echo command. sudo ls -al /bin/echo -rwxr-xr-x 1 root utmp 0 Nov 11 18:05 /bin/echo method1 to fix it: I knew that /bin/echo is in coretils. Remove coreutils first then ...
scrapy's user avatar
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find: ‘echo’: Permission denied

It is my os info: sudo uname -a Linux machine 4.9.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.110-3+deb9u6 (2018-10-08) x86_64 GNU/Linux Files beginning at test in /tmp. ls -al test* -rw-r--r-- 1 debian9 ...
scrapy's user avatar
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How to create a file with multiple lines and / - Windows Command Prompt

How can I create a file with multiple lines, / and " ? I am trying to create a scss file where I the text has multiple lines, / and " Is there any way where I don't have Here is the code I have ...
Mark Nunes's user avatar
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Batch Banner colored only

I would like to have the banner that I call always in red let's say and all the other text be white. How can I do ? Thank you. :BANNER CLS echo ___ _ _____ echo ...
Wyz's user avatar
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Set arbitrary text to windows clipboard

I'm using clip to set text on the clipboard. To do that, I use echo. echo Works|clip The problem is when the text contains special characters, eg. | ". echo (TRUE|FALSE)|clip echo " is a Quote Mark|...
Adamarla's user avatar
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use echo and another command in the same line in batch file

For for this code echo x set /p "a=>" result will be x set /p "a=>" The result i want is x> Please help,thanks
Anuja Nimesh's user avatar
38 votes
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What is wrong with “echo $(stuff)” or “echo `stuff`”?

I used one of the following echo $(stuff) echo `stuff` (where stuff is e.g. pwd or date or something more complicated). Then I was told this syntax is wrong, bad practice, non-elegant, excessive, ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
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Echo: Multiple commands

Hoi everybody, I am currently struggling with having to execute multiple commands in an echo. The following line is an example of the problem I am having: echo (cd .. && pwd) The idea is, ...
bublitz's user avatar
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append to end to line without newline

When i try to append to the end of a file it creates a new line. Now I have tried to fix this with echo -n but that doenst work. So what am I trying. I'm trying to get the following result: Hello ...
Kev30's user avatar
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How to echo from web to a file in windows terminal?

What I want is to run a command in a terminal that will download a Visual Studio git ignore raw file, save it to .gitignore file in a folder where my terminal is opened on my Windows 10 machine. I've ...
Dmytro's user avatar
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Eval and echo use together

I want to know if the code below can be improved of how it is written is the way to write it. If it wasn't clear I am a newbie to bash but my script completes its purpose. This code is trying to ...
M.O.'s user avatar
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Bash echo from input file with additional data

I currently have thousands of .jdx files and I've managed to find a way to get the lines I need from the files echoed into a new file. What I cant seem to do is get the additional data I need to be ...
user3179273's user avatar
19 votes
7 answers

Cat command and echo

I'd like to concatenate the output from echo with content of a file. I've tried the following comand: echo "abc" | cat 1.txt > 2.txt but the 2.txt file only contains the content from 1.txt. Why ...
Ringger81's user avatar
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Writing ECHO output to VBS File not working

I am writing a Batch Script that creates a VB Script by echoing each line and directing the output to the created file. It works for the most part, except for two lines that get Command Line variables ...
Christian Sirolli's user avatar
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echo command issue on Unix server

I am trying to copy some configurations to unix endpoint using below echo command, after copying i see few characters are missing or sometimes gets prefixes. example below. need your suggestion here....
technical quest's user avatar