Questions tagged [emacs]

For questions regarding usage of the Emacs text editor. See also the Emacs Stack Exchange:

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11 votes
2 answers

How can I disable smart indentation in emacs (and force either spaces or tabs)?

I want to make emacs insert either 4 spaces or a tab when I press the tab key. Nothing else. I don't want smart indentation, I don't want it to auto-align itself or try to do anything smart. I just ...
Chris Eberle's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Minimal emacs24 installation on ubuntu

I need a minimal emacs 24 installation for distribution in a virtual box. When I try to install emacs-snapshot from synaptics I get tons of stuff installed like ghostscript and imagemagic and various ...
Stefan Müller's user avatar
96 votes
12 answers

Can I create a link to a specific email message in Outlook?

I use Outlook as my email client at work, but I don't want to use it to manage my tasks and todos. (Instead I use plain text files and Emacs org-mode.) Since many todo items start out as mails in my ...
Christian Berg's user avatar
29 votes
8 answers

Where is the .emacs file?

I downloaded Emacs 23.1 from GNU's FTP site. I untarred it and built it after configuring. I do not find the .emacs file in my home directory or anywhere in my system! Am I missing something?
user avatar
26 votes
3 answers

How can I run Mac OSX graphical Emacs in daemon mode?

Short form: I want to run the Mac OSX version of Emacs found on as a daemon, with graphical and text clients connecting to it as-needed. In detail, here is the workflow I ...
Chris R's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

Disable Windows Key hotkeys when using Virtualbox

I'm currently running a VirtualBox of Arch Linux with Windows 7 x64 as the host. In Arch, I use dwm for window management. As dwm is heavily dependent on hotkeys, I've used the Alt key as its META key ...
statenjason's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

Don't change the cursor position when scrolling in Emacs

Is there a way to stop Emacs from automatically moving my text-cursor position (aka, point) while I'm scrolling? I keep losing my location and marks with this annoying behavior. I tested the ...
NVaughan's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

I'm an Emacs user. How do I learn Vim?

Most of the time, I use Emacs. However, I've decided to try to learn Vim. I'm happy with Emacs, I just am trying to avoid having it turn into Maslow's Hammer. I've seen a few tutorials, but I have ...
Jason Baker's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How can I apply a color-scheme (.el file) in emacs?

I have downloaded zenburn.el that is a color-scheme for Emacs, but I don´t know how I can apply it to emacs. I am a beginner in emacs. How do I apply my .el file to emacs? Can I do some linking from ...
Jonas's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

how can I make emacs use other css for orgmode publish

When using orgmode in Emacs, when I publish to HTML it uses a default CSS which doesn't look very nice. After publishing, I manually jank out the old CSS for a custom one. Is there a way in Emacs to ...
reinier's user avatar
  • 261
4 votes
2 answers

emacs variable to "open with" in original frame

i have long used emacs, and have even long used . recently, i upgraded to 23.3, and i discovered that a couple of default behaviors changed. one in particular that annoys me now is that ...
johndoe's user avatar
  • 41
3 votes
4 answers

How do I type the Spanish inverted question mark in Emacs?

I want to write in Spanish without having to keep Charmap open! How do I type the Spanish inverted question and exclamation marks? ¡Quiero escribir en Castellano sin usar el charmap! ¿Cómo escribo ...
Leonel's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

On OS X, how do I start Cocoa emacs *and* bring it to front?

I wrote a little zsh function to allow me to run emacs from the command-line: function emacs() { /Applications/ $@ & } This works perfectly, but it seems to ...
Jason Baker's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to define template for org-mode HTML export?

I am using org-mode to generate html pages from my notes. I used Publishing Org-mode files to HTML to setup blog system. I have defined an export template. But to use it I have to add following line ...
Andrew-Dufresne's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Auctex View works or does not depending on how I launched Emacs

I try to open a PDF in Skim from Emacs (via Auctex's View command) on MacOSX Mavericks 10.9.2. When I open by double-clicking or through Spotlight, it fails. Nothing happens. There's no ...
dcatteeu's user avatar
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47 votes
9 answers

How to make Emacs read buffer from stdin on start?

With Vim I can easily do $ echo 123 | vim - Is it possible to do with Emacs? $ echo 123 | emacs23 ... Emacs starts with a Welcome message $ echo 123 | emacs23 - ... Emacs starts with an empty *...
sastanin's user avatar
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36 votes
6 answers

How to awake Emacs GUI after pressing Ctrl+z

I'm using Emacs GUI in Gnome. After pressing Ctrl+z, the Emacs window is minimized. However, if I bring the window to the front, it doesn't respond to any key press or mouse event. I searched the web ...
Ning Sun's user avatar
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36 votes
12 answers

Which version of Emacs makes the best use of the Mac GUI? [closed]

On Windows and Ubuntu I use GNU Emacs, but FSF doesn't provide binaries for the Mac I have a decent version that came with Snow Leopard, but just running in the bash terminal. Is there a version ...
justinhj's user avatar
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32 votes
3 answers

How to switch back text encoding to UTF-8 with emacs?

Suddenly some of my text files, I'm editing with Emacs had changed and special characters were shown in a strange way, e. g. \344 instead of ä \374 instead of ü ... and so on. In another file I now ...
MostlyHarmless's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Emacs opens files in a new frame when opened with "open -a"

I want to be able to invoke Emacs from the command-line, and either start graphical Emacs if it isn't running or visit a file in an already running Emacs. I tried to do this with emacsclient which I ...
okonomichiyaki's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Getting Gmail in Emacs?

I'm trying to learn Emacs, and I think that getting gmail right in it would be cool. I've tried a but of tutorials online, but I couldn't figure out what a lot of them were talking about. A lot of ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

How can I write braces, { and }, in Emacs on Mac OS X with a scandinavian keyboard layout?

I can not write { and } in Emacs on my Macbook Air with a Swedish keyboard layout. In all other programs I do this by pressing alt + shift + ( for { and the corresponding keys with ) for }. How can I ...
Jonas's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

How to do select column then do editing in GNU Emacs?

I've been using ViM, TextMate, and GNU Emacs for years. For example here is the text I want to edit foo foo foo And here is the text result I want to have bar foo bar foo bar foo When I'm on Vim, ...
Arie's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Can I tell emacs to paste (middle mouse button) on the cursor position?

If I paste text from, for example, the browser into emacs, the emacs cursor is often already at the position where I want to paste the text. If I would use emacs in console mode, I could just move the ...
Flow's user avatar
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17 votes
8 answers

Windows 10 linux bash shell ctrl+space doesn't set mark in Emacs

In Windows 10 I installed Subsystem for Linux Bash. But I have a problem with shortcut in Emacs Ctrl+space doesn't set mark point. What i tried and didn't help: I tried to uncheck "enable Ctrl key ...
Pawel Dubiel's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Is there a way of using ctrl-r after typing part of command in bash?

In bash the Ctrl+r command is very useful, I type Ctrl+r whatever and it searchs my history for commands containing the word whatever. But if I type whatever and realize that I would like search that ...
skeept's user avatar
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15 votes
7 answers

Fullscreen Emacs in OSX

Is there any way of using Emacs in fullscreen mode in OSX. I'm currently using Emacs from Edit: This question is not relevant anymore since the release of Emacs version 24.4. ...
licorna's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

How do I fix my prompt in emacs shell-mode?

I'm doing some programming on a colleague's machine. He has a version of emacs (23.1.1) I haven't used before. My problem is that when I go to shell-mode, my bash prompt looks like this: ^[]0;jay@...
Jay Conrod's user avatar
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13 votes
10 answers

Emacs equivalent to VIM ci"?

Does emacs have the equivalent of VIMs ci" command? Basically I want to replace the text inside a set of quotation marks. In vim I can ci) or ci] or ci} to "change inner *"...
erikcw's user avatar
  • 243
13 votes
1 answer

How to exclude {{{ ... }}} in flyspell-mode and flyspell-buffer?

I edit a lot of MoinMoinWiki pages in my emacs and love the flyspell-mode. Preformatted stuff in {{{...}}} (in multiple lines) as well as "backtick text backtick" usually contains snippets of ...
towi's user avatar
  • 383
13 votes
4 answers

Emacs 24: Loading a package installed via ELPA

I have just installed the cmake-mode package in Emacs 24 using: M-x package-install cmake-mode I can see the package at: ~/.emacs.d/elpa/cmake-mode-20110824, and I can load it using the instruction ...
Chen Levy's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Emacs font settings not working in new frame

I'm trying to get comfortable with emacs. I installed emacs starter kit. Now I'm trying to customize fonts. In ~/.emacs.d/init.el I did (set-frame-font "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-m-...
George's user avatar
  • 273
9 votes
3 answers

Setting major-mode specific keybindings in emacs

In my .emacs file, I want to add a key binding for a specific major mode (setting coffee-compile-file to C-c C-c in coffee-mode). I've found a lot of instructions on using local-set-key and global-...
Jeff's user avatar
  • 93
9 votes
2 answers

How to open a file from bash command line in the already open Emacs instead of a new instance?

How to open a file from bash command line in the already open Emacs instead of a new instance? When I type $ emacs file.txt it opens a new Emacs instance, instead of opening the file in the ...
qazwsx's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How do I sort or move DONE items in org-mode?

I'm kind of new to org-mode in Emacs, and I'm investigating if it is suitable to replace Google Tasks for me. Google Tasks offers a "clear completed tasks" action, that removes all tasks that are ...
Michiel Borkent's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Customizing org-mode export template?

Related to this question: How to define template for org-mode HTML export? I'd like to customize the template inserted by hitting C-c C-e t such that I get a few customizations and even some help ...
justingordon's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Emacs installer for Windows 8

As of the 1st of April 2013 (and no, this is not an April Fool prank) the Emacs Windows FAQ states that Emacs 23.3 is known to run on all versions of Windows from Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 ...
dumbledad's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How do I send Ctrl-; in iterm2?

How can I send Ctrl+; in iterm2 (emacs)? There seems to be a solution here, here and here These are close to what I want, but I am still unable to make it work.
eugene's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How can I get emacs under windows to autocomplete paths in shell buffers using "\" instead of "/"?

I'm using emacs to work on linux, windows, osx and everything is fine except one annoying problem with shell buffers under windows. Autocompleting filenames would work great (better than standard ...
6502's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Send command to terminal from emacs

I'd like to run a command in a running iterm tab (or terminal, whatever) from elisp. I don't want to use a terminal emulator running under emacs, since I've yet to find one that handles output as well ...
spike's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to restore Emacs' windows and buffers from the last session?

How to restore Emacs' windows and buffers from the last session? The behavior I want is like in web browser that you can restore all the tabs from last session.
qazwsx's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Changing emacs bindings on Mac OS X for command to be meta

I'm using GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin, NS apple-appkit-1038.29) of 2010-05-08 on black.local on OS X. I downloaded it from here: My problem is that it doesn't ...
dar's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

mv: cannot move, Permission denied in WSL

I'm getting mv: cannot move, Permission denied error, but before claiming this is a dupe, please see what I've tried first: First of all, it has nothing to do with file or directory mode: $ mv -f ....
xpt's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

setting monospaced font on Emacs?

I used to use liberation mono font on emacs (on X11) on an Ubuntu system using the following command and it worked great: (custom-set-faces '(default ((t (:inherit nil :stipple nil :background "...
user46976's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Emacs unicode characters take up more vertical space

When I have the arrow (⇒) it takes up more vertical space in Emacs. So lines with this symbol have a different line height then the rest of my code. This really annoys me :). I have the following ...
Ernst-Jan's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to run a Cygwin program (xemacs) without showing a terminal window?

The title pretty much sums it up - I like editing text with xemacs running under cygwin, and I'd prefer not to have it spawn a console window when I start it from a shortcut. Any suggestions?
Marcin's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How to identify the emacs keybinding for something in the GUI?

I started using mu4e for email in emacs recently, and while I was successfully able to configure my email and get comfortable with the general navigations for keys, I can't seem to find the good old ...
Mittenchops's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Way too fast scrolling in Emacs on OSX

In GUI builds of emacs for OSX, the scrolling speed when using the trackpad in so fast that it's unusable. I already have the following lines in my init.el: (setq mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(1 ((...
selfawaresoup's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

I have started using emacs with -nw option - ctrl-home and ctrl-end don't work

In order to speed up my emacs work flow, I am trying out emacs -nw versus running in X-Windows mode. Ctrl-HOME and Ctrl-END are not working at all, and have tried editing .keymap files and following ...
codeasone's user avatar
  • 278
5 votes
4 answers

Features of Emacs that are complementary to Vim?

I've been using Vim extensively for a while now, and I really enjoy working with it. However, I keep reading praises for Emacs. I've decided to take a look at Emacs to round out my knowledge of the ...
redacted's user avatar
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