Questions tagged [exec]

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23 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What is the difference between running a from cmd line vs. double click?

I have a miner program and if i double click and run it, it works fine, but if i run it from the cmd line using executable name it doesnt run, it crashes. I tried to run with CreateProcess function ...
C.Unbay's user avatar
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unable to execute VBoxManage command in python executable (created with pyinstaller)

OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS make an file executable: pyinstaller -w --onefile script: import os VM = os.system('VBoxManage startvm win10 --type headless') if VM == 0: ...
ahsan azeem's user avatar
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How to NOT include parent directories when using zip command?

I need to: Traverse a directory and find all sub-sub-folders created for > X days ago Zip the content of these folders inside the sub-sub-folder and remove the previous content Example of file ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Opening a video through PHP's shell_exec fails on Mac OS X

I'm hosting a local web application on my computer (Mac OS X) which contains a button to open a video with QuickTime. On button click an AJAX request is made to a PHP script with the following content:...
mythbu's user avatar
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WsAppService.exe or Wondershare, is consuming all my RAM

Recently my PC started to freeze. The RAM was being clobbered. I do what I always to CNTRL + ALT + DEL to open taskmgr. Well non of the processes were there. So I decided to check Resource Monitor ...
ejbytes's user avatar
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How to kill a process that calls execv?

A process that calls execv is not dying, by, what looks like, design. Example borrowed from here: #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> main() { pid_t ...
tarabyte's user avatar
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Empty line appears while merging different file contents in shell script

I have written shell script to merge different file's contents I have created directories f1,f2,d1,d2 and files under them , I need to merge all files's contents : comand is find /home/ah5024331/f1 /...
user's user avatar
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How to enable program execution blocked by domain group policy

How can i enable program execution from any path in local computer using regedit when it's blocked by domain policy? I managed to remove policy restrictions from registry but this one escaped.
CodeArtist's user avatar
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execl: couldn't exec `/bin/sh'

I accidentally moved the whole bin, boot, dev and etc directory. After moving everything back I get the following error email from various cron jobs: execl: couldn't exec `/bin/sh' execl: No such ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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How do I get all executed commands programmatically in linux shell?

Despite having the history file, how do I programmatically get every command being executed in shell?
RickyLo's user avatar
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How to pipe data from one terminal to another under Windows with Ubuntu and WSL

The problem arise to provide online help to developers using an interpreter, and has been realised with Cygwin + mintty + a home grown interpreter. So relevance and principles are well known in a ...
Jørgen Steensgaard's user avatar
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How can I stop firewalld from interrupting an existing outgoing ssh exec session when it is started or restarted?

I have a java program running on a Centos7 server that continuously "tails" a file on another Centos7 server using the JSch library to run an ssh exec process to run a shell script on the ...
Ross's user avatar
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Circular pipe in bash

I need a circular pipe in Bash. This doesn’t work: exec 3>&1 | socat | awk | socat >&3 #exec 3>&1 This works: exec 3> /dev/stderr ; echo test >&3 Can somebody provide ...
iwl's user avatar
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How to copy grepped files using Find, Grep and Exec in Git Bash

I've looked everywhere for an answer and nothing seems to be working out. In Git Bash, I need to figure out how to take files found with grep and copy them elsewhere. The instructions were to use the ...
jbingham1227's user avatar
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Tweaking sfx exe file not to be opened by WinRAR or any other extraction utility

Is it possible to change a .sfx.exe file to disguise its real identity and behave like a real PE? Is there any other packager tool to make a standalone or autonomous exe that consists of, for example,...
hussein5's user avatar
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nohup process keep shutting down

I am trying to run 10.000 processes to create asterisks phone accounts. This is to stress-test our Asterisk server. I called with php an exec() function to create a Linux command. nohup /usr/src/...
Wesley Schravendijk's user avatar
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Set volume using php exec and amixer

I wrote a little php script to control the volume of my local machine with alsa: <?php # for simplicity and testing it really just executes the command: echo exec('amixer set Master 5%+') . " \n"; ...
Markus Kottländer's user avatar
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Shell script force stop without waiting for the exit code

I have written a shell script on my CentOS box with the following content: #!/bin/sh # # description: check link through rtmpdump # . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions DUMPUTIL=/usr/bin/...
PinoyPal's user avatar
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Open file using bash with unix executable

I have an application which loads using a bash script e.g /Applications/ I can load this using bash like so "/Applications/" However, I ...
Ke.'s user avatar
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Preventing Apache to access root FS via exec

Actually I discovered that I can access the root via exec in php something like <?php echo exec('cat /etc/passwd'); ?> will print the content of the passwd file, note that with cd command ...
rednaks's user avatar
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PHP exec iconv doesn't work

I have an .sh script and an iconv command inside. I can't use the PHP iconv function. I don't knwo why but with my script the iconv command doesn't do anything. It's creating an empty file without ...
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Start .bat file via php

I'm using system('START C:\[address]\refresh.bat'); but when I start this I get: C:\[address]>git fetch 'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. ...
Hopm Mpoн's user avatar
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How to run exec command in a loop until it is successful

I want run exec $Docker-run command until it's successful on redhat linux. Looping over it? $Docker-run = docker run --env-file .env Image-name Can anyone provide a solution?
skillshot07's user avatar