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Questions tagged [file-shortcut]

*.lnk shortcuts - small files providing parameters (e.g. command line) for launching an application, icon, etc.

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Can't remove folder shortcut left behind by program I uninstalled

I had an old Daemon Tools program installed on my PC. It is for mounting ISOs as virtual drives and when installed automatically creates an explorer shortcut named "IMAGE CATALOG" in which ...
Michaelreyk's user avatar
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Why does my Windows shortcut have a target location of "7" in the properties?

I created a shortcut on my desktop which executes a Powershell command to restart explorer.exe. For some reason, in the properties window, the target location is listed as 7. What does this mean?
Jacob Stamm's user avatar
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I can't insert long paths in the "Target" box in Windows 11 shortcut properties (might consider using vbs or batch)

I'm trying to create a Windows shortcut that will be put in my startup folder. The shortcut starts a program (Discord), but with a 1-minute delay. I'm doing this because my (ancient) core i3-2100 PC ...
Mik's user avatar
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Folder Shortcut Infotips don't Display Target Folder Info

How display a folder shortcut's infotip popup with the same items as the original folder's infotip? I'm aware of how to add properties to shortcut infotips via Regedit, but that approach only allows ...
SorryForMyEN's user avatar
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Is there a Windows equivalent of Linux `.desktop` file to execute various commands (like as many custom "apps")

I am using Windows in parallel with Linux again, and I've got all the Linux habits and reflexes, without which I feel very frustrated. For example, how to create a file to launch a terminal with a ...
cipricus's user avatar
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Command Prompt link folder files to another drive and folder like a shortcut

What is the command syntax to link file folder files from one drive to another drive, folder Example: Link drives from a full drive C: Documents (all files) to D: Documents (linked back to the C: ...
NewGuy7456's user avatar
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EXE on a network drive - how to create a shortcut on taskbar?

I've created a .bat file that runs the network exe, but it does not allow it to be made a shortcut on the taskbar: Within my runme.bat file: cmd /c start w:\programs\app.exe That does not work. I've ...
JeffR's user avatar
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How to access PHPMyAdmin from the web on a VPS (IaaS) server environment? [closed]

Ubuntu server 22.10. If PHPMyAdmin doesn’t have this path /var/www/html/phpmyadmin then how could I access it from https://IP-ADDRESS/phpmyadmin? I thought about creating a softlink from /usr/share/...
alhemister's user avatar
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Creating directory shortcuts with WSL

I'm trying to create a shortcut to a directory using ln in WSL, so that double-clicking it opens the directory: while it works if the shortcut is created in the same disk, it creates a 0 B file if the ...
Mauro's user avatar
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How do I make a (desktop) shortcut to play a specific folder in the new Windows Media Player?

I have experience with you being able to make a shortcut for VLC where you specify VLC's .exe location, then you add "-LZ" with the folder location after that to start playing media (music) ...
BruhGamingNL's user avatar
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Replace linked shortcuts with actual paths to files and folders in Windows

I have a folder: X:\cases\XYZ and in this folder I have 2 subfolders and a windows shortcut (.lnk) file that points to another share: Research Files 3d.lnk ==> Z:\3d\XYZ I have a user that wants ...
Jim Jawn's user avatar
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How do I open the file location of a shortcut's target? [duplicate]

I have a shortcut to a file. This file is inside of a folder. In Thunar, I have the folder that the shortcut itself is in (i.e. not the folder that the shortcut's target is in). I wish to open the ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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3 answers

File shortcuts don't work or throwing association error in Windows 11

I accidentally broke up my Windows 11 registry regarding shortcuts. To be honest, I also forgot to export a copy of the registry before making changes. Yeah, I know it's dumb, but it happened. I ...
xyz124's user avatar
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Create a Windows shortcut that behaves like the actual file

I have file A. I need to put it in folder B but I update it from another folder where things are centralized. For obvious reasons, .lnk shortcuts don't behave like symlinks. Is there a way to create a ...
Aaron Liu's user avatar
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No icon showing for shortcuts to Windows Apps

I'm running the latest version of Windows 10, but I have had this problem for a long time now. I have shortcuts to applications in a number of places. Some key examples include on my desktop, on the ...
Sean Worle's user avatar
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Windows - Is there a way to quickly copy the content of a file (always the same file) to clipboard

I'm working in a limited enterprise environement. I do stuff in ssh through Putty (cannot use any other terminal) and in my linux environment, when I do a vim yank or a tmux yank I added the behaviour ...
Percee's user avatar
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Drag and drop files onto batch script shortcut in Windows 11

I frequently need to process a bunch of files with a batch script. The way I usually do this is by selecting the files in the explorer and then drag-and-dropping them onto a shortcut to the script (...
kassiopeia's user avatar
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How do I make a shortcut (.lnk) to run a .exe file in the same folder so that it works when I switch computers (all file paths are different)

I have a folder on my PC. Within that folder, there is a shortcut (.lnk) and an executable file (.exe). When I click on the shortcut, the .exe file should run. I have managed to achieve this no ...
Matthias's user avatar
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Create shortcut with today's date in the target

I am working with a sequence of files which contain today's date in the title (e.g. contributions_20220909.csv). I want to create a shortcut which allows me to open today's file in read-only mode e.g. ...
user7868's user avatar
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Create shortcut from a link to a specific paragraph in OneNote document: the URL seems too long for a shortcut

I am using the OneNote version with Office 365 for Windows. OneNote has long allowed users to generate links to specific paragraphs. When these links appear in other OneNote documents or in Word ...
user697473's user avatar
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Windows shortcut - relative path on removable drive

bascially, there are several threads that ask more or less the same, but none seems to really answer the question for my case. So, I have a removable drive (usb flash drive), which has one *.bat file ...
nameless's user avatar
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How do I add a desktop shortcut in Windows 10?

Some installers don’t bother creating a desktop shortcut. Obviously I can find the application from the Start button. I should have thought there must be a simple way of creating a desktop shortcut ...
Manngo's user avatar
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shortcut for changing how files are organised in file explorer

configuring some macros inside of Logitech G hub, I'm setting them up for each application. I was going through the shortcuts in file explorer and assigning them to hotkeys, although cant work out if ...
Tom_nerd's user avatar
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HTML file on Windows desktop

I no longer have a Windows machine to work with. If I make an HTML file containing links a friend wants, and he puts it on his Windows 10 desktop, what I think should happen is the same thing that ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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Internet shortcut (.url) opens print dialog in Windows 10 and not showing an icon

When I drag from browser's (Brave, Chrome, Edge, Firefox) address bar a link to the desktop, it creates a shortcut without an icon, and when opened, it opens up as a Print dialog. Default action of ....
Rudolph's user avatar
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Is there any way to dynamically select a filepath in a windows shortcut?

My company is using a program that is launched through a particular URL through Chrome. As many of my coworkers are not computer literate, I want to make sure I have working shortcuts to make access ...
Ryan Strong's user avatar
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Is it possible to create shortcut to a page in a Word or pdf file?

Looks like one can create a link to open a particular page in a pdf file as described here: Is it possible to create a shortcut to a ...
ewr3243's user avatar
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Edit a shortcut to run as administrator

I use Visual Studio, which I usually need to have running as Administrator - I've set the startup shortcut to run as admin by default. Every time there's a Visual Studio update, I have to manually ...
KenD's user avatar
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How can I add a shortcut of a file to the start menu?

I have an image file (JPG format) in the Document folder of Windows 10. I would like to make a shortcut button in the start menu so that I can access that image very quickly. How can I do this? In ...
user67275's user avatar
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How to reset shortcuts (.lnk file) in windows 11?

I was trying to make PyCharm default for .ipynb files instead of VS code, but I accidentally chose the shortcut of Pycharm and now all my .lnk files are opened by PyCharm. I tried to follow some ...
ally4_'s user avatar
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Start >Run> "MS-Settings:(insert name)", Gives me "No apps are installed to open this type of link"

I'm on Windows 8.1 Core Running for example ms-settings:defaultapps Gives me "No apps are installed to open this type of link" And wants me to choose a program to open with.. Also ...
hosa's user avatar
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How to create an application shortcut with additional parameters on Mac OS

I'm trying to create an application shortcut on Mac OS (Monterey), which is as similar as possible to a normal app shortcut, but the solution I've come up with isn't really elegant and not very ...
Lethargos's user avatar
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Bulk-convert shortcuts to target

(Windows10) Sometimes I need to create a subset of a master photos folder, but I am trying to be cute and save space by creating the SUBSETFOLDER somewhere, then selecting the pictures I want, right-...
Eskimo007's user avatar
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Windows Shortcut with Relative File Path

I have created a tool that uses Google Chrome App Mode to work. In order to access it, I have a shortcut to google chrome that opens the specific html page. Currently, I have an absolute path, but I ...
Anthony LoPrimo's user avatar
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4 answers

How to universalize a shortcut?

I made a game and I put all my code and executable in the code folder. I created a shortcut to the executable outside the folder so users won't have to dig in the folder to find the exe. Problem is ...
Subham's user avatar
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How to search for only shortcuts on Google Drive

Google Drive rolled out the new shortcuts which will soon replace the "one file in multiple folder" feature (to be deprecated by September 30). Now the question is if we create shortcuts of ...
Freelensia's user avatar
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Where a console application properties (like font, location, etc.) are remembered?

I start a console, by typing start cmd, or a PowerShell 7 console by typing start pwsh Then I use left upper menu -> Properties to set font size, layout, etc. Next time the particular console ...
g.pickardou's user avatar
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Website link + ctr -f shortcut

There is a specific paragraph on a webpage that I want to share with my visitors. However it takes a while to scroll down and find the text. Ctr+ f solves that issue. However, you have to do that ...
Gianna's user avatar
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Is it possible to open Word internal link to paragraph from shortcut?

Is it possible to open Word internal link to paragraph from shortcut? It was definitely possible before and you can still do it in OneNote, but i can't find a way to do it in Word now.
cain999's user avatar
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Edit shortcuts with invalid paths

I often need to create or edit a shortcut (a .lnk file) for an other computer. Of course the path that is defined in these shortcuts is not always valid for my computer since I don't have the same ...
heartfailure's user avatar
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Windows 10 Shortcut Relative Path to Batch File (for Portable App)

Good Morning! Trying to make a portable set of batch files to help with testing another program. I have the batch files I want with their respective relative paths, but now I am trying to make a ...
user149483's user avatar
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Windows 10 shortcuts to games from platforms broken (.url files)

From several platforms (Steam, Epic) I have a few shortcuts on my desktop to start the games. Just yesterday I installed a new game with a new shortcut, which I will take as example. So I installed &...
XtremeBaumer's user avatar
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Shortcut to Windows Security Protection history

Is there a (text) shortcut to Protection history in Windows Security? The menu is located at Windows Security (or paste %windir%\explorer.exe windowsdefender: into Start menu) > Virus & threat ...
NiteCyper's user avatar
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Powershell doesn't find certain files

I've recently run into an issue where Powershell (and only Powershell) refuses to run certain files. Outside Powershell, such as in explorer or in cmd, everything works fine. But in Powershell (...
Sara J's user avatar
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How can I create a shortcut to a specific Settings page?

I use a certain page of Windows 10 Settings quite often, so I'm trying to create a shortcut to place it on Desktop or Taskbar. It is worth noting that the standard Settings shortcut is available, but ...
Be Brave Be Like Ukraine's user avatar
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Windows Bash file to prioritize execution of redundant .exe files

I use a password manager for all of my passwords. The preferred .exe is run from an encrypted USB-Drive. I have a backup on my laptop inside a VeraCrypt container, and another hosted on a server. I ...
jon.bray.eth's user avatar
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How to set shortcut target to current folder

I want to be able to launch a software on the current folder the shortcut is located. By including the folder path at the end of the "Target" property of the shorcut, I already manage to do that. ...
G. Okamoto's user avatar
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Can windows create internet shortcut of a local file on its own?

I found a internet shortcut for one of my file (an encrypted folder which was available on my drive) on my windows 10. And i never had created such internet shortcut. So is there any reason why ...
Ram Shukla's user avatar
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Run console program targeted by a .lnk from another shell (Powershell Core)?

I have a folder of .lnk shortcuts to CLI apps in different folders. The shortcut folder is added to PATH, and my PATHEXT contains the ".lnk" extension. As a result, I can just type ffplay in my shell, ...
a-n's user avatar
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How to create a Windows shortcut that passes the current folder as a parameter

In Windows 7-10, how can you create a shortcut that uses the current folder (directory) as a parameter? For example: Target: example.exe "%CD%" (where %CD% gets automatically replaced by the ...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar