Questions tagged [firebug]

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9 votes
3 answers

How to remove Firefox's "inspect element" button?

This is driving me crazy! When FF 12 came out, Firefox's own 'Inspect Element' button on the right-click menu took the place of there the Firebug 'Inspect Element' button used to be. As I've been ...
CamelBlues's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

In Firebug, how can I stop a redirect?

In Firebug, how can I stop a redirect? I want to examine and edit a webpage before it redirects. Under the Net tab, using Persist I can see all the GET including the previous pages and the redirect ...
Xonatron's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to edit parameters sent through a form on the Firebug console?

When you sent data over a form, you can see what exactly you sent if you see the logs on the Firebug console. It also gives you an option to resend the data. Is there is a way to edit that data within ...
Cain Nuke's user avatar
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2 answers

Switching User-Agent in Firefox 4

How can I fake/switch the User-Agent in Firefox 4? The User Agent Switcher Add-On doesnt seem to work with Firefox 4. I have firebug, but I'm unaware of any feature for switching user-agent in it
Ben G's user avatar
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