Questions tagged [flashing]

It is the process of writing (burning) a firmware (aka image) to a reprogrammable chip such as an EEPROM.

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14 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to update BIOS to UEFI?

I just ran the Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant on an older machine (just for fun) and was informed that due to lack of UEFI firmware, Secure Boot would not be supported. Is it possible for motherboard ...
Karan's user avatar
  • 56.5k
2 votes
5 answers

SD card scam: Is it possible to undo and “hack” it back to the original size?

I bought a 1 TB Micro SD Card off of Amazon and got scammed. When I put it in the computer it looks like it's the right size. But if I reformat it or check the drive information with any kinda of ...
GoreDefex's user avatar
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