Questions tagged [gif]

gif (or Graphics Interchange Format) is an image format originally invented by CompuServe for web usage. It supports a 256-bit palette, transparency, and animation.

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Why am I getting pixelated videos in FFmpeg when converting to a GIF?

I want to encode this WEBM video: I have been noticing the fact that FFmpeg has been played up when it comes to quality. I am doing WEBM to GIF, if that ...
Missing User's user avatar
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FFmpeg batch compressing mp4s and changing them to gifs

I want to take a folder of mp4s and with ffmpeg compress them and turn them into gifs. I do this for each file using this code: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -tune zerolatency -preset ultrafast -...
RayRay's user avatar
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How do I create very large .gif files from .png frames, avoiding memory limitations?

I would like to create a .gif from single .png frames and am dealing with lots of very large files. The .png files are roughly 10GB in total. So far, I have done the following: ffmpeg -framerate 30 ...
knods's user avatar
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Make a GIF image with an exact given byte size

For a specific task (replace an image inside a firmware without any data offset shifting), I need to create a GIF file of size 409x240 pixels of exactly 6449 bytes: offset 0-5: GIF89a (magic string) ....
Basj's user avatar
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How do I create a perfectly seamless loop gif from a video which has multiple cycles?

Let's say for example I have a video of a ball going around in a circle. In the video, it's obvious it is a loop and the entire video is around 1 minute and 20 seconds long, so the ball goes around ...
DavidNyan10's user avatar
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combining two animated GIF icons [closed]

I'm trying to combine two GIF icons and I would like the result to be like what I see when I open a document in libreoffice draw or libreoffice impress , import these 2 icons and group them : both are ...
mazda's user avatar
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Inserted GIFs photos do not animate in Microsoft Word 2016

I make lots of proposals on a daily basis. I would like to know how I can put animated photos that would play in Microsoft Word and subsequently in my PDF documents.
Shariq's user avatar
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How to convert gifs to video while keeping framerate

edit: Looks like converting the gifs may not really be changing the frame rate, guess the question is moot. I have a lot of gifs nested in multiple subdirectories and they have different frame rates ...
cudnn_account's user avatar
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ffmpeg convert directory GIF in linux

Hi i'm trying to convert a directory of gifs to mp4 but i don't know how to i'm use this code for single file please help me !ffmpeg -i /content/drive/MyDrive/1/ -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p -...
Dan Gonzalez's user avatar
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Colors change when converting GIF to VP9 WebM using FFmpeg

The colors come out fine when I try using VP8 WebM or H264 MP4, but whenever I use VP9 WebM there's a slight change in color. The change in color can be seen in Chrome, not sure about other browsers ...
SportySpice's user avatar
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Automate copying new file in specific folder to clipboard

I'm using a macOS app to create GIFs (called GifFox) but the app does not offer a feature to auto-save to clipboard. However, I can define the location the GIF will be saved to. How can I create an ...
Moritz W's user avatar
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How to convert a pixel art gif into an HD mp4? [duplicate]

I'm a pixel animator on twitter, with a problem... The website only hosts video files, and will automatically convert gifs into aggressively compressed mp4 files that are 10kb big, destroying the art....
Anne Quinn's user avatar
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Pixel Art Gif to Webm

I have a large gif file (100+ MB) and I'd like to convert it to webm to reduce the size of the final file to 10-12 MB. I'm using ffmpeg to do this and it converts the file just fine except the ...
Anodos's user avatar
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ffmpeg not working for URL input(directly like -i "")

i've been facing issue with parsing URL input to ffmpeg executable. earlier i used to check the details for GIF such as FPS & resolution using "ffmpeg.exe"but now it has stopped working ...
Abhishek choudhary's user avatar
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Extracting text from animated GIF file

I have a GIF file that shows a scrolling down through a table. That table has data that I need to extract. Here is how the file looks like, BTW, I have video files that show the same. With extensions ...
Eslam's user avatar
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How to slow down gif in Photoshop?

I have a gif file and I want to make it slow motion. I figured I can achieve desired result by duplicating each frame in the gif several times. The problem is there are a lot of frames and duplicating ...
blablaalb's user avatar
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ffmpeg: set fixed GIF framerate while using filter_complex

I'm using ffmpeg to create a GIF from a sequence of images. Also using filter_complex option to generate a boomerang fx. ffmpeg -framerate 20 -i frames/%07d.png -y -filter_complex [0]reverse[r];[0][r]...
gherkins's user avatar
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Make a GIF of animated object in PowerPoint

I want to export my animated PowerPoint object (not the entire slide) as GIF. Directly to GIF instead of Video if possible. How can I do so? Version Info: I have PowerPoint 365 on windows 11
Ishan Jindal's user avatar
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How to lower the file size of a GIF file?

I am using Peek for screen recording into a GIF file. Sometimes I want to remove useless part of the file. For this purpose I use Kdenlive. After editing and rendering a final file become much bigger ...
dos4dev's user avatar
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Add single pixel to .gif file using ffmpeg

I have several thousand .gif files (with alpha channels) and I want to add a single red pixel (no transparency) in the bottom left hand corner of each .gif file. Each one has different dimensions. How ...
EllipticalInitial's user avatar
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How to convert BMPs (bitmap black&white) to 1-bit color depth animated GIF

I have a sequence of BMPs that are 1bpp (1-bit color depth, black & white of course). I want to combine them into a single animated GIF, with 1-bit color depth. Is this possible? So far I have ...
Lê Thành Vinh 's user avatar
3 votes
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ffmpeg - Add text to existing gif without gif decolorization / pixilation

I am trying to add text to a gif, but after I add it there is some image decolorization & pixilation that happens. The command I am running on a to add text to the gif is as follows: ffmpeg -i ...
Edon's user avatar
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Upscale Gif File with Nearest Neighbor Interpolation (Integer Multiple) on Windows (Gifsicle)

I want to upscale a .gif file with nearest neighbor interpolation on Windows from commandline (I am scaling by integer multiples). I have tried gifsicle 1.92 but for some reason it doesn't work ...
EllipticalInitial's user avatar
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ffmpeg - how to add multiple overlay gifs on top of video + command generator runs forever

the user will choose multiple gifs, scale them, put them in the desired position on screen, then they will be overlayed on top of a video .. in simple case where user choose only one gif to overlay .. ...
عبدالله لبيب's user avatar
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Making GIFs with ffmpeg: what does "transparency_color" do?

I've been making GIFs from PNGs using FFmpeg, using commands like the following: ffmpeg -framerate 10 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' -filter_complex "[0:v] split [a][b];[a] palettegen=...
DDuf's user avatar
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FFmpeg: Apply Unique Palette To Every Frame of a .GIF?

⋯ Have .GIF with duration of 10 seconds at 15fps, for a total of 150 frames. Want to use different palette for every frame. Have palette files: p1.png, p2.png, p3.png etc … p150.png - What's my ffmpeg ...
Rowe Morehouse's user avatar
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Add image above gif with ffmpeg

I cut out the top part of a 320x356 gif as follows: ffmpeg -i image.gif -filter:v "crop=320:226:0:130" out.gif I have a text image that I want to put where the cut out part was; how do I do ...
H.v.M.'s user avatar
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convert images to gif error marking filters as finished

I'm converting pretty large .png files to gif (2000X1000) I used this article about a year ago to write a script after interpolating to find a ...
Conrad B's user avatar
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A PNG sequence to a GIF results in artifacts

Why would FFmpeg create these artifacts like remaining pixels on the edges of the animation where objects have already removed and how to remove these? Why would it create this magenta/red colored ...
Artfaith's user avatar
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Imagemagick file conversion not working?

I am trying to convert a file from .gif to .bmp using this command: convert -coalesce pixels8.gif out.bmp While doing this i get this error: convert-im6.q16: memory allocation failed `pixels8.gif' @ ...
JaydevSR's user avatar
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Why is the Batch script I created to convert MP4 files to GIF files with FFmpeg not working?

This is what I have so far. It runs, but throws an error. I have come up with the following below. for %%a in ("*.mp4") do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -t 3 -vf "fps=10, scale=320, flags=...
Christopher Shaw's user avatar
7 votes
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How to control gif loop settings in FFmpeg

I'm able to export a sequence of images as a gif with FFmpeg: ffmpeg -vsync 2 -safe 0 -f concat -i "file:concat.txt" -lavfi palettegen=stats_mode=diff[pal],[0:v][pal]paletteuse=new=1:...
Nicke Manarin's user avatar
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FFMPEG : create a looping video with specific time

I'm trying to convert a GIF file into video and merge the output video with an audio file, so the final result will be a video + audio. public static String makeVideo(String inputGifPath, String ...
Mouaad Abdelghafour AITALI's user avatar
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Is it possible to embed a GIF in an RTF file?

I write a lot of tutorials using RTF as the format, but would like to be able to insert animated GIFs into them. I am wondering if this is possible with some code of any kind? I tried to drag and drop ...
Kalamalka Kid's user avatar
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How can I limit the number of colors used in a GIF file while converting a MP4 to a GIF with FFmpeg?

I have this command that I found somewhere on SuperUser that converts an MP4 to a GIF: ffmpeg -i INPUT_FILE.MP4 -vf "fps=16,scale=160:-1:flags=lanczos,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen[p];[s1][p]...
Unsigned_Arduino's user avatar
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Saving a webpage along with its gifs [duplicate]

I'm looking for a way to save a wepgage along with its gifs (example). I know how to save a single gif, but my goal is to save the whole webpage (not as a pdf) and its gifs so that, when I open the ...
Gennaro Arguzzi's user avatar
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How to edit .webm files or convert them to good quality .gif, to edit in GIMP

I have a short scene from some TV show in a .webm format. I wanted to edit it, to create a simple funny animation/meme. I know how to edit .gif in a GIMP frame by frame, so I thought about converting ...
Learner's user avatar
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FFMPEG keeps converting without stopping when using HStack to combine a gif with an video while also using a scale2ref filter

I am trying to combine/merge a gif/image with a video to output a video that has both in one frame. For that purpose i'm using FFMPEG on nodejs. The filter I am using is Hstack and since the content ...
khan_a's user avatar
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How can I identify GIF files that were written by FFMPEG?

I have lot of gif files, several thousand. Some of them was created by me, and I nearly always used ffmpeg when encoding the gif. Now I would like to select those animations from the large ...
Konstantin's user avatar
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Combine Audio and Gif into a video while preserving transparency using ffmpeg

I'm trying to combine an audio file and a gif into a video and I'm running into some issues despite trying quite a few solutions over Stack Overflow. I would like the combined file duration to match ...
Dimitri Cabete Jorge's user avatar
5 votes
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Batch convert WebP files to GIF files offline?

Writing a batch script to convert all WebP files to be GIF format. Looking at the closest utility offered by Google, I don't see an immediately obvious way to do that. I don't like having to use ...
Ghoti and Chips's user avatar
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Cut gif with FFmpeg while retaining quality?

I'm attempting to cut a gif using -ss and -t in FFmpeg but it's drastically decreasing the quality in comparison to the original gif. I'm using this command: ffmpeg -y ` -i "S:\Videos\Saved Clips\...
ninbura's user avatar
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Why different frame count on ffprobe?

Question I use ffmpeg. Why are the frame counts different between A_COMAND and B_COMAND? sample_gif A_COMAND: $ ffmpeg -i ./for_sample.gif -vf mpdecimate,setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB ./tmp/%1d.png can ...
ikshi's user avatar
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How to compress gif effectively to reduce size?

We use gifs for our blog extensively. We used to embed tenor nano gifs(90px height maintaining aspect ratio, used for GIF previews and shares on mobile) in it. Now we wanted to create our own gifs and ...
Rohit Sai Janga's user avatar
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ffmpeg png to gif losing first half of frame list with fifo filter

Can anybody suggest a solution to (or at least a cause for) the following snag I'm experiencing in Windows 10, please? While I originally thought this was, maybe, a problem with the source images, I'm ...
Quin Benson's user avatar
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Turning a series of PNG files into GIF with black transparent background

I have a series of RGB PNG images and I'd like to turn them into a single animated GIF file with black=transparent. The following command was recommended elsewhere, but it doesn't seem to turn the ...
hints's user avatar
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Do 60 FPS GIF's actually exist? Or is the maximum 50 FPS?

I've been recently playing around with FFmpeg and I was trying to convert .avi to .gif since other methods I've tried to so far didn't work so well. What I noticed is that, when I use this command: ...
karl-police's user avatar
4 votes
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Convert animated gif to animated webp using FFmpeg

How can I convert animated gif (with Alpha channel) to animated webp? I stuck with transparent background, I can't figure out how to convert gif with transparent background to webP with transparent ...
Nirel's user avatar
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Rendering a high-fps gif from a video with ffmpeg?

I've been at this for about an hour. I've extracted the frames from my clip and rendered the frames to a mp4 with no problem. The mp4 plays exactly like how I'd like my gif to play, but when using ...
boingz's user avatar
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ffmpeg gif frames overlapping when made from transparent images

I'm trying to make a gif from a series of transparent pngs but when I play the resulting gif back the frames overlap the first frame can be seen through. Here's the command I was using(as part of a ...
kolopo's user avatar
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