Questions tagged [gmail-imap]

IMAP is the Internet Message Access Protocol, and is often used when connecting to a Gmail account from a third party application.

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3 votes
2 answers

Using Thunderbird and gmail, sent items appear as unread in "All Mail"

I'm using a gmail account in Thunderbird. When I send a message, a new mail notification appears (sound and system try icon), an unread message appears in the gmail All Mail folder, and the account ...
Trevor's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

How can I import a .PST to GMail?

I desperately need the content of an email that I received at my work account (Exchange) from 2 years back. I no longer work there, my email account is long deleted, but I have a copy of the .PST ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Sub-folders in Dovecot?

How can I enable my Dovecot IMAP server to support sub-folders? When I am trying to do an imapsync from my Gmail account to my Dovecot IMAP server I keep getting the following error: NO [CANNOT] ...
GeekTantra's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

is it possible to link different email accounts to different network profiles?

My work firewall for wired internet blocks almost every port except http, https and maybe a few other web-related ports (993, 465 and everything else to do with IMAP is blocked). Impenetrable for, ...
alle_meije's user avatar