Questions tagged [goalseek]

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3 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to automate goal seeking formulas in Excel?

I have to use the following formula: =POWER(b,(d+1))-N*(b-1)-1 I need to find b, so every time I run this I have to select the values for d and N, and then goal seek to make b the calculated value....
efficiencyIsBliss's user avatar
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1 answer

Excel function goal seek

I have 2 questions about the Goal Seek function: Can I set the "To value:" to equal the value of a specific cell such as U3? How can I do this function for 5 cells at the same time?
Ahmed Ali 's user avatar
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1 answer

How to convert Goal Seek to formula?

I have the following formula for working out the profit margin: (Revenue - Cost) / Revenue I am now required to work backwards starting from Profit Margin. I have a column for Revenue change % where ...
sonic99's user avatar
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Linear interpolation in Excel 2007

I want to know how I can programmatic use my linear interpolate equation without having the user or myself to use the Goal Seek function in the data menu, well I could use the function but I want it ...
user616693's user avatar
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Excel Solver Not Finding a Feasible Solution and Goal Seek Not Solving Entirely

I am creating a weekly payment schedule to pay off a loan, and I am using Solver to determine the weekly payment I should make to pay off the loan by a certain date where the payment amount remains ...
Phil's user avatar
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1 answer

Goal Seek says there are circular references, but there aren't

I have never used stack-overflow so I apologize if my question is formatted incorrectly. Currently I am working on an excel workbook that is basically every single financial sheet in a company (...
Olivia White's user avatar
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How to do a reverse goal seek formula in order to solve this equation?

I have created a model whereby I've got the following: Cost (column P) Dealer price (Column S) Current List price (Column T) I've then done some market research and have adjusted List pricing (RRP) ...
sonic99's user avatar
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1 answer

Automated Goal Seek - Excel

I have been using goal seek successfully to back into a known number. This works great with a handful of lines - now I need it for 100s (probably 1000s) of lines. Any help would be greatly appreciated....
S Reinstein's user avatar