Questions tagged [google-cloud-platform]

Cloud computing platform offered by Google. Questions about cloud services are on topic here only if the question is about the operating system or using a PC application hosted there. Otherwise, other sites on the network may be more appropriate.

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GCP won't provision SSL certs for Load Balancer w/ HTTPS redirect

If I have 2 ip addresses in the A record to enable the http->https redirect, the cert provisioner can't seem to see find it. Checking the DNS propagation seems okay. What would be happening here? ...
a11hard's user avatar
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No turbo boost on GCP N1 servers using Ubuntu 18.04

I have created a GCP machine with 12 cores, using the "N1 Series". Using lscpu, the CPU appears to be an Intel Xeon E5 v3 (Haswell) @ 2.30GHz. According to the GCP documentation, these cores ...
MasterScrat's user avatar
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Issue With Google Cloud Platform GUI Flickering

Ok, this is bizarre and I'm not sure if I'm in the right place or not so sorry in advance. when I access the Google Cloud platform the Console GUI.. the page starts flickering: Screenshot I don't know ...
ShifraSec's user avatar
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Public and private keys in Google Cloud and WinSCP

I'm trying to transfer a directory of files from my local Windows 10 machine to the remote machine in Google Cloud. I'm following this tutorial to connect WinSCP to the GCP. But in step 7 I have to ...
Yanirmr's user avatar
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Google Compute E2 Increased CPU Usage Over Time

Is there a known issue for E2 CPU's regarding unexpected increase in CPU usage over time? I have replicated this multiple times already, and even for idle VM's. This is very critical, it is slowly ...
Manny's user avatar
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How does google cloud setup sudoers for googlecloudshell user without adding it to the /etc/group file

I am not a new user on unix and linux. Before today I know everything works needs a logical configuration to make it work. But today, when I create ubuntu instances on google cloud, I found something ...
Scott Lai's user avatar
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Unable to upgrade PHP version on the Debian (Google Compute Engine)

I've been trying to update PHP for my WordPress website on Google Compute Enginee, but I get un-expected errors. I've followed this guide and this too To update my PHP version to 7.4 but with no ...
Damien Doumer's user avatar
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Getting "fatal: 'path' does not appear to be a git repository" when pushing to Google Cloud instance

I am in a Git repository: $ cd /Users/me/dev/example $ git status On branch master nothing to commit, working tree clean $ pwd /Users/me/dev/example I ran these: gcloud compute config-ssh ssh example....
Lance's user avatar
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Can't run migrations in Google Cloud SQL

I'm using Laravel 5.3, and following this tutorial to get myself set up with Google Cloud: I'm at the part where I'm ...
user86516512's user avatar
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SSH permission denied (publickey) to Google compute engine VM

I recently upgraded laptops and decided to update the SSH key I use to connect to our server. I updated the public key in GCP console, but I can't SSH in. Other team members are able to log in fine. ...
Henri's user avatar
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recommendations for deploying a slack/bolt app to the cloud? [closed]

I've been trying to deploy my slack/bolt app, which works fine on Glitch, to AWS Lambda. Since we already use AWS, it seemed an obvious choice from the list provided on I was able to get a ...
ethanh's user avatar
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2 votes
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Unable to use publickey authentication on Win32 Open SSH server

I have been using pubkey auth for SSH on Linux for years, and now I am trying to get it working on the Win32 port on a Windows 2016 server. So far unsuccessfully. I have read the help file for ...
oligofren's user avatar
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Cyberpanel how do I change the import size for phpmyadmin?

The default database import size is only 2mb, so thats gotta go. I followed this guide from Cyberpanel to the T but myphpadmin still reflects the default size so I still cant import. https://...
Preston Bennett's user avatar
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Twitter cannot resolve the address

There is a website which is distributed via Azure CDN. The CDN endpoint was used as a destination of CNAME entry for www.< EXAMPLE >.com with usage of Google DNS. The www address to the website ...
sobi3ch's user avatar
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SSH and scp work with Google Compute Engine VM, but SFTP doesn't work

I've read the other questions on setting up SFTP (using Transmit on OS X) into a Google Compute Engine VM. My issue is that I can currently SSH and use scp into the VM, but Transmit throws a bad login ...
BlueDogRanch's user avatar
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How to renew or refresh SSL certificates of yum "rhui" repositories in GCP?

Running RHEL 7 in GCP and trying to install packages with yum, all rhui repositories give an error like:
Aki Ikaheimonen's user avatar
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Unable to access Google Console from another laptop

I have created a new google account and had set up a VM instance under the Google Console. I am able to access all features of that console on the computer where it was initially set up, but unable to ...
VilleLipponen's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Where are gcloud credentials stored

Where are the google cloud credentials stored in linux. I tried searching in the home folder but couldn't find anything relevant. For aws for example they are stored in ~/.aws
R. Doolan's user avatar
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Unable to SSH into VM instance on Google Cloud Platform

i have created a firewall rule in VPC network for port 22 by assigning an IP with the port e.g (192.168.xx.yy) instead of in rules. Now, When I create a compute engine VM instance in Google ...
Saad Tahir's user avatar
7 votes
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gsutil Crashes on macOS Catalina

I need to download a large directory from Google Cloud Platform, which I'd normally use gsutil for. After upgrading to Catalina (10.15.1) and upgrading everything installed via homebrew, the gsutil ...
Chris Garaffa's user avatar
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Run Python script in Theia of GCP

I am very new to GCP (Google Cloud Platform). I got a Python script in VM and want to run it in the default editor, Theia, with its output comes inside a Theia widget. Is it possible to do that or I ...
Agnes's user avatar
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Admin access issues Google Cloud Platform

I am looking at creating a soloution on GCP, however the company I work for dosen't grant admin rights to PC's for everyone. I am using a Windows 10 operating system. Does anyone know if any GCP ...
Matthew Hancock's user avatar
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Google Compute Engine: in your experience, is f1-micro free?

Does anyone have billing-related experience with the f1-micro VM instance on Google Cloud Platform? I observe from the document on always-free GCP services that in certain regions, it is free (up to ...
Jellicle's user avatar
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TigerVNC startup issues on Centos 7 instance running on GCP

I've been struggling to get Tiger VNC running on a Cento 7 instance, and have pretty much reached the same spot with any tutorial I've tried. For instance I tried running through the following ...
bytecrunch's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

google cloud storage: find size of sub-folders with gsutil du?

I want to find the size of my sub-folders at the first depth in Google Cloud Storage. There is the function gsutil du, that is quite similar to du, but with some differences. I am not able to just ...
Matifou's user avatar
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GCP Instance refuses key

I recently created a VM instance on the Google Cloud Platform and attempted to connect to it using WinSCP via the following steps: Created a ssh key pair using puttygen with [my_username] ...
Nandula's user avatar
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Setup catch-all email without G-Suite?

I'd like to setup a catch-all email for my domain-name. From what I understand I can do this in Gmail if I have G-Suite. But I don't need G-Suite, literally the only thing I need is a catch-all email ...
audiFanatic's user avatar
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Google Compute Engine: doing chmod -R 777 /home/user blocks SSH access?

I am trying to setup multiple users on a Google Cloud Instance running Ubuntu 18.04. One of the steps I do, sudo chmod -R 777 /home/user blocks future ssh connexions to the instance, with message: ...
Matifou's user avatar
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Unable to set Executable permissions in Google Cloud Storage Bucket

I am using Google Cloud Storage Bucket(Standard variant) and a Compute engine instance(Debian Stretch 9) in my GCP (both are under the same project and have all the permissions since I am the owner of ...
Akshay Bengani's user avatar
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Create granular access control for Google Container Registry

I am new to using GCR. My use case is that I want to grant push only access to a specific bucket of my project on the Google Container Registry (gcr). I figured that I'll have to create a service ...
Bhavesh sethi's user avatar
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cannot see any files in google compute engine ftp server

I setup vsftpd on a google compute engine instance. I can ftp into the /home/user directory I created for my user and I can also view subdirectories from my remote ftp client. I cannot however see any ...
user11020868's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I setup ftp/sftp on google cloud?

I want to give a user remote access to files in gcs via sftp. I am thinking of doing this by granting access to a folder hosted on a google compute engine vm instance (basically want to setup an ftp ...
user11020868's user avatar
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Permission denied when cloud task is executed

I need some help setting up cloud tasks for a app-engine project. The tasks are created successfully in the queue but cannot be executed. The reason for the retry is 403 status code returned from the ...
user1089752's user avatar
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Google Cloud-How to access and edit .htaccess on Wordpress Bitnami on google-cloud-platform

If anyone can please guide me on How to edit .htaccess file in WP-Bitnami installation on Google cloud platform.
Qflow's user avatar
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fix sudo access on Google Cloud Ubuntu 18 instance

I edited /etc/sudoers.d/google_sudoers and /etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-users to remove password free sudo access. I use SSH access keys to log in and (apparently) I don't know the login password. ...
Brian Peschel's user avatar
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2 answers

packet_write_wait: Connection to x.x.x.x: Broken pipe

I have been running codes on Google cloud GPU for some days now. Recently, a problem occurred frequently and had become a headache of mine for days. For some time, an error message will occur ...
user1084870's user avatar
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GCP Instance group with less than requested instances for a long time

I have a GKE cluster with a single node pool, and the associated instance group has been with less than the required number of instances for more than 12h, recently it changed to 0 instances. I see ...
fgimenez's user avatar
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Deploy to firebase hosting from multiple computers

I have two computers synced via syncthing (peer to peer folder sync). In one of them, i have Firebase CLI installed, used for deploying a static website. In the other one, i have all the website files ...
Jala015's user avatar
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Error while installing gcloud on Mac

I'm trying to install gcloud on Mac using the following guide: Quickstart for macOS I got the following error while executing the script Pratyushs-MacBook-Pro-2:~ pratyush$ ./google-cloud-...
Pratyush Choudhary's user avatar
3 votes
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Kubernetes and gcloud: how to stop using service account?

I work with a number of Google Cloud Services. Some of the Cloud Storage buckets where I work are in project-A, which is accessible from my own account, and some are in project-B, which I can only ...
Nathan Ricke's user avatar
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Google Cloud Compute MongoDB Deployment security issue and keyFile issue

I've ran into this super annoying issue today. Basically, I have setup a MongoDB database using the GCP Marketplace offering. It sets up a primary node, secondary, and an arbiter. Which is super cool....
Dom Berk's user avatar
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GCP Velostrata [migrate for COMPUTE engine] creation of cloud extension failed

I am trying to test migration of a VM from AWS to GCP. The VPC and VPN between both clouds is set up correctly. When i try to create cloud extensions from Velostrata manager, it fails/impaired with ...
jehanzeb khan's user avatar
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Restore an SQL database from FTP to Google Cloud

I have an FTP site from a third-party vendor that updates with weekly .bak files and daily .diff files for a Microsoft SQL 2016 database. I do not have access to the original database. My eventual ...
user2895444's user avatar
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Connecting two instances within the same network in google-cloud-platform

I want to connect two instances that do not have external IP addresses. Both instances are in the same region.
Zaazaa Mouad's user avatar
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My Google Kubernetes Cluster is down, how can I recover?

My Google Kubernetes is down and the only message I see on the dashboard is "The cluster has a problem." When I execute gcloud container clusters describe [cluster-name] The second to last line ...
Stephan Janssen's user avatar
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Create a GCP Kubernetes Cluster from existing config?

I have a GKE cluster.. I'd like to download this config and keep it in my local repository so that I may later recreate this in other projects/environments. Is there a way to do this? I was able to ...
Robin Singh's user avatar
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Google Cloud ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED Openlitespeed Server

Im absoluty noob in this kinds of things, My VM is CentOS 7 and them I install Openlitespeed, I open port 80, also make the ip static, firewall is active, all seems fine but when I try access with my ...
César Contreras's user avatar
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Remote peer IP of Google Could VPN, GCP VPN

Does the Google Cloud VPN work if I don't have a fixed public IP as "Remote Peer IP"? It seems a fix IP address is required when I create the VPN tunnel in GCP console.
TiisCool's user avatar
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How to setup a VPN network using GCP/AWS backbone network?

We have two offices at Paris and Hong Kong; To connect with each other, the normal way would be setup vpn server on one side, and connect (VPN client) on antoher side; But the internet is not stable ...
TiisCool's user avatar
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Stack driver Google Cloud – Responded with SSL Handshake Error

I'm trying to configure uptime check monitoring for Google Cloud VM in Stackdriver. URL return valid output (in 2.3 seconds), but I get in Stackdriver error (after less than 2 seconds...) of: ...
Idan's user avatar
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