Questions tagged [google-docs]

A web-based office suite. Questions may be off topic and should be asked on unless specifically involving your browser or computer.

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15 votes
6 answers

Why don't the Google Docs CTRL + ALT shortcuts work?

I'm currently using Google Docs, but when I try to use the keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+Alt+M it gives µ instead. Is Chrome (9) overruling Google Docs in some way? How can I get these shortcuts ...
Ivo Flipse's user avatar
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7 answers

Setting Google Drive to open Google Docs files with Chrome

By default, Google Drive opens Google Docs files with the default browser, which is Firefox in my case. Can I set Google Drive to open Google Docs files with Chrome?
snakile's user avatar
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How to assign rows in multiples of a number (Excel/Google Docs)

For example, I want the first entry in Column B (B1) to show A5, then B2 shows A10, then B3 shows A15. How would I go about doing this?
krikara's user avatar
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7 answers

Stop Chrome from opening pdfs in Google Docs Viewer

Some time ago my Chrome started to open PDFs in Google Docs viewer. I don't really know if I did something to force this behaviour, but I would like to view it as I was before (using Foxit Reader ...
empz's user avatar
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1 answer

Get automatically offline copy of Google docs in Windows, Mac and Linux

I am using Google Docs. I would like to have offline copies of my documents on my different machines—Mac, Windows and Linux—that are updated automatically. Do you know of any solution for this?
Open the way's user avatar
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2 answers

Migrate Google docs to Office 365, convert from .gdoc to .docx [closed]

Our company is switching from Google apps to Office 365. As I am one of the only using .gdocs documents I am tasked to convert them to .docx before we migrate by hand, or else I cannot open them ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to use your PDF reader instead of Google Docs in Gmail?

I prefer Foxit Reader over Google Docs, but whenever I receive a PDF file over Gmail I have to either download it or view it in Google Docs. Is there a script (or any other way) to open Gmail PDF ...
Malabarba's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a Mac application that lets you manage google docs from the desktop?

On my iPhone there is a program called notemaster that lets me manage Google Docs right from my phone. But I was wondering if there is a similar app for the Mac?
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