Questions tagged [google-spreadsheets]

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Count just columns consecutive in sheets

I am trying to add or count only the values ​​that are consecutive between the columns, that is, I want to be able to identify by name when the condition that there is six times the number one is met, ...
Juan's user avatar
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Count rows matching 'x' in column A OR column B, while ALSO matching 'y' in column C

Sample Data: A B C 1 Jene Alex 2 Sasha Jene X 3 Alex Sasha X 4 Alex Jene 5 Alex Sasha X I want my count to include all rows that have the name in either column A or column ...
dushkin's user avatar
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How to add a comma and the word "and", "then" ,"or", and so on to a list in Excel or Google Sheet

=SUBSTITUTE(TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,$G3,$I3,$K3),", "," and ",MAX(1,COUNTA($G3,$I3,$K3)-1)) Right now the return is: G3, I3 and K3 (the last comma before "and" is ...
KHM's user avatar
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Need help in Excel Adding 2 columns

i just want to add column 2 to column 1 if and only if column 2 has just 1 text character in its cell .enter image description here
Aabideen's user avatar
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Update reference in Google Sheets formula when a form adds new rows

Using help from various sources and bits of a formula taking data from different Google Sheets columns, I now have the following formula for calculating some numerical totals. I cant get it to update ...
Dagspot's user avatar
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Copy + Paste a cell, keeping the cell reference the same but increasing the column increment by one

I'm working on a dashboard (Google Sheets) at work, which shows all the figures for 12 different sites. The sites are arranged in rows with columns used for different figures (revenue, bar sales, ...
Peter Mulholland's user avatar
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How to FIlter/Match spreadsheet data based on two row headers?

I need to find a value based on a specific column and header, that also fall within another merged header (spans 3 cells) like the example below: |January 2020 |February 2020 |...
Yevgen's user avatar
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How to VLOOKUP based on two column criteria?

I'm not exactly sure if this calls for a vlookup, but it's the closest I could think of to solve the following scenario: Animal|Color|Total ------------------ Cat |Red |150 Cat |Blue |85 Cat |...
Yevgen's user avatar
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How can you format each row from a pivot table to display transposed with the headers repeating themselves?

From a pivot table, I am attempting to take each row of data and format it transposed with the headers from the pivot table present in each instance. Here is a link to a Google Sheet that has a sample ...
Joe Nilsen's user avatar
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Reading a section of data from one sheet and applying conditional formatting to equivalent entries on another sheet

I have a one sheet of data sorted by date, where A2:X45 are one year, then below A47:X92 are the next year, etc. Months are by column from A3:X3. A2 and A46 are where the year is labeled. A1 is a ...
Hak Squared's user avatar
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How to select some data labels to be shown in Scatter Plot Chart (Google Data Studio)

I've a massive amount of rows, therefore I have lots and lots of data labels: Huge amount of labels in Scatter Plot How select some points to show labels and hide others? (Or if it's not possible, is ...
P. Z.'s user avatar
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How to bring sum of previous column in to next column automatically, in Excel or Google Sheets?

I'm new to this. I'm trying to make a personal budget sheet, where I can bring the previous months' sum into the next month's column as "savings from last month". Basically I want to show ...
Bluebug's user avatar
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Counting items from a drop down list

I’m trying to make an exercise spreadsheet to count sets for a certain muscle group. I organized movements into muscle groups. Then, I wanted an user-facing input section like this, where the user ...
marc1's user avatar
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Multiple worded cell contents put into one cell

I am making a pricing sheet and I currently have this formula =IF(B1>0,A1,"") With this formula the contents of A1 might say something like "Apple" and B1 is the quantity, so as ...
user1479147's user avatar
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Google Spreadsheet - How to repeat a function for every row inside 1 formula

[ So I want to make a formula that outputs if a vehicle meets the restriction or not. And I have been using this function in the formula: IF(ISBLANK($A$7),,REGEXMATCH($A10,$A$7)) Is there a way for me ...
Ish Shah's user avatar
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How to auto-recalculate column cells if values change in preceding column?

Backstory: I built a budget spreadsheet for my personal finances. I calculated my obligations for the month, and the leftovers I want to divy up into specific savings account buckets on a monthly ...
G H's user avatar
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Can I configure MacOS to open CSV and Excel files in Google Sheets?

Is there a way to have MacOS open CSV and Excel files in Google Sheets when you double-click them? I've tried associating the Google Sheets shortcut in Applications but that doesn't work.
Juice's user avatar
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Formula - Get previous date and sum of unique months based on unique user

Goal Estimate the next date Abbie will make the purchase based on average days. Screenshot to give a better idea: Questions A.1 & A.2 - how to search for the most recent previous purchase date ...
wendy's user avatar
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How to make a pivot table that counts from multiple columns?

I have a workday schedule in which I will count how many times I do each activity across the week. Here's an example: The pivot table only allows me to count from MWF or TT but not from both without ...
Adrian's user avatar
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How do I subtract some values based on the text value of a different column?

I have a spreadsheet that is tracking payments between 2 people. It looks like the following: I'm looking to subtract the value of the Amount column from the retrospective persons Left to pay amount, ...
ATN's user avatar
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Looking for assistance with auto populating data from a ongoing list

I am attempting to copy the data from a list columns A&B as names and photos and would like it to auto populate horizontally into rows below but only to the 9th column as shown then continue in ...
jbaker's user avatar
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Searching a value of partial text from another sheet

My scenario is, I have 2 worksheet: Sheet1 contains the name of the restaurants, and Sheet2 contains the name of restaurants to avoid. My issue is, I use a formula in conditional formatting that only ...
M.M's user avatar
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Is there a way to return certain rows on Google Sheets that I have tagged?

I have a large list of books that I would like to tag and be able to filter out the row/book I am searching for without having to scroll through the entire sheet. For example: Book A humor, non-...
confused_newbie's user avatar
2 votes
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CONCATENATE cells in a column IF condition in other colum is met

Using Google sheets (or Excel if Google sheets can't do it). I'm trying to concatenate any cell in B column, if its corresponding A cell is "include". The columns are very long and therefore ...
SpidrJeru's user avatar
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Insert big text into multiply rows by keyword into Excel or google spreadsheets

If I have multiline text like Line: x1 = 10, y1 = 100 x2 = 30, y2 = 40 Line: x1 = 100, y1 = 120 x2 = 130, y2 = 140 And so on. Is it possible to insert it at once at Excel or google spreadsheets so ...
Bruice's user avatar
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Excel/Sheets: Average only the input data in a range of data?

I've got an annual budgeting spreadsheet in which each month is listed along with given categories of items. I'm trying to find my average monthly expenditure on any given category, but don't know the ...
BudgetingInNeed's user avatar
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How do I access an open API like Ethereum with a spreadsheet like excel or sheets?

Is there a way to access the Ethereum API using either excel or sheets or some other database with a website front end? I'm trying to track my transactions.
DBWeinstein's user avatar
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SUMIF only for last condition row

I have a spreadsheet where I need to total values using a SUMIF function and record that total in another column, but I only want it to record that total for the last instance of a value in the column....
Midavalo's user avatar
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Listing function points in a spreadsheet/excel [duplicate]

I am working on a Pre-Calculus Polar coordinate graphing project that incorporates some creativity; My current plan has me graphing the Nautilus Shell as my focal point. However, I have to list points ...
Landry Ratliff's user avatar
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How to get a vertical bar chart with the sum of rows grouped by month

I have a spreadsheet with over 300 rows, and in each row I have a Created At column with this date format: 20/Apr/21 5:34PM. I would like to have a vertical chart that is the sum of the rows for each ...
Hommer Smith's user avatar
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Google Sheets / Excel - Create a minimum list based on multiple cells

I'm trying to get a minimum number (C) if A B and D combined match with any other row A B C D 1 iOS Safari 14.0 mobile 2 Android Samsung Internet 13.2 mobile 4 Macintosh Safari 14.0 desktop 5 ...
Sandy Garrido's user avatar
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Optimizing sales in excel/google sheets

I have a table that looks like that: investment p1 p2 p3 1000 100 50 80 2000 200 60 95 3000 300 70 110 4000 400 80 125 5000 500 90 140 6000 600 100 155 7000 700 110 170 8000 800 120 185 ...
Lakerda's user avatar
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Using IF to apply different rounding rules based on value range - error with too many IF arguments

I am trying to build a formula that will round a value in a cell based on these requirements round to 0 if less than 2% round to the nearest 2% increment up to and including 10% round to nearest 5% ...
Carla's user avatar
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How to apply Text cell format permanently on a google sheet's column?

I recently added IDs as Number in a column those are basically built as alphanumeric. Then I've applied Text cell format on those IDs to keep their data consistent with the other cells in that column, ...
Gunter Herd's user avatar
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How to copy rows of specific columns based on a criteria (and then continuously update)?

I have 2 sheets, let's call them sheet 1 and sheet 2. In sheet 1, I have some data where essentially at its core its a Scoring tally, something like this: Name Age Gender Score Jack 12 Male 155 ...
DoubleRainbowZ's user avatar
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Get a drop-down list from another sheet based on lookup

I have a list of CA in my Source sheet that looks like this: And in my main sheet I need to get a dropdown list of "little a" for each CA, like this: Main sheet: Sheets: For example: ...
Alpe Popas's user avatar
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How to calculate max sum held over a month?

I need help with a formula that needs to calculate the max sum held at one time for each month. In this example it would be 54 for March (12+13+14+15, held on the 29/03/2021). Month is determined by &...
vaidab's user avatar
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Can't use some Alt+ keyboard shortcuts in Google Sheets like I did in Excel on some computers

In Excel there are some Alt shortcuts like: Alt+E+S+V: paste special value only Alt+I+R: insert a new row In Google Sheets, they can also be used. When I press Alt+I for example, I see this popup at ...
Freelensia's user avatar
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Conditional borders in Google SpreadSheet

I would like to have yellow borders on cells that are column's maximum as follows: That is, I need to have conditional borders. I understood I should use Google Scripting but I have no idea nor ...
JKHA's user avatar
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Sum and lookup over range in spreadsheet

I have a google spreadsheet that looks like this Items Item Value A 10 B 12 C 15 D 20 Calc Total Items A A B A A C C C In Total I want to have the a formula that sums the value of the ...
Ray Britton's user avatar
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Extracting text between two repeated sets of values in Excel

I have campaign names that conform to the following structure: [Network] - [Language] - [Country] - [Channel] - [Campaign Type] - [Free Text] This could look like: Google - English - India - Display -...
Balaji Bhat's user avatar
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How do I sum the nth number from the right in all cells

I am using a spreadsheet to collect all my questions and answers for a quiz I am doing. In the answers column, every answer is ended with [#p], # representing the numbers 1–9, never exceeding 9. ...
Canned Man's user avatar
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How to reference "This" Column?

Maybe I'm dumb, but how do you just reference "This" or "Current" column? For example, counting entries in a column. I know you can enter a formula & drag it, or copy it & ...
Sorry_Im_New's user avatar
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How to show different type of legend below specific columns under X axis on stacked bar chart

I have drawn a stacked column chart in Google sheet. I want to put different legends below specific columns as secondary label under the x-axis; here is my spradesheet link:
paopao's user avatar
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Merge two seperate columns in Google Sheets into a single column [duplicate]

I have a list that contains people's names in one column and their company's names in a second column. At the top of each column there is a label, i.e "Name" for column A, "Company"...
fillway's user avatar
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How can you show the first cell in a cluster in Excel? And how can you lookup the value?

Several questions. But let me break down the problem of what I am trying to do: I have a condition to show YES/NO if a certain value is met. If YES >= 60 and NO <=30 - this is easy I can do ...
Tes Ting's user avatar
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Is it possible to reuse the same sumif range?

In the following table, I constantly reevaluate a2:a4 to run different calculations against it. In a real table it would have been thousands of rows like it. Is there a way to somehow store a2:a4 in a ...
LWC's user avatar
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How to highlight down columns for many columns at once that are separated in an excel sheet?

I have 30 columns of data with over 10,000 rows. I'm using Ctrl+Click to highlight specific cells and then use Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow to highlight to the bottom, but I noticed it won't let me do that ...
Prospero's user avatar
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Sum of vlookups for each value in a row

There should be a way to do this, and yet I'm struggling... ==The Data== Sheet1 A B +---------------+-------+ | Fishy_Product | Price | +---------------+-------+ | Cod | $9....
Farivan's user avatar
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Microsoft Excel/Google Sheets - Update Adherence

I would like to produce a result wherein it checks if an update is done within 3 hours, it would be pass. If it goes beyond 3 hours, then it would be a fail. So this is how my raw data looks like: ...
MysteriousPlantain's user avatar

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