Questions tagged [haskell]

Haskell is a purely functional programming language, general purpose, named after the logician Haskell Curry.

22 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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xmonad: focus window when mouse is moved

In my xmonad config, I have set focusFollowsMouse=true so that a window is focused when the mouse pointer is moved onto it. However, I would also like a window to become focused when the mouse pointer ...
ke.'s user avatar
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Installing EclipseFP on Mac OS X

I am trying to install EclipseFP. I'm running OS X Mavericks. I've tried following both the official installation instructions and the advice in this answer on SU, but I'm still having the same ...
Dom Kennedy's user avatar
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libedit ignores editrc file in Ubuntu Lucid

I'm trying to get ghci (Haskell's interactive command line) to handle Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right arrows properly rather than showing garbage like this: Prelude> 1;5D1;5C At the bottom of this bug ...
Joey Adams's user avatar
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XMonad, spawn mutliple terminals on startup on different workspaces

Is it possible to spawn multiple terminals on startup on different workspaces? I have a bunch of terminals and Firefox which I would like to have running on startup. XMonad places Firefox correctly, ...
datamoose's user avatar
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xmonad: mouse hover hook

I'm trying to make xmonad focus the window underneath the pointer when the mouse is moved, regardless of which window is focused. This was addressed in this question; however, the provided solution ...
user464014's user avatar
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Installing haskell platform fails

I am trying to install haskell-platform-2011.2.0.1 onto my SUSE 11.4. I have got all the dependencies required for ./configure, which works ok. But when getting to make, it builds with this error: ...
roykasa's user avatar
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ghc6 install trouble: hGetContents: invalid argument (invalid UTF-8 byte sequence)

Having trouble installing ghc6 on Ubuntu Maverick via apt. Here's what seems to be the relevant error that comes up when I try to (apt-get|aptitude) install ghc6: A package failed to install. ...
olimay's user avatar
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When running stack build for with scalpel as a dependency, I encounter exitFailure1

Currently using stack to build the project with only base and scalpel as my 2 dependencies. This is the error log: 2019-03-31 19:47:34.154259: [info] curl-1.3.8: configure 2019-03-31 19:47:34.154652:...
Noel Kwan's user avatar
1 vote
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Installing ghc-mod on Windows

I am trying to set up Atom as my Haskell IDE. I have already installed Haskell, and all of the Haskell plugins I need in Atom. I ran cabal install ghc-mod, which failed to install/configure old-time, ...
Hactar's user avatar
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Running Helm in VirtualBox

I've written a game in Haskell using Helm, but I'm having problems when I try to run the game in my virtual box. I have tried running the game on other (Linux) computers and it works well, but when I ...
Kira Ghandhi's user avatar
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Installing leksah from source

I tried to install leksah via cabal but I got tons of different build errors so I tried to build it from git. I followed this guide and I was able to build binary-...
Maik Klein's user avatar
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Installing haskell ghc fails

I am trying to install Haskell-2012.4.0.0.exe on my computer running windows 7. When I run the installer I get the following message and the installation fails, Installer integrity check has failed. ...
Ishan's user avatar
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Trying to understand importing modules in ghci using cabal

I've recently begin learning to code in Haskell -- in general all is going well, but one irritation that repeatedly rears its head is ghci not recognizing modules on hackage when I try to use them. ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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VS Code Haskero debug configuration on Ubuntu

I am trying to configure VS Code for Haskell. I use Haskero extension, which works great for code navigation, highlighting etc. However, for some reason when I try to start a debugging session I ...
Sergii Sopin's user avatar
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Xmonad change keybinds based on keyboard layout

Is there there a way to define different keybindings in Xmonad depending on the current keyboard layout? For example, if I switch between standard US and Dvorak keyboard layouts, is there a way to ...
munchhausen's user avatar
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Dump memory of process which exits immediately

I am doing a little keygen challenge (written in Haskell), which accepts one commandline argument (a license) and exists after checking if the provided string is valid or not. Hence I am not able to ...
user23143's user avatar
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Xmonad, How to set up a grid of workspaces?

I want to have 9 workspaces as a grid. And to navigate them using the arrow-keys. So far I can navigate with the arrow-keys, but I want to get rid of the "wrap-around". For example, if workspace 9 is ...
datamoose's user avatar
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Haskell error with modules

I had Haskell platform installed on my computer and it worked fine until today. Today, when I wanted to load a file in prelude I got this error: Could not find module `Test.QuickCheck' Use -v to see ...
theo's user avatar
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cygwin doesn't recognize config.guess when installing Haskell package

I am trying to install a Haskell package on Windows 10 64-bit. I installed cygwin for x64 architecture. Later I installed automake-1.15 using cygwin's setup file. I downloaded the latest config.guess ...
user avatar
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How can I add an extra flag to Leksah?

How can I add an extra flag to Leksah? I'm getting this error: You need -XDeriveDataTypeable to derive an instance .... Where can I add the extra flag in Leksah?
Aftershock's user avatar
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Xmonad can't find module XMonad

Whenever xmonad starts, restarts, or is recompiled, I get an xmessage: xmonad.hs:1:8: Could not find module `XMonad' Perhaps you meant Monad (needs flag -package haskell98- ...
Decalis's user avatar
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Installing Haskell math-functions- hangs

Trying to install Haskell datasets ( The installation hangs when building math-functions- Tried to install individual dependencies, and again had ...
Thym's user avatar
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