Questions tagged [html-files]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How can I right-click an HTML link, choose "Print" and bypass the printer selection menu?

Is it possible in Windows 2008 R2 to be able to right click an HTML link (with IE as default, Chrome doesn't have the "Print" option on the right-click) and completely bypass the printer selection ...
slumpmonkey's user avatar
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What's the file format to move an html bookmark file into Firefox 26

Running Firefox 26.0 under XP, I exported my bookmarks to an Html file, to clean up and then import them to my new computer running Windows 7 64-bit professional. The file is down to about 2500 url ...
al gruber's user avatar
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Insert google analytics tracker into application-automated static HTML page

Does anyone know a method to insert the Google Analytics tracking JavaScript object into an external application-driven HTML generator which automatically exports results to a web server via FTP? A ...
knotseh's user avatar
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3 answers

How can i edit HTML files in bulk?

I have a website with 35000 pages, I am trying to edit them in bulk using Notepad++ via find in files options but unable to do complete its always going on Not responding so is there any other way to ...
john simth's user avatar
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1 answer

How to download a webpage with all items contained in it?

I have been trying to download a web page which contains different items.We can access only one item at a time and have to click on the other item to browse that item. This is how is looks like: ...
Anubhav's user avatar
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