Questions tagged [init]

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How can I archive same window visible in a specific tag(s) in DWM?

For example, I'm currently in tag 1, now mod+shift+2 is moving the window to tag 2. mod+s to make/unmake a window “sticky” (follows you from tag to tag) With mod+shift+2 the window will be visible in ...
Fahmida Mashura's user avatar
-2 votes
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I want to remove systemd from ubuntu and replace it with runit

I want to remove systemd off my system because I use Void Linux and I had to dual boot with Ubuntu but there is systemd and don't understand it well. Thus I want to change to runit but I would like to ...
Blzr8's user avatar
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2 votes
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How establish autologin on Lubuntu 22.04 after removing lxqt and openbox

On Lubuntu 22.04 I ran sudo apt purge autoremove ... *lxqt* *openbox* ... and installed icewm to run my system with just that window manager. Everything works well, but in the process I lost ...
user985675's user avatar
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failed to execute /init (error -2) Kernel panic - not syncing: no working init found. Try pasing init= option to kernel. Somehow related to ldconfig

What I did before the problem. Having Ubuntu server (Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS, focal). Have installed Visual code, JDK, direnv (10.02.2023). Tried to install a script folowing by instruction. [This is the ...
Astor Wilyam's user avatar
0 votes
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sudo -u root init 0:wsl debian bullseye: Couldn't find an alternative telinit implementation to spawn

so, i'm running my wsl on windows 10, and when I type: sudo -u root init 0 i get the error: Couldn't find an alternative telinit implementation to spawn. Neofetch ( no flags or args ): _,met$$$$...
user17512255's user avatar
0 votes
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Why does Petalinux run the mountnfs script during initialization?

I was inspecting the root filesystem files generated by PetaLinux and saw a couple of start-up scripts under /etc/rc5.d folder. One of them was named and linked to script ...
Caglayan DOKME's user avatar
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Kodi no longer starting on RPi4 (xbian) after update

After updating my system, yesterday kodi no longer starts up on my raspberri pi 4 (xbian). There seems to be an issue initing the windowing system, but I have yet been unable to figure out what the ...
BartBog's user avatar
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Enabling Windows Init System Logs

In Linux, if quiet=n kernel parameter or softwares like plymouth is not used, the used init system (systemd, openrc, runit etc...) prints logs like this to the screen when booting. These logs includes ...
maDev's user avatar
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Converting /etc/init.d service to systemd

I am in the process of converting an existing /etc/init.d service to systemd. It seemed to be working but I have encountered a strange issue. The systemd service will happily start with the command &...
Alan Spark's user avatar
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what is "/sbin/init maybe-ubiquity" doing in Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS?

I have a current problem with a server that goes incommunicado (or at least close to) due to lack of inotify watchers. When I look up the current usage i see that /sbin/init maybe-ubiquity is the ...
koenig's user avatar
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How to provide cloud-init user-data to hyper-v machine?

How to provide cloud-init user-data to hyper-v machine? Is That even possible? I tried to build iso9660 image that contains only the user-data file and its label is cidata. The ubuntu server 20.04 ...
Błażej Karwowski's user avatar
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Can phone_home module be used multiple times in cloud init?

The cloud-init in ubuntu (and other distros) have: ( phone_home: url:$INSTANCE_ID/ post: - pub_key_dsa ...
Błażej Karwowski's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

How to enable systemd on WSL2: Ubuntu 20 and CentOS 8

I'm on WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux, v2) and got the CentOS 8 WSL from: And the Ubuntu 20 WSL downloaded from Windows Store has no systemd enabled too. Got it ...
Dan D.'s user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Differences between /init and /sbin/init

In Linux boot order, the kernel will execute /sbin/init, however, I can see another file /init existing in the file system on my linux (CentOS 8 WSL2, Ubuntu 20 WSL2). They are different binaries: $...
Dan D.'s user avatar
  • 701
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1 answer

Debian boots into initramfs, but /sbin/init is present

I was crossgrading Debian Stretch from i386 to amd64. The kernel is already 64-bit, so is dpkg/apt. I was going through the rest of the packages, and then I had to reboot the box. Upon reboot, it ...
Seva Alekseyev's user avatar
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2 answers

CMDER\vendor\conemu-maximus5\..\init.bat"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Can you tell me please, what this CMDER error means? CMDER\vendor\conemu-maximus5..\init.bat"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. My CMDER lost its ...
Čamo's user avatar
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How to launch more than 6 virtual terminals in void linux

I would like to have more virtual terminals start at startup. I want to be able to use runit and do ln -s /etc/sv/agetty-tty7 /var/service/agetty-tty7 ln -s /etc/sv/agetty-tty8 /var/service/agetty-...
Adrian Herath's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to convert a Systemd service to OpenRC?

I want to add a service to my Artix linux system, which is a Arch Linux drivate with OpenRC as init system. Consider the systemd service [Unit] Description=sets battery thresholds [Service] Type=...
A.Dumas's user avatar
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Do scripts 'block' when executed from rcS?

I'm using Busybox (ash), which at startup runs rcS, which in turn executes, in numerical order, all the S?? scripts in /etc/init.d Does this script wait for completion before execution the next? Or ...
svenema's user avatar
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What formatting is allowed for systemd option lines in general?

Im writing some systemd service files currently and wonder about what is allowed to properly format their content so I can improve readability and such for me. It's pretty much a question about if I'm ...
Thorsten Schöning's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to select the OpenRC init system during Linux installation?

I want to install Debian Linux (on a 2009 Macbook Pro), opting for the OpenRC init system. By default, Debian uses Systemd. During the installation, I did not see any option to choose the init system; ...
Pietro's user avatar
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Turn off the touchpad every time I start linux

Im running a "bastard hodge-podge" Debian (sort of) linux based originally on pratham OS with quite a few things I had to build and install to get running Simply need to turn off the infernal ...
OldBat OnnaRat's user avatar
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Where is the source code for the classic init system?

I know that systemd and SysVinit have their own projects and are developed independent of the Linux kernel. But what about the classic init system? where its source code located? is it part of the ...
feeling_lonely's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to run init.d service under systemd without root auth (updated)

My company set up some software it develops to run as a service using init.d on an older version of SLES. We recently created started setting up a new environment on a SLES 12 instance in Amazon's EC2 ...
user5860663's user avatar
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Creating own Linux distribution - Kernel Panic

Im currently creating a very specialized Linux distribution, that should just perform one single, very easy task. ...
sebastian nielsen's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Windows 10 boot, how can you see what is happening?

In all the Desktop Linux distros I have used (debian based, redhat based, etc) the boot screen is graphical with some sort of progress bar. The cool thing is that you can choose to hit a keyboard ...
Trevor Boyd Smith's user avatar
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INIT: id [ID] respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes

INIT: id "s21" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes One of my plants has been receiving this message at the main server terminal for a couple months now. I've Googled but can't seem to find ...
Joseph Kreifels II's user avatar
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2 answers

Why won't my init.d service start?

I bought a Raspberry Pi 3 a couple of weeks ago and have been playing with it for a long while. I'm running Raspbian Lite headless and one thing I want to do is run some stuff on boot. Nothing ...
cgm123's user avatar
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How to delete a file from a command in a shell file for /etc/init.d?

I have a about question working with /etc/init.d shell script. All I want to do is delete a file from a command inside the shell script like so: case $1 in stop) echo "Stopping" rm -f /var/run/...
CaesarS's user avatar
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Init script changes for MongoDB

We have MongoDB (Version 3.0) in production in standalone as well as in cluster mode. Currently we were facing issue that basically states: Unclean shutdown detected hence unable to start mongod. ...
user598529's user avatar
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Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit guest OS kernel panic on start up

I have a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit guest OS running on VMWare Workstation 12 Player on a Windows 10 host. I was running Eclipse for a while recently when it got really slow despite multiple Eclipse ...
user1118764's user avatar
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Linux: shutdown from GUI vs from terminal

Hello I'm new with Linux and could not figure out if shutting down computer from GUI is the same as from terminal with command: shutdown -P now P.S When shutting down, Does init process receive ...
user590536's user avatar
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Have script run on very first startup of new CentOS 7 VM clone

I'm setting some servers that basically need to manage themselves after I leave the company, as I'm just the contract IT guy. Whoever manages this should basically be able to clone a VM image in ESXi, ...
Justin's user avatar
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Change ubuntu defaul runlevel

i need change default runlevel to ubuntu server 14.04. I installed GUI to manage the hp printers and now i need return to runlevel 3, i edit the file /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf and modify the line: ...
stecog's user avatar
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Prevent all processes to write on /var

I would like to move the /var folder of my server (xen server) to a new disk. I followed this but the init 1 command log me out from the ssh session. Also can I avoid using init 1 to prevent all ...
unwellmilles's user avatar
34 votes
6 answers

How to know if I am using systemd on Linux?

How could I know if my linux starts with systemd or whatever package?
Lucho's user avatar
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Delaying assignment of IP-address until network adapter device is available

I'm working on a custom embedded board with three Ethernet interfaces: eth0 and eth1 are built-in to the CPU (a TI AM3356) eth2 is made with an on-board LAN9512 chip (using the smsc95xx driver), ...
sonicwave's user avatar
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2 answers

Does restarting a Puppet Master service require regenerating for the SSL certificates of the servers it controls?

Do I have any special extra work I need to do, afterward, if I have to restart the Puppet Master service? Specifically, does this affect SSL certificates?
Nathan Basanese's user avatar
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This arch install not yet working, /sbin/init trouble

I do an lvm2 arch install, as the installation page on the wiki tells. I do what the wiki page tells, with the mileage: put Grub as boot manager. Set the lvm2 hook on the mkinitcpio configuration. ...
174140's user avatar
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Execute multiple commands in init.d script on boot

I found a guide for fixing permissions on an EXT4 filesystem on a MicroSD card. The AOSP/CyanogenMod ROMs I've tried will mount this, but the permissions are messed up. The guide used to work fine on ...
Enigma83's user avatar
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How to debug old init.d script under systemd?

I can't get any output from the script. systemd just prints: sinopia.service: control process exited, code=exited status=203 Failed to start LSB: starts the sinopia web server. I can't even launch ...
Velkan's user avatar
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Running Teamspeak server at startup and shutting down teamspeak at shutdown

I'm new to linux, and i have a Teamspeak 3 server on a Ubuntu server. I would like to make the server auto start and stop when the system boots and shuts down. I understand that i need to make scripts ...
user36192's user avatar
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Switching to systemd on Linux Mint

I have linux mint 17.1 running on a laptop which takes forever to boot. To speed up the boot I want to switch to systemd. How can I switch to systemd?
user avatar
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LSB init service dependency

I have added the two services A and B. B is dependent on A, meaning that if I will start B then A should be start automatically if it is not running already. But A is not coming up automatically when ...
jsingh's user avatar
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Script does not start when OS start|reboot

I have a file at /etc/init/pdoneVendorBroker.conf with the following content: description "PDone Vendor Broker" start on runlevel [234] stop on runlevel [0156] respawn exec php /var/bundles/...
ReynierPM's user avatar
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What do these exec su parameters do?

What is the meaning of the switches and parameters of this command? exec su -s /bin/sh -c 'exec "$0" "$@"' root -- /opt/nsq/bin/nsqd Specifically the -- part and what exec "$0" "$@" is supposed to ...
user419758's user avatar
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Can I use /etc/init/ on Debian Wheezy to manage a daemon process?

I want to run a PHP daemon process and found a solution at Stackoverflow but unfortunately its not working. Now I thought Upstart is not installed since Debian still uses System V. I have two ...
Aley's user avatar
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CentOS 5.x - `inittab` failing on `rc.d` calls

I have several servers that run some python scripts at the end of the inittab. I have one server which is having issues and the scripts weren't running. With troubleshooting, I found that if I moved ...
VenomFangs's user avatar
2 votes
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What should happen next on init scripts?

I've been using a Linux Mint 13 live system on my memory stick and I decided to put it on my hard drive. It already had several scripts to uninstall software and optimize it, scripts that I had to ...
user2934303's user avatar
5 votes
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/sbin/init exists but couldn't execute it

I'm building Linux from scratch. Currently I have the kernel, glibc and sysvinit. I've compiled everything myself following these instructions. Though my version of glibc is 2.19. Also, I use grub ...
Hullu2000's user avatar