Questions tagged [monitor-settings]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How can I set up a keybind to restrict mouse movement between two monitors?

I have recently began using two monitors and appreciating the convenience. However, I dislike the behaviour of moving the mouse between monitors. For context, my second monitor is abour a foot lower ...
DVNO's user avatar
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AOC monitor times out after a few seconds to minutes

My AOC monitor is hooked up to a DVR Video camera surveillance system. The monitor continues to timeout or go 'black' every few minutes, sometimes after a few seconds. The power button is "ON" and ...
Jennifer Ross's user avatar
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How to set the kernel modesetting console modeline and vga polarity?

This question is an extension of this one. My problem is my Aspeed video card (not a gpu) ends up dectecting and using the wrong video polarity that results in an a off bound video output along a ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Leaving computer monitor on (not standby) and lit overnight

How bad is it to leave an LED monitor lit and on overnight? It will not be in standby mode. The time frame is 6-12 hours of “on”-time, but this could be variable. To avoid burn in, the brightness ...
JohnA's user avatar
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Monitor broken despite ok device details

My laptop went through security and came out broken and yellow, and in some windows will be completely unrecognisable. I went to Device Management and the PnP Generic Monitor security details are "...
oisinvg's user avatar
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I have a windows 10 Laptop, with Dead Screen Monitor

is there any way of accessing my laptop without just buying a new monitor ? Remote desktop access is not configured . I have another laptop and pc if there is any cheap solution , any cheap gadget i ...
Tasos Nope's user avatar