Questions tagged [mysql-workbench]

MySQL Workbench is a visual database design tool that is developed by MySQL. It is the successor application of the DBDesigner4 project.

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3 votes
1 answer

How to set the default table export format in MySQL workbench?

While exporting a table using MySQL workbench, the default type is ALWAYS CSV. I don't usually export a table in CSV format. Is there a way to change this default to be SQL insert ? I circled the ...
Muhammad Gelbana's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Compiling mysql workbench on Fedora 21

I was trying to compile mysql-workbench from source (since mysql's fedora 21 repo still doesn't have it). Installed all the dependencies as recommended in many online sources. Currently i'm stuck at ...
sherzodr's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

OpenSSH tunnel and connect to MySQL

Hi I'm trying to use PuTTY to open a SSH tunnel and connect to a remote MySQL server. PuTTY: Remote SSH Server IP and port MySQL Port on the remote server Tunnel: Local address and port on local ...
The One's user avatar
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