Questions tagged [netstat]

Netstat (network statistic) is a tool, common to Windows, Unix and Linux, used to obtain information about network connections (outbound and inbound), routing tables, and a range of information on the use of statistics the network interface. Netstat.exe command line that shows all open ports for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

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1 vote
2 answers

Send HTTP request from server to another server and get the IP that replies

I have to do this project, and I honestly have NO idea where to start. It will send a simple GET request to a web server, and then wait for a reply, and it will print out the IP that replied. The HTTP ...
1 vote
4 answers

Strange entries in Netstat output

Out of curiosity, I ran Netstat on my Windows PC, and I found some strange entries like: xx-fbcdn-shv-01-amt2:https edge-star-mini-shv-01-frt3:https mil04s03-in-f10:https xx-fbcdn-shv-01-amt2:https ...
1 vote
1 answer

netstat shows too many established connections in windows

I have an Internet service by ADSL, the problem is that my download speed has decreased dramatically in the order of 60 or 70% down. One friend recommend me to put netstat -an on a terminal window and ...
0 votes
0 answers

Ncat: Connection Refused when connecting on Linux server

I created a java application and ran it with docker inside a linux server XX.XX.XX.XX. That application should listen behind port 105 of that server. In fact, by executing the "netstat -an | grep ...
3 votes
1 answer

Windows CMD netstat output in one line

Netstat output breaks line when -aonb options are used. I can't use FIND to filter the output in one line. Increasing Screen buffer width and Window width doesn't help. The command still breaks into ...
3 votes
3 answers

How can I correctly check on what network interface SSH is listening on a Linux machine?

I am not a system engineer or a network expert (I am more a software developer) and I have the following problem that I have to solve. I am working on an Oracle Linux machine (basically it should be ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do i find out what the foreign addresses are in cmd and where they come from?

Ran netstat -a and I was curious as to what yx-in-f95:https on the foreign address section is and how to find out myself in the future.
1 vote
1 answer

How can I add a timestamp to a monitored command (like "netstat") in Windows commandline?

Using netstat -aon | findstr /I "1234", I can monitor that this port is open, but there is an issue: this is what the result looks like: UDP *:* 5064 UDP
2 votes
2 answers

windows, run net stat to txt daily with date/time in filename

first time post. was unable to find similar solutions on this site or others. need a CMD batch file to run "netstat -an" output to a text file daily with a unique file name so the day before ...
1 vote
2 answers

Windows 10 - Close listening ports

I'm doing a securisation of a PC with windows 10. With the command: "netstat -aon" I get the list of all the active connections. For some requirements I have to close the open port 80 and ...
1 vote
1 answer

Netstat shows open ports. What services are listening?

Netstat (Windows 10) is showing certain services as "listening", but what service is listening on that port? Any insights much appreciated.
0 votes
1 answer

backdoor infection scanning (some PID not showing)

I am trying to scan the connections established on my Windows 10 PC. I'm using the command (as admin) netstat -ano. It is working, and I am seeing some established connections. But when I'm looking ...
-2 votes
1 answer

How to find open port on specific IP address in Windows 10?

At work, we connected print-server to a printer via USB, to make a printer network-available. Setting-up as network printer was successful, but at work, additionally we need to specify a port number. ...
50 votes
6 answers

What is ::: in the Local Address of netstat output?

This is the output of netstat -tulpn that I get: tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2055/hpiod tcp 0 0 0.0....
26 votes
4 answers

How to kill a particular tcp connection in windows?

On Linux we can kill an Established TCP Connection using tcpkill command. For example, to drop all connection to/from a particular IP: tcpkill host ipaddr Or similary to kill all connection ...
0 votes
0 answers

netstat shows ESTABLISHED connection between same ip:port pair

I am on Windows Server 2016 Standard. See netstat output below (IP replaced): C:\Users\user>netstat -an|findstr "55559" TCP ESTABLISHED What does ...
0 votes
0 answers

Simplify NETSTAT monitoring output

I'm monitoring suspicious incoming connections using sudo watch -n 30 "netstat -antp" which provides more information than I need, so based on the answer I found here, I've tried to ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can the same TCP port show in netstat as BOUND and ESTABLISHED in Windows?

I'm investigating an issue of port exhaustion in Windows, and the output of netstat shows many ports both as BOUND and ESTABLISHED ... TCP ESTABLISHED ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is it normal to have a high ICMPv6 Neighbour Solicitation sent?

I have suspicion that my home network may be comprimised and used by malicious actors. I'm a networking noob so I would like to know if having a Neighbour Solicitations sent >2000 is normal? I got ...
0 votes
3 answers

List the IP addresses that my PC is connected to - in a readable format

I'm trying to search the IP addresses that my PC is connected to, but I don't recognize these & search shows nothing. I'm looking into all my connections, so I ran netstat -a and I don't recognize ...
1 vote
2 answers

"awk" not working when using it with "watch"

In order to watch my IPv6 traffic totals I want to run this command: netstat -s -6 | grep -i octet | grep -vi cast | awk '{ print $2/(1024*1024*1024) }' combined with "watch -n1", so it gets run ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why port is blocked (local windows network)

I have two windows computers at my house main computer. laptop My laptop is running an application on port 6000 that I want to access from the main computer. I have connection ...
1 vote
1 answer

Incompatible command arguments for netstat?

The command netstat -ano works, whereas adding the -p flag, i.e.netstat -anop displays the command-line parameters with descriptions like if you'd just typed netstat ...
0 votes
1 answer

Save a continues netstat to a text file with time stamp

I want to make a continuous netstat to a specific port to show the establishment with date and time. the command I am using is the below: netstat -na | find "5002", but it shows the current ...
18 votes
3 answers

`netstat` command in WSL return empty list

I install python and start python -m SimpleHTTPServer in windows WSL. But the command netstat -an return an empty list. And of course i can't visit the url in windows browser. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Netstat -b shows open connections for an old (not used) project from totally unrelated apps

See screenshot below: In netstat -b output I always see open connections to an old project I developed 2 years ago. They also show when I open new applications (you see totally unrelated apps ...
61 votes
7 answers

netstat with process name?

Using netstat -a -o -n I can get the list of ports and PID then I need to go to task manager and add the PID and see who is it. (pretty frustrating) I was wonder if there is a CMD command which ...
4 votes
5 answers

How to determine why port 443 is already in use?

I'm running Apache 2.4.10 on a Windows 7 machine and am trying to add SSL connections. Port 80 connections work fine, and I'm trying to add port 443. When the httpd.conf gets Listen 443 added it ...
0 votes
0 answers

What is adclick remote address?

netstat -a returns the information below. What is the "adclick" address? There is any benefit from disconnect it? How to shutdown that connection?
1 vote
1 answer

Why doesn’t netstat display open websites?

I’m a beginner in networking and I’m checking the netstat command. So I opened a couple websites such as Then I opened an admin CMD and typed netstat I can’t see this connection ...
2 votes
0 answers

Force netstat to always return results in English language, irrespective of system language?

Is there a way to call netstat commands (e.g. netstat -an) but return the results in English irrespective of the system language? Background: the reason I wish to find a way is because some software ...
1 vote
2 answers

Redirect the output of netstat to a file?

I'm trying to redirect the output of netstat to a file and it doesn't work. Initially I tried: runas /noprofile /user:xxxxx\administrator "netstat -a -b > C:\temp\file.txt" Then I read ...
0 votes
0 answers

After opening port 443 in windows firewall as inbound rule, I cannot see it when I run 'netstat -an'

As an inbound rule on Windows 10 firewall, I added port 443 as TCP connection allowing all types of connections. However, I cannot see it when I run 'netstat -an'. How can I get it so that I see my ...
2 votes
0 answers

Netstate and process that are not there?

8080 port is occupied so I can not start glass fish server on it , so I use netstate and find the PID of program whom use that port , but problem start here there is no process or service with this ...
1 vote
1 answer

Troubleshooting outbound internet traffic - Fedora Linux

Without any programs open except an empty terminal window and System Monitor, I'm seeing network traffic. Roughly every 1 second there's a small spike in outbound and a little inbound traffic. $ sudo ...
1 vote
1 answer

Increased traffic - Server probed by bots?

Since December 24 my server experiences increased resource consumption. Additionally the Nginx server seems to be unstable which causes several errors. The CPU usage used to average at around 5%. But ...
0 votes
1 answer

Meaning of Local TCP number after double colon when using netstat -a -b -n

Attempting to diagnose port/connection issues and ran into the following output. I know "::" means "any" (replaces consecutive 0's), but what does the 1 mean? It's on chrome, as ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to see all the TCP connections opened by Google Chrome browser on Mac?

I am currently browsing using the Google Chrome browser. I know that for every tab I open and type a URL in, a TCP connection is opened. I also know that a maximum of 6 concurrent TCP connections are ...
0 votes
0 answers

java.exe opens up hundreds of ports on on a windows 10 computer and listens to itself

After I ran netstat -ab with admin right on my win10 computer, which is not running anything "java" related on the desktop nor there is "java.exe" in taskmanager's "detailed ...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I output a netstat command every 2 seconds to a text file

I am trying to make the following happen, but having a hard time getting it to work as expected. Tried using the watch command, but the output is just a mess. I found the following, but haven't been ...
3 votes
1 answer

Reset Netstat statistics

Is there a method to clear the statistics of 'netstat -s' without rebooting the device? I'm trying to determine the number of errors within a nondeterministic period of time.
2 votes
0 answers

What is the explanation of the network flags in MacOSX? [closed]

Good morning. Could someone explain to me the meaning of the flags in the routing table? For example if you check the output of netstat -nr you will have lines like this: default 192.168.2....
28 votes
8 answers

How to use netstat to show what process is listening on a port

I'm on an OS X Mountain Lion laptop and have a couple of Vagrant boxes on it. I'm trying to figure out which process is listening on port 8080. My variations produce like a hundred lines but none with ...
2 votes
2 answers

Why netstat/TCPView/CurrPorts lists processes as unknown?

I'm trying to record data of all the processes that establish connections from my PC for security issues, I tried to do netstat -bn 1 > stats.txt, also tried to make a log file with CurrPorts, TCPView ...
55 votes
17 answers

How do I kill a process that is dead but listening?

I'm developing an app that listens on port 3000. Apparently there's an instance of it still listening to the port because whenever I start it, it can't create a listener (C#, TcpListener, but that's ...
10 votes
1 answer

Port 9001 used by Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0

The port 9001 seems to be used by Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0. I get this from the browser doing a http://localhost:9001/ HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Server: Microsoft-...
1 vote
0 answers

Address/ports keep becoming stuck on ubuntu (server) - even after the process terminates

I'm having an issue on a headless Ubuntu 18.04 installation. Ports keep becoming "stuck" which is either preventing processes from terminating (even when sending a SIGKILL), or allowing the processes ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to find open ports using netstat?

When I do a netstat -tuln, I get the following output Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State tcp 0 0* ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why does netstat on Windows show connections over 24 hours old?

I'm getting the error relating to port exhaustion on my server ("Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted"). So, I checked with netstat -n, and it ...
0 votes
1 answer

Multiple connections to Plex dlna port 32469

Sorry if this is not in the correct forum. I have Plex server installed on a Raspberry PI running Raspbian with Open Media Vault. Everything works well. The only issue I have is that I get lots of ...

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