Questions tagged [nnoremap]

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1 answer

Is it possible to map control forward-slash with vim

Hey wondering if it is possible to map control + forward-slash in vim. The mapping would be for normal mode if that makes a difference. Have tried <c-/> but that didn't work. Tried looking at ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to map NumPad1 to Alt+Enter?

I'm new to AutoHotKey, and I'm trying to map NumPad1 to Alt+Enter. I have done this by right clicking on the AHK window and editing script, which is in My Documents/Autohotkey.ahk and overwriting the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Remap any key to F5 in Vim

I am trying to remap a key (I do not matter which) to F5 key because my physical keyboard hasn't got F1 - F12 keys. How can I do it? I have tried to use nnoremap but I am doing something wrong. I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Mapping from .vimrc does not apply

In my vimrc, I mapped nnoremap <tab> >> and nnoremap <s-tab> <<. The second mapping works fine, the first one however seems to be forgotten. If I map it manually when in Vim, ...
1 vote
1 answer

vim todolist without clear screen

I use TODO word in a comment as todolist item " TODO this is a todolist item and I show the items with nn <silent><leader>tl :grep --exclude=*~ TODO % <CR> :copen <CR> ...
1 vote
1 answer

nnoremap with vnoremap

with vim, I use object indent. and frequently I use this vii:!sort for sort a block with same indent. I try set this nnoremap nn <leader>ss vii:!sort<cr> but don't work, any ...
2 votes
2 answers

vim go to the end of jumplist

in vim, with :jumps I see the jumplist, with G I go to the end of jumplist. How I can go the end of list with a map ? I think in some like this nn <leader>j :jumps<CR>G but this, ...
1 vote
1 answer

<m-down> in vim

In OSX Lion, in vim, I try use this nnoremap. nnoremap <m-Down> :cnext<cr>zvzz nnoremap <m-Up> :cprevious<cr>zvzz vimrc from sjl I added the nnoremap to ~/.vimrc, but when I ...