Questions tagged [overlay]

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FFMPEG - Add a green video overlay at a fixed Interval in a video. How to define the interval?

I am trying to add a green screen video overlay on the top of my main video. The green video overlay is like a thumbs up that shows up every few minutes in the video. I have a ffmpeg command that adds ...
DigitalNomad's user avatar
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Cannot load database overlay due to permissions in OpenLDAP

I am having a hard time to configure OpenLDAP with MemberOf overlay. I have compiled openldap 2.5.16 from scratch, with --with-memberof option. Somehow it works: sys# sbin/slapcat -F config/slapd.d -n ...
Smok's user avatar
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Can't share Wi-Fi connection over Ethernet with both the firewall and overlay filesystem on

I've configured my Raspberry Pi 4B to automatically connect to Wi-Fi and share its Internet connection to the ethernet port using NetworkManager. This works so long as: the firewall (UFW) is off OR ...
Geoff's user avatar
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FFMPEG - PNG Overlay - Fade In / Out - Start & End of video + Combine Videos

Hoping someone can help me with this. I'm looking to automate some editing tasks. I want to write an FFMPEG command that will do the following. Input is VIDEO.MP4 Add a 1 second fade in and out to ...
bd_1234's user avatar
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Convert a video with a specific subtitle overlay

I downloaded a video file found on TED. It was with subtitles in different languages. Then I tried to convert it to an MP4 file using the VLC media player. In the conversion profile, I checked Overlay ...
Mori's user avatar
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Using overlayfs on ext4 with casefold enabled?

My dockerd service was not working anymore and failed because it could not initialize the overlay2 storage driver. I have a primary partition formatted with ext4 that has the casefold option enabled. ...
seyfahni's user avatar
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How to prevent Riva Tuner from overlaying certain applications

I recently installed MSI Afterburner with Riva Tuner to monitor my RAM usage during some game testing. I have noticed since installing this that there are other programs that Riva Tuner is also ...
Kalamalka Kid's user avatar
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Understanding the prioritization of window visibility

I am wondering about the window visibility priority system that allows some windows to stay overtop of some other windows. For example: when we use 'Picture in picture' mode in Chrome, we can force a ...
Kalamalka Kid's user avatar
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OverlayFS hangs when an underlying CIFS lowerdir has network issues

I have an example setup: overlay /data/all overlay noauto,x-systemd.automount,lowerdir=/data/local:/data/remote 0 0 //myhomeserver/data /data/remote cifs iocharset=utf8,ro,credentials=/data/remote....
jazzman's user avatar
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ffmpeg -filter_complex "pad,overlay" makes file with 2 video

i try to make video with watermark. "H:\ffmpeg.exe" -i -i watermark.png -map 0:0 -c:v libx264 -vsync 0 -vb 3M -filter_complex "pad=2048:1152:0:147:black,overlay" -map 0:1 ...
Andrey's user avatar
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FFMPEG 3 video Concat / Overlay

I have been getting to grips with FFMPEG for the last few please excuse my lack of knowledge. It's very much early days. I need to join 3 video elements together with one of the videos ...
3EK's user avatar
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FFmpeg overlay image behind object

I have a video, that has a scene I need to overlay a photo. The scene looks like this. I've done simple overlay in the middle of the picture with ffmpeg -i demo.mp4 -loop 1 -i image.png -...
Gleb Miller's user avatar
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Huge video duration after PGS subtitles burn onto video

i'm trying to burn subtitles onto video stream and something weird happens. This is my video file before the process: ffprobe version N-107936-gf99d15cca0-20220829 Copyright (c) 2007-2022 the FFmpeg ...
Tvuce's user avatar
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Is a file Overlay a security threat?

How do you tell if the "Overlay" found on some files when searching the hash checksum on VirusTotal poses any threat? Would the Overlay be part of the signed file? Does the VT page ...
Eric's user avatar
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FFMPEG color overlay produces scrubbing/time navigation issue

I am trying to make a command that will blank video to a black screen for a specified period of time, to use in a video editing script. I have a version that will work with a black image file, but I ...
BigBear5000's user avatar
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How to generate a frame-accurate concat file image sequence overlay in FFmpeg?

I am using a concat.txt file that looks like: ffconcat version 1.0 file 000001.png #13-24 0.433767-0.834167 duration 0.4004 file 000002.png #25-35 0.834167-1.2012 duration 0.367033 file 000003.png ... ...
Arnon Weinberg's user avatar
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What is this overlay and how do I turn it off?

This overlay pops up after I take a snip of the current page sometimes, and always pops up during gaming. I can't pinpoint what app is causing this, and even after turning off both NVidia GeForce ...
Hannah K's user avatar
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Overlay image on FFMPEG running on and on

I wanted to overlay images on my video but no impact to any audio. My video is of length 01:32:34 and my below script continue running from 3 hrs and then I closed it. Looks some issue. Please can you ...
D.B.'s user avatar
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ffmpeg how to create list of input files and refer them in complex filter

I have input video and long (1000s) list of png files. I'd like to overlay pngs at different timestamps. I created filter_complex_script like: [0:v][1:v] overlay=enable='between(t, 0.05, 0.116)'[tmp]; ...
pma_'s user avatar
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how to remove loading text from full screen video [closed]

Sometimes when viewing fullscreen video on a website, the site appears to be attempting to download a tracking pixel or some other data I don't care about in the background. Chrome wants to show me ...
chiliNUT's user avatar
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Is there a way to add an external transparent PNG overlay to a PDF without modifying the PDF?

I'm trying to find an application that will let you create an overlay to a PDF but doesn't actually modify the PDF, e.g. saves a transparent .png that (in the program) is linked to the PDF or creates ...
Jason's user avatar
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How do you get FFmpeg script -hwaccel overlay_cuda to fade in and out an image?

The following FFmpeg hardware-acceleration script works fine. But when I try to apply a fade in and out to the overlayed image it breaks. Is there a solution? Working: ffmpeg -hwaccel cuda -...
ISG Tester's user avatar
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ffmpeg combine overlay and adding sound command

I am using the following command to add audio on a video ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i test.mp3 -filter:a atempo=2.0 -c:v copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 -shortest output.mp4 I am using the following command to ...
Mithun Sarker Shuvro's user avatar
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Does aufs ( or any other OverlayFS alternative ) support direct access to lower branches?

Is there any union-type filesystem that can handle online edits to lower branches? Use-case: OS configuration management I wish to store my main OS in lowest dir. This dir should be the unconfigured ...
Meowxiik's user avatar
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ffmpeg overlay an gif over video to full scale of video dimension

I would like to add a transparent gif image over a video, I can do it using the following command ffmpeg -i inputVideo.mp4 -i yourImage.png -filter_complex "overlay=5:5" -codec:a copy ...
Mithun Sarker Shuvro's user avatar
7 votes
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How to hide the Microphone Camera on/off overlay on upper right corner of monitor in Windows

A microphone/camera on/off overlay appeared on the upper right corner of my monitor. How can I hide it? Thank you
Jan Paolo Go's user avatar
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How do I remove the extra stuff they have apparently recently added to the "volume overlay" pop-up thing in Windows 10?

A week ago, I was forced to once again reinstall Windows 10. Now I have "2004". I don't know if it was the new version of Windows 10, or the new version of foobar2000, or a combination of ...
S. Riviere's user avatar
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Overlay 2 videos output to 1 frame image only works with one of the videos as main video

I have two similar uses of the overlay filter with 2 videos as input, if the one video is main it works, if it is the other video as main the overlay is hidden. Expression one: ffmpeg.exe -v error -...
Michael Nygaard Møller's user avatar
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Realtime overlay png image (with tansparency) over webcam output to feed to v4L2 loopback virtual video camera

I've been struggling with this for a few days and just can't get the final part of the FFmpeg command right. I'd be very grateful for any help please. I have studied similar questions and answers on ...
Sun Dial's user avatar
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Possible to do overlay-like FS where dirs in the upper layer completely overshadow lower dirs (shallow merge vs deep merge)?

Is it possible to setup an overlay style FS on Linux where the presence of a directory in the upper dir COMPLETELY overshadows the lower dir? Lower Layer: /dir1/fileA /dir2/fileB Upper Layer: /...
Seth's user avatar
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How to boot Centos 8 with volatile root overlay filesystem?

Generally, I am looking to boot a Linux box so that the persistent storage is immutable. Any changes made to the filesystem should be lost when the box is powered off. This is for system where the ...
Preston L. Bannister's user avatar
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Pip with ffmpeg to youtube

I would like to have a picture in picture in top left with two rtsp livestreams without sound. can do 12fps can do 30fps Now I have this : ffmpeg -f lavfi -i anullsrc -...
zarg404's user avatar
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docker in overlayroot environment: "invalid cross-device link"

The docker daemon won't start inside my Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS, started with overlayroot. sudo journalctl --no-hostname --no-pager -b -u docker.service gives me, among other things, this: Feb 19 13:10:...
Johannes Bauer's user avatar
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ffmpeg scroll text without gap

I'm using this command to scroll text on video "drawbox=y=ih-108:[email protected]:\ width=iw:height=48:t=fill, \ drawtext=textfile=file.txt: \ fontfile=OpenSans-Regular.ttf: \ y=h-line_h-65:\ x=w-mod(...
Ramjivan Jangid's user avatar
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mount overlayfs on “/” before systemd starts

I'm working on an embedded device with an arm cortex A9. The kernel version is 4.16.0 and is generated by buildroot 2018.05. The storage memory is an mmc with several partition. U-boot reads the ...
grorel's user avatar
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Is there a limit on Docker Swarm overlay networks' bandwidth?

I am running an eperiments which includes around 20 containers heavily communicating with each other through TCP, grpcs, etc. I use Docker stack command to start the containers on an overlay network. ...
Nima Afraz's user avatar
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VLC fullscreen progress bar is over subtitles

Since version 3.x (as I recall) VLC is packed with a nice colored overlay progress bar in full-screen. Progress bar which I would love to modify to avoid it being displayed OVER subtitles when I ...
Eve's user avatar
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How to switch application for Windows 10 Media Key

When Media Key is used in Windows 10, the last used application will be activated. This is annoying when I am using the ebook reader Freda, and I want the media key to be used on Spotify/YouTube that ...
hanxue's user avatar
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Cannot complete overlay FS mount within Docker container

Trying to use overlayfs within a Docker container. root@din:~# mount -t overlay overlay -o lowerdir=/etc,upperdir=/oetc,workdir=/root/work /mnt mount: /mnt: permission denied. root@din:~# ls -ld /mnt ...
Bill Michaelson's user avatar
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Is it possible to show an overlay with CPU temp and freq when not playing?

I actually learned to use RTSS and HWinfo to display an overlay with CPU temp and CPU frequency, but this solution seems to work only when I'm playing. There is a way or another program that can add ...
MA.SE's user avatar
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FFMPEG Sound lost after doing overlay of images on a video

I am new to ffmpeg. trying to overlay multiple images on a video at a different intervals. I have used below command to do so, ffmpeg -i _2.mp4 -i gloves.png -i socks.png -i shoes.png -...
user1057053's user avatar
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OpenLDAP slapadd on a translucent overlay

I have an OpenLDAP database which seems to have one or two corrupt records (probably from machine crashes while update in process). Anyway, whenever anyone or anything access these records slapd ...
Philip Lewis's user avatar
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Windows shows language switching menu when holding ALT

Whenever I hold Alt and click Shift to change my input language from English to Hebrew and vica versa, it always shows the input selection menu in the middle left border of my screen like an overlay. ...
Orbs's user avatar
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ffmpeg overlayed video stuttering

I am trying to play the video background.mp4 while having another video overlay.mp4 be overlayed in a small rectangle over the background video. The overlay video should be delayed. By looking up ...
user2089648's user avatar
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Overlay (residual menu entry) in my Windows 10 desktop

I am getting an overlay in my Windows 10 desktop, and I don't know why. The overlay disappears when I hit ctrl + end + del, but do nothing and cancel. However, it pops up again after a while. I ...
Kshitiz Gautam's user avatar
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How do I overlay a PNG over two videos (one video overlays another) in one command using FFmpeg?

I'm a new user of FFmpeg, and I want to insert a logo on two videos (one video overlay another) with one command. For example, I have a background video (1), a video in scaling (2) and a logo (3P, ...
quangtrung1789's user avatar
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The root partition changes into 2 partitions

I'm using Deepin OS, yesterday I've updated my Deepin OS to the lates version. After the latest update (April 2, 2019) my root directory was divided into two partitions (4 GB and 49 GB) like this: ...
Newbie95's user avatar
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FFMPEG - combine audio tracks from 2 videos

I'm using a command to overlay a video on top of another one: ffmpeg -i v1.mp4 -i v2.mp4 -filter_complex "[1] scale=320:240 [over]; [0][over] overlay=0:0" output.mp4 It only keeps the audio from the ...
jxz0's user avatar
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systemd: disable useless tmpfs

Context: embedded system, read-only MMC with tmpfs overlay. Everything gets written to RAM & disappears on reboot. systemd insists on creating numerous tmpfs mounts (at least /run /run/lock /run/...
syam's user avatar
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Accessing the lower mount of an overlay root fs

I use Linux overlay fs as root filesystem to keep the real root partition read-only and write changes to another fs (e.g., tmpfs or another partition). However, when the root filesystem is finally ...
dronus's user avatar
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