Questions tagged [pci-x]

For questions regarding PCI-X (Peripheral Component Interconnect Extended) buses and adapters, not PCI-Express.

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9 votes
1 answer

I have a 3.3 Volt PCI ethernet card working on a 5 Volt PCI slot. How is it possible?

This is the design for PCI slots: As you can see, there are 32/64 bits and 3.3/5 Volts. For what I know: 32 bits PCI cards can work in 64 bits slots of the same voltage. 64 bits PCI cards can ...
Sopalajo de Arrierez's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to put a PCI-X card in a PCI slot?

By this, I mean is it possible to put a PCI-X card in a PCI slot? I heard from someone (who deals with servers all the time) that this is the case, however I may have misheard. Also, the card DOES fit,...
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