Questions tagged [php-extensions]

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9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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PHP extension enabled but not loaded on Apache

For some reason, my php extensions are enabled, but not loaded by my Apache 2.4 server. The extensions I am missing are mbstring and fileinfo. I did the installation manually and I wish to keep it ...
DCardinal's user avatar
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VS Code Intellisense doesn't work with DOMDocument extension

I'm working with PHP through Visual Studio Code and I need to create some XML documents. I've seen that in PHP 7.X there is and extension called DOMDocument that seems really simple and useful. The ...
Belfed's user avatar
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Homebrew throwing unable to load dynamic library error with all versions of PHP on macOS Sierra

When I install PHP using Homebrew, any extensions that I attempt to load (including the core extensions such as mysqli and gd2) throw an Unable to load dynamic library error during any usage. Is there ...
Forest's user avatar
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Can't add PHP extension ""

I want to add extension to my PHP. I've already put it in the extension_dir and the line "" is in my php.ini. I restarted apache but I can't find the extension in phpinfo();...
blind's user avatar
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phpinfo() and convert --version show different versions of ImageMagick

I'm running CentOS 7.7 and a few days ago I noticed that my ImageMagick library is missing the ImagickKernel class. So after a lot of research, I got to the conclusion that I'm running an outdated ...
Inc33's user avatar
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VS Code not highlighting HTML in index.php even with beautify enabled

working on a PHP project, but the HTML in my PHP is not highlighting. I'm not sure why, but html by itself will. When I installed beautify, per another posts recommendation, my user settings did ...
thinker's user avatar
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Command line shows extension "gd" is enabled but WordPress says it isn't. Terminal and phpinfo() showing different PHP versions

php -v is showing 5.5.9 phpinfo() is showing 5.6.22. WordPress is reporting that I have to enable either gd or imagic extension in order work with image processing. The Configure command for phpinfo(...
Niladri Sarkar's user avatar
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Installing PHP accelerator on a WampServer running on Windows 7 x64

I have installed Symfony 2.3 on a WampServer but when I check for configuration warnings I have the following message Install and enable a PHP accelerator like APC I have tried many apc's version ...
user1655410's user avatar
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How do I clone a PECL SVN repository?

I'm trying to clone the PECL OAuth repo, but clicking on "SVN Instructions" in the top-right corner leads to instructions on how to clone the Github repo for PHP itself... Does any of the elders know ...
Bogdan Stăncescu's user avatar