Questions tagged [postscript]

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2 answers

Windows 10, how to use a PPD file for a network postscript printer?

A network postscript printer was manually configured to use the "Microsoft PS Class Driver" and it will print. However, the driver knows nothing about the printer, like resolution or duplexing (...
mathog's user avatar
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Why do printers have resident fonts, and how do I use them?

Many printers specify that they have resident fonts--often dozens of them. I could understand why this was necessary years ago, when perhaps the choice was to use a resident font or to print the whole ...
massysett's user avatar
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2 answers

Printer Job Language --> PDF

I have received a non-human readable file which I would like to make human readable. How would I go about getting the text content from the following file: thufir@dur:~/Documents$ thufir@dur:~/...
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