Questions tagged [pppd]

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15 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Use systemd to start ppp on a VLAN on boot

I'm replacing my consumer router/AP with a linux box. My consumer router dialed in to my ISP via a PPPoE link on a tagged VLAN. I have a working setup configured where ppp uses the tagged device ...
Huckle's user avatar
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pppd loses ADSL IPv6 connection after 30 minutes

I run a modem in bridge mode and use pppd to open the connection. While the IPv4 connection is stable, the IPv6 connection seems to die exactly 30 minutes after opening it. ping6 starts returning ...
passy's user avatar
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PPTPD server with radius auth

I setup PPTP server based on Debian. I test it using standard pap-secrets file and itu work as expected. I try to use radius as it's AAA. First I can not fine any /etc/radiusclient/radiusclient.conf ...
Bino Oetomo's user avatar
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Is it possible to use PPP to create a network bridge?

Is it possible to use PPP (pppd) to create a network bridge between two subnets? That is, connect two segments of the same network, tunneling Ethernet frames, rather than IP packets? As I understand,...
Petr's user avatar
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Is a FreeBSD equivalent of pppd required? If yes, is it /usr/sbin/ppp?

On the Wikipedia page and the official webpage, only Linux and Solaris are listed as possible platforms. The FreeBSD handbook mentions pppd, but it is used to refer to the kernel implementation in ...
Janus Troelsen's user avatar
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Errors running pppd inside a docker container

I have a docker container that I'm trying to run pppd inside of. The host kernel has CONFIG_PPP=y. I'm setting up the ppp device like this: mkdir /run/container/dev mknod /run/container/dev c 108 0 ....
Tom's user avatar
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pppd retry issue with multiple wan interfaces

I am using two wan connections in my router with linux kernel 2.6.21. PPPOE Ethernet cable and 3G connection. Both need ppp setup. But boot sequence is different for both. many times 3G disconnect and ...
coder007's user avatar
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pppd, docker, socat and permissions

We have an [Ubuntu 20.04] Docker image, used as part of a test system, in which I need to run pppd (to test a dial-up connection), where pppd is connected to the physical modem via a socat loop. My ...
Rob's user avatar
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ppp(d) configuration options: Does "noccp" also disable vj compression?

I'm having trouble understanding the docs for pppd. The Oracle man page states that disabling CCP (using noccp) disables deflate and bsdcomp - both of which are data section compression. However, it ...
flyingfishfinger's user avatar
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Can't access PPP equipment connected to VMWare Guest

Well, basically, what I'm trying to do is to connect an equipment that needs to talk to a Windows Host through a Linux (Lubuntu) Guest. Now a bit more of details: 1 - I have a software that only runs ...
RodPin's user avatar
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USB GSM modem random disconnects on debian 10

I'm trying to build a tiny (A20-based) server which should connect to internet (GSM) automatically and stay connected permantently. My setup is: hardware: Board: Olimex A20 OlinuXino-Lime2 GSM modem: ...
Mike's user avatar
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PPPD only works with a specific baudrate

Basically, I would like to create PPP to interact Linux with Quectel Modem by using pppd though (editing options/ chat script follow to modem command). Until now, connection: ppp0<-->/dev/ttyS1 ...
Jean's user avatar
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pppd Works in windows, but not in routers?

I have a pppd server runing in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and it's configured for chap authetifications. And when i try to connect to my server only works on windows (10 or versions bellow) but i would like to ...
David Martins's user avatar
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pppd for IPv6 only tunnel

I have this command which works great for IPv4: sudo pppd updetach noauth passive pty "ssh ubuntu@somehost -i ~/somekey.pem -o Batchmode=yes sudo /usr/sbin/pppd nodetach notty noauth"
Eric des Courtis's user avatar
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Setup VPN connection with Synology NAS

I want my Synology NAS (located at home) to be connected to my VPN on the WAN. This allow to keep alive a VPN from home to wan without worring about dynamic IP. I setup a ppdpd server on my VPN (...
nowox's user avatar
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