Questions tagged [screen-capture]

Screen capture is the act of capturing the video on a computer screen either as a point in time (screenshot) or live streaming.

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11 votes
1 answer

Record a time-lapse screen-capture directly in ffmpeg

Can I use ffmpeg to record my Xorg desktop (without audio) at one frame a second into a video file that will play back the frames at 30 frames per second without requiring a conversion process? The ...
qubodup's user avatar
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157 votes
14 answers

How to prove the authenticity of a screenshot?

I have take some screenshots of chat from Whatsapp web using Windows 8 Snipping Tool. I saved those images in PNG format. Now I want to prove that those images are the original, not tampered or ...
Optimus's user avatar
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1 answer

How to create a screen capture a specific OS X window from the command line?

Is there a way to capture a screenshots of a specific window (even if that window is covered by other windows) from the command line, non-interactively? It seems that the built-in screencapture ...
GJ.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to capture the entire Screen including the Taskbar and/or the explorer with the Windows 10 Game Bar?

The Windows 10 Game Bar allows recording most applications, but it doesn't seem to work for the explorer or the entire screen. Is there a way to make it work?
Andreas Hartmann's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Save YouTube ad

I'm doing some research and would like to save some YouTube ads to a local video file. No, I'm not interested in the videos themselves but the ads that show before or during the video plays. None of ...
Julian's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

LICEcap doesn't respect High DPI settings on Windows 8 and 10

I attempted to make an animated gif screenshot of the image of my answer here using LICEcap, on windows 8.1. This is as a test and I selected the whole gif, and a small border around it. I have a 4K ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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1 answer

setting PowerPoint 2010 slide show to HD dimensions

I am trying to do a screen capture of a PowerPoint 2010 slide show, but I notice that the full screen view of the slide show is closer to a square in shape, with black on both sides of the slide. ...
CodeMed's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Using headset mic for recording screenshot video

I want to use my blackberry smartphone headset's mic for recording an onscreen video but all i can get is the earphones acting as a mic themselves. I don't want that, I want to use the headset mic and ...
Pankaj Upadhyay's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

windows snip tool, capture scrolling page

I'm trying to capture a scrolling page using windows 8 snip tool. I've tried the window capture option but it just captures the visible part of the page, not the part that would be revealed by ...
Ejaz's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I take a screenshot from a YouTube video? [duplicate]

My Prt Sc button is on the same button as my Home button. The Prt Sc is circled and under the word Home. I assume that you push Shift+Home to get Prt Sc to work. That is how it has worked in past ...
Cris's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Recording with sound not possible in VirtualBox

Is it possible to not only video capture in VirtualBox but also record the audio coming from the VirtualBox? When I try to select the right device to record I get this, which bascially means the audio ...
TomTom's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to printscreen a big treeview in a windows app?

I have an app that I would like to send the screenshot of all selected options to the developer, but the options are in a huge treeview... Is there a trick to easily printscreen it, like capture ...
balexandre's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the lightest possible way to record a screencast with ffmpeg?

I would like to capture a sreencast at 60fps. I tried with this: ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -c:a pcm_s16le -f x11grab -r 60 -s 1920x1080 -i :0.0 -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 0 out.mkv ...
gandalf3's user avatar
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how can I flip from camera to screen recording

I just get my new canon 70d camera. I want to use it for recording online tutorial and publish it in YouTube. how can I flip from camera to screen recording and vise verse while recording? are there ...
Dot Freelancer's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Screen capturing with Daum PotPlayer

How do I capture an area or the full screen by using Daum PotPlayer? The steps I tried: Open the Device Settings dialog box using either "Right Click Menu > Open > Device Settings..." or by using ...
hkBattousai's user avatar
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2 answers

Invisible mouse pointer when recording screen on a remote PC

What I'm trying to do is record videos on a remote server. The issue is that when I use any other remote control application other than the native windows remote desktop, the mouse pointer is never ...
RiTu's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How do I capture my second monitor using avconv?

With this command: avconv -f x11grab -s 2560x1440 -i :0.0 I can stream video from my main monitor. I also have a second, 1080p monitor on which I do my gaming. I want to stream from that monitor. ...
Hubro's user avatar
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TeamViewer to record a 1-participant meeting, with screen capture, audio

Has anyone worked out how to use TeamViewer 9 to record a solo session, say a self-hosted "meeting" with no actual participants? Similar to camtasia, I want to record my screen, along with audio in a ...
Bob Stein's user avatar
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Does anyone knows how TeamViewer gets screen capturing?

I'm looking for an way to record my Android's screen without rooting my phone. This will be on my work phone, so I'm not allowed to root it. I recently found TeamViewer QuickSupport which lets you ...
Prashant's user avatar
2 votes
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Create a screencast with ffmpeg: how to keep video+audio in sync?

I created some screencasts with ffmpeg. The PC I use has capable hardware (Intel Core i7-4930K Six Core 3.40GHz 12MB Cache, 32 GB RAM), but unfortunately it runs Windows 7. Because I want to do my ...
yankee's user avatar
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1 answer

Make screen capture of PS3 connected to my monitor

When I change the input mode of my monitor to the PlayStation 3 (HDMI) and click Fn + Print Screen on my keyboard it takes a screenshot of my desktop computer instead of the game I'm playing. Does ...
user3235054's user avatar
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Recoring screencasts with adobe captivate

I am trying out the adobe captivate and considering to buy, but the quality is not that great, and I dont know if its configuration or its just not possible to get better. I set my screen resolution ...
Poul K. Sørensen's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is there a time management tool that allows to study browsing time? [closed]

I would like to help my friend with time management, and I'm looking for a problem that can every X seconds (unless the computer was inactive for some minutes), measure what program (or if it's the ...
user1111929's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I get millisecond-level accuracy timestamps on screenshots (vlc)?

I'm currently using rt.exec("C:\\VLC\\vlc screen:// --dshow-vdev=screen-capture-recorder --dshow-fps=10 -I dummy --dummy-quiet --rate=1 --video-filter=scene --vout=dummy --scene-format=jpg --scene-...
Etai's user avatar
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2 answers

Any alternative for PicPick on Mac OS X? [closed]

I need simple tool with two feathures, accessible by hotkeys: Color picker; Tool like "Screen Crosshair" in PicPick, for simple get size of any region of screen. I can't find any alternative. Mac OS ...
Ganster41's user avatar
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1 answer

How to capture text from the operating system in a practical and simple way?

Sometimes we can't select the text to copy & paste, such as dialog boxes. Sometimes it's just not practical, such as 100 files inside a folder. Is there any practical and simple way to capture ...
cregox's user avatar
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31 votes
4 answers

How to record screen while installing Windows?

Besides recording the screen with an actual camera what are the options to make, for example, a Windows installation video tutorial?
Brainiac's user avatar
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1 answer

Screencast recording performance (using ffmpeg)

Hello everybody out there doing desktop recordings, On my old notebook with an Intel Mobile processor with 1.5 GHz and 1 GB RAM, producing a screencast is a pain. I am using a framerate of 15 fps ...
Penguin Nurse's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What tools exist for capturing consecutive screenshots of a film? [closed]

Is there any tools that allow for capturing screenshots of a film at set intervals? E.g. something that captures a screenshot every second and saves them to files in an ordered sequence. I'm using ...
user1049697's user avatar
0 votes
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The sound is periodically "dying" when capturing with ffmpeg + directshow

I am trying to capture video and sound with the following command ffmpeg -f dshow -r 15 -i video=screen-capture-recorder:audio="Desktop Microphone (2- HD-5000 - Microsoft LifeCam.)" -acodec mp3 -...
Suzan Cioc's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why does the mouse lag when screen recording with CamStudio?

When I try to record a screen capture video using CamStudio (portable version), my mouse lags so much that it is practically impossible to do anything. Reducing the size of the region I'm capturing ...
Matt's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does the audio have such poor quality when I playback screen captures?

I can record a video and capture audio just fine, but when I play it back, there is something like white noise in the background, you can barely hear my voice, and it certainly isn't clear enough to ...
Jeremy Lin's user avatar
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Why does MS Expression Recorder make the capture area blank/white in XP?

I have had this problem on 2 different virtual machines running Windows XP SP3. Basically, you can still see the green cross-hairs and outline while Expression Recorder is recording, but everything ...
Jeremy Lin's user avatar
62 votes
3 answers

How to capture screen video (with audio) using VLC media player?

The steps below do sometimes result in a partial file which can't be played or some file without sound. Click Media -> Stream -> Capture Device -> Capture Mode = Desktop -> Stream Then ...
Suzan Cioc's user avatar
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1 answer

Rapid screen capture program? [duplicate]

Are there any free cross-OS (or at least Windows) programs that will do rapid screen shots and save them as images? I'd like to create animated gifs with these.
user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Is there a utility to do OCR on images on the windows clipboard? [closed]

Sometimes, I find myself typing out a lot of text from a screen capture. Its quite tedious. Is there an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program out there that would allow me to quickly convert ...
Contango's user avatar
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FFmpeg screencast: capture only one window

I'm using FFmpeg with UScreenCapture under Windows 7 for screencast. Everything works fine, but I want to stream video from only one window - not the whole monitor. I know, there is an opportunity to ...
JustLogin's user avatar
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6 answers

Which screencast program can record up to four hours of screen video and which codec to use?

I want to record a live online video show (record the computer screen) I'm attending. The total length will be four hours. I know about the free Camstudio (Windows), which is able to record video. I ...
Dennis G's user avatar
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1 answer

App to add second mouse pointer?

I am using kindlevncviewer to display the screen of a Windows XP PC on a Kindle. This VNC viewer, however, seems to be incapable of displaying a mouse cursor. Is there a small app for Windows XP that ...
feklee's user avatar
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4 answers

Capture screen with fixed region

I would like to know if there is a systematical way (software) to capture a fixed region on the screen, under Windows 7 or OS X. It must be accurate about the region. I always want to capture the ...
user565739's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Win7 Screen Cap to Realtime Video Driver?

Back in the ancient days of XP, I had a program (the name escapes me) that would allow you to specify a section of screen or the active area of a window the realtime content of which would then be ...
Rob Raisch's user avatar
36 votes
13 answers

Saving large webpage as Image

I'm trying to save a webpage as an image. The web page I'm trying to save is a bit long, and has many images. I tried Google Chrome Screen Capture Extension and few other Chrome screen-capture ...
Nalaka526's user avatar
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2 answers

Error when trying to enable x11grab in ffmpeg

I'm trying to set up ffmpeg so I can do screen captures and just receive error after error after error. However, the root issue is that I can't even seem to enable x11grab. In Terminal I've done this:...
Brandon Durham's user avatar
0 votes
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Mac software that displays pressed keys onscreen [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can I see a visual overlay of shortcut keys I’ve pressed? I'm planning to start a coding side-project in mid-November, and I would like to record some of my work on it as ...
Arkaaito's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Screen Casting using ffmpeg (too fast)

I can use ffmpeg to make screen casts: ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 1280x800 -i :0.0 -c:v libx264 -framerate 30 -r 30 -crf 18 out.mkv However the output comes out to be too fast paced. It also happens with ...
rowman's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I change my Mac screen resolution without scaling to fit my monitor?

I know how to change my screen resolution, but I'm looking for a way to display a 1280 × 786 region in the centre of my display, without it being stretched to fit my 27" monitor! My goal to record ...
Foomandoonian's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Convert GTK RecordMyDesktop OGV video for OpenShot editing

I make some screencasts with my laptop. The software that I use in Ubuntu is GTK RecordMyDesktop which gives me an OGV file. The quality is perfect and I am happy with it. For publishing or giving ...
rowman's user avatar
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1 answer

How to applescript the 'grab' application

I am trying to write an apple script to use the "Grab" application in the Utilities folder to capture and print an application's window. I can get to the part where I tell Grab to start window ...
Peter B's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Start an instance of Chrome without extensions or user preferences

Is it possible to start Google Chrome in a mode that doesn't have any extensions or bookmarks (or any other preferences). In other words, start it like it was a fresh install (but without deleting the ...
OrangeBox's user avatar
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2 answers

Stream desktop to youtube upload

I'm trying to record some league matches, but instead of using fraps and uploading them to youtube, I want to select the webcam option so I can just stream them (to save space). How would I do that? I'...
sfxworks's user avatar