Questions tagged [sed]

"sed" ("stream editor") is a Unix utility that parses and transforms text files.

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3 answers

sed or grep command to extract all lines that match a particular date and time range

2022-09-08T08:55:10+02:00 2022-09-08T19:55:16+02:00 200 200 76 0GET /v1/heartbeat/tcanalytics HTTP/1.1 2022-09-08T23:55:17+02:00 200 200 POST /...
Archana Malakalapalli's user avatar
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1 answer

Replace Host URL including square brackets

In Ubuntu 18.04 I am trying to replace a line hosts: ["localhost:9200"] with hosts:"http:xx.xx.xx:9200" by using the below command but it's not getting updated in the target file. ...
Huzaifa khan's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I double every text line of a file using sed in linux bash?

Can I double every text line of a file using sed in linux bash? Example file: aab1 aac2 awq6a azs4 What i want: aab1 | aab1 aac2 | aac2 awq6a | awq6a azs4 | azs4 I know about "read line" ...
Estatistics's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Convert CSV to text and automatically remove quotes and a specific word - Linux

I need to convert .csv to .txt format via CL (Command line) and automatically remove quotes and a specific word - Linux. Example: I have multiple exported csv files that have: At first row I have: &...
Marius's user avatar
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0 answers

Find and replace multi-line block in multiple files (bash/linux)

I'm trying to find a way to find a text block that meets the criteria: block starts with "google = {" block ends with next "}" character found - ignoring everything else. Example ...
jbl-toom's user avatar
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1 answer

Sed Regular expression to extract MAC address from file

I would like to know what are changes I need to make to my regular expression to work with 'sed' in Linux (actually, I am working with (GNU sed v4.8) in OpenWRT). I have a file containing a list of ...
Marcelo Ruiz's user avatar
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Compare two large text files with NO newlines

I have two large (2-3MB) text files with only a few hundred characters different. Normally diff would work fine for comparing them to find the differences. But although it's a text file, there are NO ...
Manius's user avatar
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1 answer

Replace strings from text file with csv values

I've got a txt file (template.txt) with stuff like: Hostname from Client: !hostname . OS !windowsversion and a CSV-Export from many clients: !hostname, !windowsversion exampleName, Windows10-Pro I'm ...
taxyee's user avatar
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3 answers

Copying files in order by last modified

I'm trying to move a bunch of files from a directory to my phone in a specific order so it wouldn't mess up the order in my phone. The furthest I've gotten is by using this command: find . -printf &...
Art's user avatar
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1 answer

How to find and replace string include special character with sed command

I have a file with content like this: deployment.yml spec: containers: - name: atl-lead image: "" imagePullPolicy: Always I want ...
ThanhLam112358's user avatar
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1 answer

get the top urls from the logs

I have a numbers of log files: adsfs.demo.com_2022-07-11-0000-0001_cn.tgz adsfs.demo.com_2022-07-11-0000-0002_cn.tgz adsfs.demo.com_2022-07-11-0000-0003_cn.tgz adsfs.demo.com_2022-07-11-0000-...
244boy's user avatar
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Capture process output with sed, capture block of text and then filter inside it

There is some stdout that I would like to filter with sed but I don't know how. The stdout example would be: . . . Model a. # This should be captured . . . Metrics results: # This ...
eljiwo's user avatar
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1 answer

Pattern match in next line and replace using sed

I have file containing following data cat file: ABC +123 +456 XYZ +789 I want to search "+" at start of next line and remove "+" and concatenate with current line Output should ...
MAK's user avatar
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Detect files with multiple extensions

I've a synology running a kind of linux OS. I've transfered there a lot of photos. Unfortunately, some are with .jpg and some with .JPG depending of the tool I used to import. These are considered as ...
Skippy's user avatar
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2 answers

sed replace every character in match with single character like █████ redaction

Is there a sed replace function (or other Regex) that will replace every character caught by the match pattern with a single character that is meant to overlay or REDACT the matches? For instance the ...
irishwristwatch's user avatar
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1 answer

Insert new line if file contain string

I need to insert 'import packagename' to the line after imports. In files which contains the specific word. What I try: find iOS/Chat \ -type f \ -name "*.swift" \ -exec gsed -e "/...
Bimawa's user avatar
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Inserting string between two known strings with sed or awk

I've used sed a bit before in the past for updating strings but I haven't been successful with inserting a string in between two known strings. I attempted to use this but it didn't update anything. ...
rk92's user avatar
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Unknown command: `C error displayed when using SED to delete a line in shell script

I am running the below command in a while loop. If my line matches my scenario it will delete that line. I have 2 example 1st one working 2nd one fails. Can someone point out my mistake? Example 1 : ...
MKONDKARI's user avatar
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Can encryption from Self-Encryption Drive (SED) be removed?

Can the actual encryption process be removed? Not the Authentication Key (AK) but the actual process embedded in the disk. Per my understanding it cannot be removed but I am confused with this post ...
Zanko's user avatar
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2 answers

How to group and count all lines in a file that contain specific string

I want to filter all lines from a file that contain mySearchString and after that group them together and count them. Example find all lines that contain 9791 AB-9791___Foo AB-9791___Foo DE-9791___Bar ...
surfmuggle's user avatar
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keep each line containing x only if column y is the first containing x. remove the rest containing x

I'm trying to reduce a results file that contains multiple results for sometimes the same query and I only want the top result from each query. Using bash and bash tools like awk, sed, etc. I would ...
DJ Champion's user avatar
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sed remove with regex

I have code that contains #ifdef CEEDLING_TESTS void scheduler_task_delay_update(uint8_t task_index) { #else static void scheduler_task_delay_update(uint8_t task_index) { #endif I want to remove ...
Michael's user avatar
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Sed match and replace only certain characters

I have mutliple strings in very similar format. (#1111111) (#4444444) I was trying to use sed to provide an output: 1111111 4444444 I have tried: sed 's/(#[0-9]+)/^[0-9]+/g' which seems to match ...
PW123's user avatar
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Removing Duplicate from File

I have two files fileA and fileb FILEA FILEB Output should be Size of File A is around 60GB and Size of File B is 1GB ...
ph3ro's user avatar
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3 answers

sed will not execute as a ssh remote command

I'm working on a script that lets me delete old public keys from a server via ssh. The issue seems to come from the formatting of my ssh command here: ssh -qo ConnectTimeout=20 "${user_ssh}@${ip}&...
somnus8's user avatar
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Replace string from and including '_' up to excluding ':' script? [duplicate]

I am trying to remove a string from and including one char, '_' up to but not including another char, ':'. Everything is on the same line. I have files with different names and numbers, that contain ...
cats123's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I use sed to parse a string that includes hyphens?

Input example: foobar_1-1 1024 x 1024 Desired output foobar_1-1 The hyphen is causing issues here. It's causing the output to be two items in the array: foobar_1, 1 Any advice?
Patrick Hennessey's user avatar
-1 votes
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Remove everything between 2 chars using sed

I am trying to remove a string from and including one char, '_' up to but not including another char, ':'. Everything is on the same line. I have files with different names and numbers, that contain ...
cats123's user avatar
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1 answer

Append a line to the end of the file using ssh, sudo and sed

I have an obvious problem with quoting in bash such that I couldn't really solve for a while. Here is a loop with executing a remote command in a sudo-subshell on a remote server via ssh: for HOST in $...
Danny Lo's user avatar
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1 answer

Piping PCRE grep into sed

I wanna sed this file, but the BRE in sed is not working as well as I hope. What I have now is basically just : $ cat Dungeon | grep -P -o '<\/.*?>' My question is how do I sed this? I want to ...
TK Flagrante's user avatar
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4 answers

Shorten a text that is too long (with sed?)

I have the following example of a .csv-file "0a","1a","Short text","abc" "0b","1bx","Here is a very long text","def" &...
Badusche's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I replace both matching patterns in a line using sed?

TL;DR Given this: $ echo "-lngtcp2_crypto_openssl -lnghttp2.14 -lnghttp2 -lnghttp3.0" | \ sed "s: -lnghttp2[^[:space:]]* : lib/libnghttp2.a :g" -lngtcp2_crypto_openssl lib/...
firebush's user avatar
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2 answers

I have a list of searching word. How to replace them in another file?

I'm sure this question is asked multiple times, but I fail to find it. Basically I have a text file, and a list of all search strings (e.g. cat, dog, banana, etc). I want all occurrences of those ...
Ooker's user avatar
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1 answer

Regex with first line

I want to search inside the but replacement the firsh character of line. for example, line is this pool iburst maxsources 1 I want to search add firsh character # ...
thargalin's user avatar
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2 answers

GNU Sed breaks with tab a a delimiter?

I am wondering what is going wrong here. Using a space as a delimiter works but with a tab it seems to fail. % sed --version sed (GNU sed) 4.8 Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License ...
Kevin Cox's user avatar
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2 answers

Remove the file name from a messy path in a text file awk or sed

I have an xml file with many lines containing something like this: Save="C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\my files\1020\A54f\Drawing965.DWG" Module="0" Save="C:\Users\...
Priora's user avatar
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1 answer

BASH converting txt to csv

BASH/scripting newbie here. sed 's/ \+/,/g' output3.txt > output.csv This one gave me so many delimited. I only one to delimit the "pipe" | symbol and leave the rest as it is. So ...
Prakash Sundra's user avatar
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How to best use SED to comment out a config value while adding a new config value right after it?

I want to edit some config files on in the CLI without a wysiwyg editor but instead using sed. Is there a best practice for doing that? Here are a few examples of what I mean: Config file example 1 A ...
ingank's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Find and replace text in a file after match of pattern only for first occurrence using sed

Let's say I have the following input file: Server 'Test AB' option type 'ss' option port '1234' option timeout '60' Server 'Test CD' option type 'ss' option port '1234' option ...
Asiaexplorer12's user avatar
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use bash script to remove tracking from google scholar links into non tracking links for wget

I Get regular google scholar emails. I am trying to make a simple script that lets me download the pdfs / articles, without google tracking me via their urls. Up till this point I have been copy ...
crowdfundinxmr's user avatar
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How to replace a line in sed with unknown amount of whitespace?

I would like to replace a line in a config file with sed. But the line I am trying to replace contains an unknown amount of whitespace: conf is foo conf is bar config is foobar I've ...
Human's user avatar
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2 answers

Emptying HTML tags with sed

I want to empty the content of every HTML tag but "keeping the structure". From: <h5>Holdrs <div class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Accounts with ..."></div>&...
Fabien's user avatar
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1 answer

Match pattern and any character after up to space, and rearrange captured patterns with sed

I would like to find a particular pattern (k__), and any characters after it, up to a space, and then move that captured pattern to the end of the line With this example file: cat test.file 37099 ...
user95146's user avatar
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Pipe Output of dhclient with sed

Goal Limit output of dhclient. Code dhclient eth0|sed 's/answers//' expected behaviour RTNETLINK : Operation not permitted got RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted Piping ifconfig works ifconfig ...
Timo's user avatar
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sed RegEx matching for full/partial string

I'm having some trouble creating a RegEx string for sed. I tested the expression with various online services, and there, it does succeed. But not so with sed, unfortunately. This is my testing sed ...
zx485's user avatar
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Using the output of a piped sed for the replacement value of a second sed

I am trying to get the version of a npm package, and use it to replace the value in another file. Specifically, I want to get the package.json version and use that to replace the wordpress style.css ...
Sparticuz's user avatar
2 votes
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Batch removing specific text in .txt files

I have 30+ text files that I want to remove specific lines of text from. They all have different names (which I need to keep), they are in the same folder. The text will not all be on the same line ...
Unlucky 83's user avatar
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2 answers

How can erase first character of all string in file

How can erase first character of all string in file if this is zero? e.g I have file $ cat file 01111111 01222222 6666066 09999011 02222044 0743333 01000000 30000000 2222220 Try with sed command ...
aav1307's user avatar
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1 answer

BASH - How to combine data from 2 files

I have 2 files with the following data file1: datapoint1name##datapoint1name datapoint1name.PercentUtilization= datapoint2name##datapoint2name datapoint2name.PercentUtilization= datapoint3name##...
user53029's user avatar
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Delete pattern matching regex from sed capture group

I'm trying to remove all instances of '_(one number)' from certain strings in a file. So tig00000003_1 should become tig00000003 This is what my test file looks like: ##sequence-region tig00000001_732 ...
acs's user avatar
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