Questions tagged [stty]

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In Debian 11 docker container, I cannot type lowercase S when I switch to bash from zsh

When I connect to my Docker container with Debian 11 via ssh, I have it set up such that zsh is the main shell. When I switch to bash (by typing bash) I lose the ability to type the lowercase letter s ...
orion3's user avatar
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tmux status bar showing the terminal's available width and height in pixels

It would be nice if tmux could display the width and height of a current window within its status bar. I personally use :resize-window -x -y quite a lot, cause I connect from a computer to a second ...
freddie_ventura's user avatar
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1 answer

Why might I not see stty key changes reflected in "stty -a"

I'm trying to change some key bindings in my console (Konsole). If I map intr to Ctrl-k, by running stty intr \^k I don't see the change reflected in stty -a speed 38400 baud; rows 46; columns 172;...
EricS's user avatar
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stty in .profile causes: "stty: 'standard input': Inappropriat ioctl for device

I added into my .profile file the command stty werase ^H (The command makes it possible that i can delete a word with Ctrl + Return). But whenever i start my PC it prints the following error: ...
Stefan xyz's user avatar
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agetty: unrecognized characters after login in buildroot (systemd)

I have a problem with agetty. when the login prompt gets the user name, then the password prompt or login shell shows unrecognized characters as below: [ OK ] Started Serial Getty on ttymxc4. [ OK ...
amin khozaei's user avatar
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How to permanently change Ctrl + C to Ctrl + K in CentOS 7?

I try to use this stty intr ^K in order to change Ctrl + C to Ctrl + K in CentOS 7. But when I restart my server. It resets to default again. How can I change it permanently from Ctrl + C to Ctrl + ...
Leo's user avatar
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How to suppress "stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device" in Jenkins console

I use PHPUnit with Jenkins. PHPUnit outputs many "stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device." like this [***] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/  + vendor/bin/phpunit tests/ ...
Kimitaka Watanabe's user avatar
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How to modify the behavior of the commands that delete "words" to the left

I've recently tried switching from being a long time tcsh user to bash and I was lamenting the extra key tapping for deleting "words" to the left, so I've been looking into modifying the behaviors in ...
hepcat72's user avatar
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screen and $TERM and misformatted vi

I'm ssh'ing from my Mac ( into a Linux box, where I need to run ckermit or screen over USB to have a console on a second Linux box. (There are no graphics on the second box, and I'm ...
Johannes Ernst's user avatar
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Periodic input to Windows gitbash terminal

My bash terminal is receiving a space (chr 32) immediately followed by a backspace (chr 8) every 5 seconds (almost exactly). The effects aren't noticeable when typing, as the added space is deleted ...
wutch's user avatar
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6 votes
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Super Key notation for stty

Trying to swap the Ctrl and Super keys around on a ubuntu box. Have managed to swap Super and Ctrl around using xmodmap. Now i just need to change the stty intr to be Super_L + C I can't for the ...
StudioMatrix Webmaster's user avatar
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UART baudrate is configurable by `screen` but not by `stty`

I have a USB to serial adapter, based on CH340G chip. It is connected to a device which periodically sends a string at 9600 baud. However, I seem to be able to receive the data regardless of how I ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
3 votes
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Make stty setting permanent

I tried to setup raw serial communication over ttyusb0 and used stty to change baud rate and raw mode. Those settings were successful and it was visible after I checked ttyUSB0 again, so after stty -...
Laza's user avatar
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What is the discard option in `stty -a`? It uses `^O`

In stty -a, there's an option for discard = ^0. I've googled around, and the closest documentation I get is from: which says ^O flush (or ...
CMCDragonkai's user avatar
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How to run a virtual machine with no graphics card (VGA) configured in VirtualBox

I want to use the following feature of Linux (which one of my virtual machines): If no console device is specified, the first device found capable of acting as a system console will be used. At ...
Kreisquadratur's user avatar
2 votes
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Receiving data from Serial Port

I want to receive data from RS232 Serial port to my terminal and with a directive to a file. It should be pretty straight forward. cat /dev/ttyS0 cat /dev/ttyS0 > file.txt Before that I've ...
Swami Moksha's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does my backspace key keep being unbound from erase?

Every 5 to 20 minutes I need to retype stty erase ^H in the console because my backspace key randomly starts printing ^H instead of deleting characters. This is happening in git bash on a lenovo ...
vicg's user avatar
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Ctrl key not detected in Terminal

I have a problem with my Mac Terminal. It is no longer able to detect the ctrl key, so I can't use anymore shortcuts like ctrl+C to stop a running task, because when I do the terminal echoes only the "...
user4508092's user avatar
29 votes
2 answers

How do I restore input echoing in the terminal?

Sometimes when a script gets killed at a password prompt, I can no longer see my input being echoed in the terminal. That is, normally at a terminal, I see this: $ _ <after typing 'foobar':> $ ...
congusbongus's user avatar
5 votes
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Ruby commands are turning off tty echo

After running Ruby scripts, almost 100% of the time, the bash command line will appear to be inactive, while in fact it's silently accepting my keystrokes without showing them to me. This has ...
Paul Roub's user avatar
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4 votes
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Bash command substitution not working as expected

I'd like to view the last few lines of a file, but I want the columns aligned. Basically, I want to disable wordwrap. This is straightforward with: tail $FILE | cut -c -80 But I'm trying to ...
Joe Fruchey's user avatar
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Terminal without echo

In the terminal on Solaris 5.9 (ksh), I don't see the characters when typing. I can see the input only after the return key is pressed. I checked terminal settings with stty -a it shows: echo echoe ...
rook's user avatar
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stty doesn't change serial port speed in cygwin

This is involves cygwin running under Windows XP. I have a genuine serial port (COM1) on this machine. After booting up, a program I've written gets garbled responses when trying to communicate ...
gbarry's user avatar
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