Questions tagged [sudoers]

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sudo visudo in a Dockerfile with CentOS base image

I am creating a Dockerfile using the centos:7 base image. I need to edit the file at etc/sudoers and append NOPASSWD privileges to it for a new user and some groups. I have looked up in forums that ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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How to restrict user to only certain domains with qemu:///session libvirt wtihout polkit?

How can I restrict users to starting user mode vms to specific domains? I don't want to use polkit for this, but I'm not sure it can even be used for delegating access to users running executables ...
ift-436t's user avatar
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Why does sudoers.d ignore filenames with dots in them?

by default sudo parse config files in /etc/sudoers.d/* whose filename does not contain . and ~ , meaning user.conf is ignored and user_conf is parsed. Why does /etc/sudoers.d ignore files with dots in ...
hanshenrik's user avatar
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set system time without password

I have a (generally) off-network machine that has time info streaming through serial from GPS. I've captured that info and I'm trying to automatically update my system time using sudo timedatectl set-...
SBFRF's user avatar
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Param Cmnd_Alias bypass with script

I tried config de param NOEXEC in sudoers for ban the excution of certains programs, by example; Cmnd_Alias NOEXEC=!/*/bin/cp visudo But, if create a script with the command cp /usr/sbin/visudo , i ...
jllustres's user avatar
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sudo for just one command IN lost+found folder, not more

I have this script # check lost+found folders function chklnf { #DOC echo "chklnf - list any files in lost+found folders on mounted devices" x="lost+found/" if [ "$EUID" != 0 ] ;then ...
Hannu's user avatar
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useradd not working for user despite having changed /etc/sudoers

I added a user to etc/sudoers with visudo with the goal that that user could add another user on a Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS system. This is the line I added: hf99 ALL=/usr/sbin/useradd, /usr/sbin/userdel, /...
appfrosch's user avatar
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Why do `sudo` and `sudo -i` treat NOPASSWD differently?

I have an account that needs to masquerade as other accounts seamlessly, like so: manager$ sudo -u worker_A echo hello from worker A hello from worker A manager$ sudo -u worker_B echo hello from ...
Daniel McLaury's user avatar
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Switching to su if you have no password

Ubuntu 22.04 Logged in as the ubuntu user, using an ssh key, I did: sudo su adduser test --disabled-password sudo su deploy So now, test is in the sudo group, and it has no password. I added the ...
EastsideDev's user avatar
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Allow execution of shell script as different user from sudoers

User A (no general sudo permission given) shall execute a bash script as user B. One minimal script could look like this: #!/usr/bin/env bash touch /home/userB/testfile This script belongs to user A ...
Jannek S.'s user avatar
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sudo to allow apt-get install of remote packages, but forbidding arbitrary commands

I'm looking for a way to allow a user to install (only remote) packages via apt-get (or another mechanism?) but not allow them to run arbitrary commands as root. I can get some of the way there via /...
Michal Charemza's user avatar
2 votes
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SUDO - Error with sudoers_audit plugin

I have one problem with sudo. When I run sudo in regular account I get: sudo: PERM_ROOT: setresuid(0, -1, -1): Permission denied sudo: error initializing audit plugin sudoers_audit But I commented ...
Running Child's user avatar
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How to manage sudoers file when dealing with multiple similar rules?

When I add a rule in the sudoers file, how can I know that I will not override and invalidate it in another future rule addition? I don't want to eye-inspect the sudoers file and preferably things are ...
aderchox's user avatar
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How do I get to root on pfSense?

I am running pfSense 21.05.2 in AWS. I can ssh in as ec2-user, and I can see that the sudo package (0.3_6 with a dependency on sudo-1.9.7) came pre-installed. In the web interface, under System > ...
Gordon Fogus's user avatar
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How to change default permission of file

I have 2 Debian machines. ======== Debain Machine 1=========== $ sudo install -m 0755 -d folder/kumar $ echo "something" | sudo tee -a folder/dict/file something $ ls -lcrt folder/dict/ ...
Pravin.2087's user avatar
2 votes
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Modify sudoers to bypass password requirements but it's not taking effect

I need to run a script with sudo without entering my password. I'm editing /etc/sudoers (using sudo visudo) and on the last line, I'm adding: MY-USER-NAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL I just want to make ...
Amir's user avatar
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Is it possible to run a script which requires elevated permissions from inside zshrc without password prompt

I am trying to put a script in my .zshrc that alters the fn key settings on my keyboard. This is done by altering a value inside a read only config file, and I have successfully done it with the ...
msmit's user avatar
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Debian - user is not allowed to execute '/usr/sbin/reboot'

So I installed Debian 10.9.0, graphical install, logged in as the user I created. I can't do sudo commands with that user. (not in sudoers group) So I do su, type in the password. Then do sudo ...
theerrormagnet's user avatar
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Sudoers: alias already defined "<garbage>"

I defined the following file in /etc/sudoers.d/50-apps Cmnd_Alias APPS=/usr/bin/systemctl start app-*, /usr/bin/systemctl stop app-*,\ /etc/init.d/app1, /etc/init.d/app2 Cmnd_Alias ...
PiotrP's user avatar
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FreeNAS remote shutdown

I want to write a program that remotely shuts down my TrueNAS server. When I enable sudo for the user myuser, the command ssh myuser@hostname -t "sudo poweroff" is actually enough. But I don'...
Elektropepi's user avatar
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usermod command is not working despite giving permission in sudoers file

i have given linda user to run 2 commands (useradd & usermod) from the sudoers file, i successfully ran the useradd command but the problem is i can not run usermod command, i have checked ...
csx4's user avatar
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How does google cloud setup sudoers for googlecloudshell user without adding it to the /etc/group file

I am not a new user on unix and linux. Before today I know everything works needs a logical configuration to make it work. But today, when I create ubuntu instances on google cloud, I found something ...
Scott Lai's user avatar
4 votes
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Where is the sudoers file on Debian 10?

There is a server that was setup a while back, and I need to change a few settings, one of which is a user with super user privileges. However, everywhere I look tell to use visudo, or edit /etc/...
Yanick Rochon's user avatar
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Let a single user execute a command without sudo password

I have already searched and found the many answers to this, but I still can't get it to work. This is on a debian 9 system - I have created an alias and a shell function in the profile: alias lscron='...
j4nd3r53n's user avatar
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Auto mount veracrypt partition after login - without root password

I'm working on a debian-based linux machine (MX linux), trying to automate the mount process for a veracrypt encrypted partition, right after user login - and it won't work and i don'k know what to do ...
xph's user avatar
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remote execution of command failing due to sudo issue

i am running a command from my server which would remotely ssh to by client machine as root and sudo as olcne user and run few commands for validation. I have added the olcne user in sudoer list. i ...
user1115980's user avatar
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linux sudoers not work on command `su`

I want to disable command sudo and su for user in group staff. So I put this in /etc/sudoers: %staff ALL=ALL, !/usr/bin/sudo,!/usr/bin/su But I found, only sudo work, su still work for user in ...
Joshua Lee's user avatar
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sudo -l and sudo -ll output

sudo -l gives me output: User test may run the following commands on server: (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/vim /usr/bin/motd sudo -ll gives me output: Sudoers entry: RunAsUsers: root Options: !...
Paku's user avatar
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Solved - sudo into user instead of root with rundeck

i'm configuring a server for some bioinfo analysis on Centos7 and i installed rundeck. Rundeck seems to launch scripts as its own account name and i decided to use the sudo bypass to make it access my ...
ul.Duc's user avatar
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Parse error in sudoers after giving sudo access without password

I am making a desktop application for Linux that interacts with some Ubuntu system files. As such, during the end-user's installation of my software, I need to generate a file in /etc/sudoers.d/ ...
JeremiahDuane's user avatar
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sudo asks password although there is nopasswd parameter [duplicate]

I edited the sudoers file like below: myuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL newuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL There is no another line that contains "myuser" in sudoers file. But ...
Jo Shepherd's user avatar
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Add a user with permissions to install programs but without permissions to access the directories of other users

I need to create an user in a Linux system with permissions to install programs but without permissions to access the directories of other users. I've tried to do this: # Create restricted user user ...
Kroka's user avatar
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Debian - Let service read protected file

First things first, OS: Debian 10 I've created a systemd service that runs at startup. It needs to be able to read from a file that needs to be protected. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like a ...
The Renaissance's user avatar
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a change with visudo doesn't work

I issue visudo command, add this rule to the very end of the file, save the file and quit. newuser ALL=/usr/sbin/useradd However newuser is still able to run such commands as sudo touch file1 ...
Tomas.R's user avatar
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Changed root / file ownership, any way back?

I have made a typo and ran chown -R username /* instead of ./* as a root, and messed up everything. Now, can't login as a root and change the ownerships back. Any way to repair without having to ...
Sahil Gadimbayli's user avatar
5 votes
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Can someone explain what is `<user> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL` does in sudoers file?

I know that that line above allows <user> to run sudo command without having to type in the password. But what does the syntax actually mean? If you can link to an article then that would be ...
Nabeel Parkar's user avatar
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sudoers sudoedit recursive wildcard

I want to allow editing any file (recursively) under specific directory via sudoers. None of the below works (Debian 9 sudo) ops ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: sudoedit /opt/myapps/ ops ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: ...
bobah's user avatar
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Unable to use sudo

I'm connecting via SSH to a Centos 7 machine. I have a user that cannot perform any command as super user. If I do: $ sudo ls / I get the error: "sudo: unable to fork: Resource temporarily ...
Haniver's user avatar
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Allow php to run shell script with sudo permission

command php -v is working when I execute simple shell_exec('./'); but when I use sudo it doesn't work without sudo service stop command is not working. var_dump(shell_exec('sudo bash ./...
Bot Digit's user avatar
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grant access to a command only for certain arguments (chown for a path)

I have a script that require to change the owner recursively in a folder there is my specific sudoers file: /etc/sudoers.d/jenkins jenkins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/chmod, /bin/chown and this is the ...
Antonio Fernandez's user avatar
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How to fix script to umount device without password?

I have added a file named: umountscript to /etc/sudoers.d/ with this directive: xikri ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/home/x/ inside I have this code: umount /mnt/devicex But ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Abuse suid program

I have some questions about setuid binary. I know it exists some dangerous program (if you permit to use this program with sudo, it is possible to escape from the program and get a root shell) like ...
madem's user avatar
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Sudoers Command

I can't understand the difference in this two command's USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL AND USER ALL=(OTHERUSER) NOPASSWD: ALL Can anyone explain the () change? Thanks
Pedro Macedo Vilas's user avatar
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Error installing Sudo on Debian

I'm trying to install sudo on Debian. At first I logged as root and then apt-get install sudo when I open nano /etc/sudoers it is an empty file. Here is a screenshot of my apt-get install sudo. Does ...
Scrubby's user avatar
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Locked out while setting up nginx

It's my first time trying to setup a web server. I was trying to set up a Digital Ocean Droplet running CentOS. During nginx setup, I 'accidentally' changed the permission of '/' to the nginx user, ...
Márton Pitó's user avatar
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Su/sudo not working consistently

I am running Debian on a Lenovo x220 and upgrade my packages quite regularly. I discovered recently a change in the way how I elevate with sudo. Normally I just su or sudo stuff like e.g. arp-scan -l. ...
Victor's user avatar
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How to avoid "root is not allowed to run sudo"?

I am trying to execute some third-party installer script (ansible tower which needs to be started as root or via sudo as some of the commands rely on root privileges. However some commands ...
kottalovag's user avatar
7 votes
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Sudoers NOPASSWD for single executable but allowing others

Operating System: Arch Linux Linux version: 4.16.11 Sudo version: 1.8.23 What I need: be able to execute any executable with a sudo with a password prompt be able to execute one executable, /home/...
Yaroslav Mytkalyk's user avatar
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Is there something like a sudoers list in Windows?

In UNIX-like systems, normal users can obtain higher priviledges using the sudo command (or they can temporarily switch the user using su). However, with a properly configured sudoers and PAM file, ...
andreee's user avatar
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Adding elevated permissions to scripts in a directory

I have a directory containing some scripts which I need to invoke from a web request. The scripts need elevated permissions to run. My current thinking is to add the following lines to /etc/sudoers: ...
Sam Hastings's user avatar