Questions tagged [terminal]

A terminal is a hardware device used for entering data into and displaying information from a computer. Terminals were frequently used in the days of mainframe computers. Today, most operating systems offer text-based "terminal emulators", which replicate the functionality of a classical terminal, also referred to as a "system console".

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My terminal window is not allowing me to scroll back to lines output by my program

In the cmd window, the PowerShell window and in something I downloaded from the Windows Store called Fluent Terminal, I am unable to scroll up and see all the lines that my program outputs (it is ...
Scooter's user avatar
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When I cut-paste from a terminal to Jira, each line is followed by a blank line. How can I avoid these blank lines?

When I cut-paste from a terminal to Jira, each line is followed by a blank line. How can I avoid these blank lines appearing when pasting? For instance, these are the lines in the terminal: List on ...
boardrider's user avatar
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Having conda terminal as a terminal in VScode (in Windows 10)

I do not have this problem in Linux. However when I (very rarely) program in Windows 10, and I use VScode (as usual) I want to use the attached terminal. When I do, I have the following options: ...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
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Run PowerToys Peek from Terminal

In PowerToys there is a tool called Peek which allows you to preview file contents in Windows Explorer by pressing Ctrl+Space. Contents are shown in separate minimalistic window. Is there a way to use ...
Podbrushkin's user avatar
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Change argument to -y, --yes, --assume-yes

Can anyone help me alter this script to automatically YES? y? I don't need to or want to confirm yes, I just want to pass yes into the shell shortcut. cat << "EOF" >> ~/.zshrc ...
Outer's user avatar
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Windows Bash Terminal takes over 10 seconds to load

When starting up Git Bash in a Windows terminal or VScode terminal, the screen is blank for 10 - 15 seconds before it initializes to having a working directory and cursor. After init, it runs fine. ...
skwidflowz's user avatar
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Why does working in the own directory requires permission in Windows?

So I'm working in the directory C:\Users\terminator that's me (terminator user), and I have a workspace folder inside terminator If I try to move files using a code editor I get the following error ...
Yanjan. Kaf.'s user avatar
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ls with range name of file

I have files with numeric as it's file name. 10asdfsfl.txt 11sdfkf.txt 20sdfdf.txt 22sdfdf.txt 30saadf.txt 40asdfdf.txt 51sadfsf.txt 62ddgfg.txt if I use ls -l [40-50]* it returning list of files ...
snydez's user avatar
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How to make terminal auto-append and prepend quotation marks to pasted texts/links?

Kitty terminal can paste links in and auto-append and prepend quotation marks. Try something like yt-dlp [url], and kitty by default makes it so that you dont have to put the quotation marks. How do i ...
jbp's user avatar
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copying tabs from terminal is broken at the text-wrapping edge (the width changes outcome)

The following code will print "a"s up to the terminal width and then a tab character and then a "b". I've tested both Ubuntu's default Gnome terminals and Terminator and they ...
user1537366's user avatar
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column listing misaligned after pane resize in iterm2

So, I use iterm2 (on mac os 11), with multiple panes in one window (e.g. horizontal and vertical splits). Sometimes after resizing either the whole iterm2 window, or just one of the panes within the ...
Bee's user avatar
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is there a command line in ChromeOS which is equivilent to the terminal in linux

The terminal(penguin) in ChromeOS is just a VM which does not really seem to effect the chromeos it self. And then you got crosh which does not save things after you close it. So is there a full ...
james.yi's user avatar
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Use `arch -x86_64` on terminal in vscode on macos

I'm new to mac and looking for pain relief. I have a dependency that doesn't run on apple silicon. Meaning: if I cd into the project folder and run poetry install, I get an error message: I'm able to ...
ElRudi's user avatar
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Bash script header for virtual machine

I have a little compiler pet project that generates bytecode for a virtual machine. To run the generated bytecode from the terminal I would always have to invoke the virtual machine with the generated ...
chrysante's user avatar
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Shell programs do not refresh the screen correctly

When I press PageUp or PageDown in ranger or cmus, the screen doesn't refresh correctly, some characters and even lines are not updated. I believe it started with macos upgrade from 13.4.5 to 13.5.1 ...
Bellavene's user avatar
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How to make shorten mac terminal prompt in bold using powerlevel10k?

I'm using oh-my-zsh, powerlevel10k, colorls and fig to customize my mac terminal. Now i have just one issue that i want the current directory name in bold. And one more problem that i want to change ...
ami_PBJ's user avatar
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PuTTY vs ssh.exe on Windows for ssh connections

When I want to connect via ssh to Linux servers from my Windows laptop, my main choices are using PuTTY as I have for 20 years, or using the ssh.exe that's now default on all Windows systems (Win10+) ...
YorSubs's user avatar
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Every terminal is crashing in Windows 10 [closed]

Very weird thing happening: every terminal in my system is crashing after few seconds of opening [cmd, PowerShell, etc.]. I tried with a stand-alone terminal like cmder, that is crashing too. It's ...
Akash's user avatar
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How to execute three terminal scripts in three new tabs from Applescript?

I have the following apple script top execute three commands in different terminals. Is it possible to (1) combine this script to make it more efficient and (2) open in different terminal tabs instead ...
Brigadeiro's user avatar
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Tmux does not respond to alt+click as Mac Terminal?

I am very used to using alt+click to move the cursor in Terminal on macOS. I recently switched from screen to tmux and this no longer works despite having mouse-mode set to on in my config (and it is ...
donkey's user avatar
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Teracopy 3.1 flashes terminal window after finishing file transfers

I am using Teracopy 3.1 on a pc running Windows 10 x64. After finishing any file transfers, Teracopy flashes a terminal window. How do I make it stop doing this?
hobachit's user avatar
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Tmux sending wrong keycodes for "ctrl + arrowkey" and "ctrl + shift + arrowkey"

The problem I upgraded to MacOS 13.5 today and immediately noticed this issue. Inside of tmux (running in iterm2) when I perform ctrl + arrow-key or ctrl + shift + arrow-key the wrong keycodes are ...
JDN's user avatar
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MobaXterm file browser not following terminal after multiple SSH hops

I'm new to MobaXterm and I have a question about the SSH browser side panel. For my work, I need to connect via ssh to a Server A (login server) and from there ssh again to a Server B (processing ...
odisp's user avatar
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How to get kube-ps1 working in the Warp terminal on MacOSX?

I'm trying to move from iterm2 to warp, but one thing that I can't get working, which is quite crucial for me, is the kube-ps1 project. What it does is to make the current Kubernetes context visible ...
Johan's user avatar
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How to write a Terminal command to unrar a file in specific location?

On my Mac, I want to decompress a .rar in Downloads. I have hombrew and an unrar script already installed from GitHub; unfortunately, when I prompt the Terminal to unrar the file, I constantly get: ~ %...
Jerzy Przezdziecki's user avatar
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Tmux tile layout arranges 8 panes into 3x3 instead of 4x2

When I split the window into 8 panes in tmux and cycle to the tile layout, the panes are arranged in a 3x3 fasion, with the 8th pane taking up 2 tiled spaces: Is there a way to make it arrange 8 ...
OutwardThinking's user avatar
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Run Java JAR file in background

I have a .jar file that acts weird with hdpi screens. When I run it directly by double-clicking on it, the text is very small and blurry, as if it wasn't hdpi-aware. But if I open my terminal and run ...
404 Name Not Found's user avatar
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Can I modify the exit key for the less command in ubuntu?

Is there any way to customize the less command to exit using a key other than 'q'? EDIT I have tried creating a file called lesskey under $HOME/.config with the following contents: #command \b quit ...
Dan's user avatar
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How do I end screen -x?

I am using screen -x to monitor the process of a rsync. Now I am scared I will end the rsync process in the terminal. Is it safe to end screen -x with CTRL-C or CTRL-D? Thank you
der-mali's user avatar
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How to use CD command in Windows Terminal with custom environment variables?

If I create a environment variable, I can use it with Win+R and enter %MyVariable%. The directory opens in Windows Explorer. However, if I try to do the following using Windows Terminal cd %MyVariable%...
iamveryfriendly's user avatar
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Why doesn't zuluCrypt let me unmount my device from the terminal when the GUI works?

No matter what path I provide, it gives the same nonsensical error. The manual doesn't explain anything. sudo zuluCrypt-cli -q /run/media/private/a/sde1 ERROR: Required option( device path ) is ...
Stan's user avatar
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KMV Switch, monitor not turning on

I have a terminal and a pc connected to my monitor through a 2 port usb displayport cable kvm switch (model cs22dp). My problem is when I click the button to switch to the pc with internet it turns ...
Johnny B's user avatar
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veracrypt misidentifies disk size

I tried creating a hidden partition on a 4TiB disk with veracrypt and it reports that only 416MiB are available. How can I create a hidden partition of (almost) the whole disk with the veracrypt cli? ...
HardcorEViruS's user avatar
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Cannot read error in console nor via redirect

What I have done: Installed Ubuntu Server 20.04.6LTS to SSD (/sda), extra drives HDD (/sdb). There is an extra HDD (call it /sdc for now) that was RAID1. RAID1: I followed the ideas outlined here, ...
Tommy Gibbons's user avatar
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How to configure the user's terminal history in Synology DSM?

The history is limited by 100 entries. In other Linux distros I can configure that in the ~/.bashrc of my user. But in DSM I found no such a file. So, how to set the $HISTSIZE and the $HISTFILESIZE (...
automatix's user avatar
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How can I make my terminal experience more visually pleasing on Fedora 37 for reading manpages?

I currently use the basic GNOME Terminal on Fedora and I've had to do a lot of reading of manpages in it lately and would prefer a more visually appealing experience beyond simply changing background/...
the_endian's user avatar
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"zsh: command not found: ssh -Y" on mac terminal

I am trying to connect to a remote server using ssh, it used to work with no problem when I started the terminal and did ssh -Y <user@address> However, now I keep getting the following error: ...
ValientProcess's user avatar
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How can I get iTerm2 to colour-code remote tmux sessions?

Currently I have a script called, which ssh's into a server, and integrates with iTerm2's native tmux integration to display the tmux session in native windows; until ssh $1 -t "tmux -CC a -...
Shadowjonathan's user avatar
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Unable to type letter 't' in Webstorm terminal

I am facing a very weird issue with Webstorm. I am unable to enter letter 't' inside the terminal within Webstorm. There is no issue if I type within the code editor or elsewhere. But I have no clue ...
Shravani's user avatar
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How to yank text from a kill-ing and instert it at the cursor location in another terminal window?

How to copy, if it is possible at all, a text from one terminal and paste/input it into another without selecting it? More precisely, within the same terminal window, I can kill the text line by CTRL-...
utobi's user avatar
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ls ignoring extensions when colorizing with LS_COLORS

I'm trying to set LS_COLORS to colorize my ls output, but for some reason it is ignoring any file match patterns. It is correctly coloring executables, directories, etc., but it seems to be ...
mrjake2's user avatar
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ANSI codes in /etc/issue file

I have an /etc/issue file that contains some ANSI color codes on a Linux development board. When I connect from serial terminal, everything shows up perfectly. However, when I connect from SSH, the ...
avishorp's user avatar
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pipe text stream to eval in terminal

So I have a bunch of environment variables I am getting from netlify where I store them and I pipe them into an .env.local file, and then when I start my process it reads that .env.local file, but ...
user254694's user avatar
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How to spawn a perfectly silent daemon in ZSH which would last only for the session?

This question is quite similar to this one, although it's a bit more constrained. I would like to start a background job, but: I don't want any [1] 769021 to be printed. I don't want only this ...
radrow's user avatar
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Does rsync link to exact files or just files with the same name?

I wrote a little rsync backup script for my recently replaced computer (internal HD to external HD). When I got the new computer, I copied the files over (old internal HD to new internal HD). Same ...
curieux's user avatar
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How do you output the ACTUAL filesystem type on a Linux terminal, based on the mountpoint?

I thought that I had the right command: findmnt -no FSTYPE -T /media/a/abc123 Sadly, it does not output "NTFS" as expected and desired, but instead just returns fuseblk What filesystem type ...
Bunyon D's user avatar
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Tab key working as prefix key in tmux

I've remapped my prefix key to Control-I(C-i). It works, but my Tab key now also works as a prefix key, I can't use it for things like autocomplete anymore. I don't know what is causing this, this is ...
mal1213's user avatar
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What does ".//" represent while checking path?

In Mac terminal, I see that for current directory we see files as ./ which represents files/folders in current directory. but for the same sometimes we get .// , why is this needed? is there ...
NikhilP's user avatar
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Can I send an Ampersand late?

I regularly type something like open . or nautilus /examples/ and then kick myself because I really wanted to write: open . & or nautilus /examples/ & Is there some key combination ...
Joe's user avatar
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How can I prevent iTerm2 from printing environment information on startup?

I recently started using iTerm2 + Oh My Zsh to see what the hype was all about. While it's cool, I had some issues getting it to work properly. Specifically, it wasn't recognizing standard commands ...
Mike Ciffone's user avatar

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