Questions tagged [timelapse]

Timelapse is a cinematographic technique when the rate used to captured frames is lower than real-time. The effect is that a longer amount of time passes than is viewed.

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81 votes
16 answers

How can I combine 30,000 images into a timelapse movie?

I have taken 30,000 still images that I want to combine into a timelapse movie. I have tried QuickTime Pro, TimeLapse 3, and Windows Movie Maker, but with such a huge amount of images, each of the ...
Swift's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Record a time-lapse screen-capture directly in ffmpeg

Can I use ffmpeg to record my Xorg desktop (without audio) at one frame a second into a video file that will play back the frames at 30 frames per second without requiring a conversion process? The ...
qubodup's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Time-lapse software for Windows 7 [closed]

Timershot was an excellent part of the PowerToys for Windows XP collection. But alas, it doesn't appear to work on Windows 7, even when run in XP SP3 compatibility mode. Can anyone recommend a ...
Kevin L.'s user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to make a timelapse?

I have 238gb of timelapse photos which was taken over a period of twenty days and all the photos are split up into 20 folders. I would like to put this together into a timelapse, I tried using ...
Dragan Marjanovic's user avatar