Questions tagged [tld]

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8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Make firefox ignore common file extensions as TLD's

When I'm looking for information on a certain JS or CSS framework, I'm typing in (for example) d3.js or skeleton.css in Firefox. Firefox starts treating it like a domain name, and goes to www.d3.js. ...
Praetore's user avatar
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In Outlook how could I make a rule that would block the .co TLD but not or .com

If you add a rule to block senders address which contains ".co" Outlook will also block & .com This, I imagine, is because there is no way to specify 'end of string' to Outlook ...
Wilson Logan's user avatar
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Firefox: Whitelist TLDs for URI suggestions

Current versions of Firefox (I'm on 68) suggests that terms in the address bar that comprise of letters, dots and some special characters (e.g. -, _) are URIs. Unfortunately, many of programming terms ...
concat's user avatar
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One-word link for intranet - top level domain (tld) setup with BIND 9

While it seems to be a kind of typical pattern for the intranet ... however haven't been able to find the right and working solution for it. I'm trying to set up the intranet site accessible by the ...
technogeekie's user avatar
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SpamAssasin TLD blocking

I have configured spamassasin in my hosting to block some spammer TLDs. The blacklist email is just as this: @...
NoSignal's user avatar
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Making a fake tld complete with domain registration

I am going to make a private, separate wifi network as part of a demonstration. People are going to connect to this network and I would like them to be able to visit fake websites with fake TLDS on ...
DataPools's user avatar
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Host Custom Domain with VPN?

is it possible to host a custom TLD on a VPN? And if so, does that mean that to resolve the custom domain you just have to be connected to the VPN? Thanks again, Francis
Francis's user avatar
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Squid Proxy Server Custom TLD

I would just like to know if it is possible to use the Squid proxy server on an Ubuntu as a remote proxy server that when connected would allow someone to connect to a domain name with a custom TLD? ...
Francis's user avatar
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