Questions tagged [twitch]

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0 votes
1 answer

How do I stream to Twitch and YouTube simultaneously from OBS?

Now that Twitch's TOS allows streaming to multiple platforms, how can I use OBS Studio to livestream to both Twitch and YouTube at the same time?
4 votes
1 answer

How to download video from Twitch?

Is it possible to download a video from Twitch? I've found a couple of online-services but they provide premium-limited funtionality (allow you to download only a part of the video and if you want the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Chromebook to Linux Beta to using it for live streaming on twitch?

I have a Acer N17Q8 Chromebook Spin 11 and i turned on Linux Beta but doesn't seem to have access to sudo nor shell due to error messages in crosh. Any guidelines i should follow on? And i'm actually ...
1 vote
0 answers

Has VLC permanently stopped supporting Twitch?

I used to be able to play Twitch streams in VLC. A few months ago, this started breaking. Then they updated VLC and since then (I have the latest version), it just does nothing when you enter a Twitch ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a away to stream pre-recorded videos to Twitch/YouTube without re-encoding them?

I have a low powered server with a few videos that I would like to live stream to Youtube or Twitch. the problem is most streaming software (like OBS) require to re-encode the video before streaming ...
1 vote
0 answers

Live Stream from a low-end laptop

I desire to stream my gameplay live on twitch using my laptop which is a one with pretty low specs. as follows: Wifi connection with ~8Mbps upload Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit Intel i3-5005u 2....
1 vote
0 answers

How can you stream computer generated content on twitch [closed]

Due to my lack of knowledge about streaming on twitch, I have a hard time figuring out the what to search on google. I'd like to write a program that generates graphs (for example two AIs playing a ...
16 votes
2 answers

Computer won't play any online video until I reboot

For some reason, sometimes when I put my Windows 10 PC (Geforce GTX 970) to sleep and bring it back up, online videos will NOT play. Doesn't matter the browser (I've tried Chrome, Firefox, IE), or ...
0 votes
1 answer

Firefox keeps loading Twitch data when all Twitch tabs are closed

I just noticed that something was using up about 500KB/s of (down) internet connection in the background. After checking more in details, I found out that this was used by Firefox, with a connection ...
0 votes
1 answer

Any workarounds to access websites that don't support IPv6?

Lately I have trouble accessing on any of my browsers and devices. Google Chrome gave me DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN so I looked up on... Google and most articles told me to change my DNS. I ...
0 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu->Ngnix->ffmpeg ->Streaming to twitch (1-pass(CBR)- Ok , 2-pass <- NOT work)

(ngnix configure file) OBS send to transcode-> application transcoder { exec ffmpeg -y -i rtmp://localhost/transcoder -b:v 6000k -minrate 5500k -maxrate 6500k -bufsize 7000k -vcodec libx264 -preset ...