Questions tagged [unicode]

Unicode is the standard for computer representation of plain text. It encompasses the Universal Character Set, intended to unambiguously represent all characters used in human writing systems in any language, Unicode Transformation Formats (UTFs), defining standardized formats for storing and transmitting Unicode text, and standards for processing and manipulating text.

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How to force Windows Emoji Keyboard to search by emoji character name?

I have multiple languages installed. Emoji search in Windows Emoji Keyboard is based on current input language. How to disable or extend this behavior in order to search by emoji character name ...
TN.'s user avatar
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Notepad++ save as UTF-16 file without byte order mark

Is there any way to save a file in Notepad++ using the UTF-16 encoding (little endian), but without adding the byte order mark? For example, if a text file is saved in notepad++ using the little ...
TheTVGuy's user avatar
4 votes
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Unable to view Unicode on CMD or PowerShell

I do have a Centos 7 server which i access it via CMD or PowerShell. But it's displaying the Unicode characters as ? But if i accessed it via putty it's displayed correctly.
αԋɱҽԃ αмєяιcαη's user avatar
-1 votes
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Windows 10: Incomplete Display Of A Font's Characters

by default, windows 10 comes with the segoe ui emoji font this font is the only default font that has the following 4 unicode characters: 🛷 (x1f6f7) 🛸 (x1f6f8) 🛹 (x1f6f9) 🛺 (x1f6fa) and i haven'...
abcjme's user avatar
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Unicode character for subscript prime or equivalent?

Is there a Unicode character I can use to have x' (read as x prime) as a subscript? For example, Yₓ', except the quote character is too high and could be read as Y'ₓ. I'm aware Unicode wasn't ...
at01's user avatar
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Two different pictographs of the same animal species plus another – most portable way to achieve this?

Actual Question I want to represent something like the following in Unicode: More specifically, I am looking for a set of Unicode representations (character or character plus modifiers) comprising ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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11 answers

How to type the Euro Symbol € on US English keyboard in Windows 10 without a numpad or "AltGr" key?

There are already many questions about typing the € symbol on keyboards where it is not one of the keycaps. Unless I have missed one of them, the answers fall into several categories: Alt+E, which ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Missing unicode code points for some vulgar fractions

At there's the following list of unicode code points representing vulgar fractions: VULGAR FRACTION 1/2 ½ VULGAR FRACTION 1/3 ⅓ VULGAR FRACTION 2/3 ⅔ VULGAR FRACTION 1/...
Piotr Dobrogost's user avatar
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Unicode in powershell scripts

In my profile.ps1 I have this write-host "→" in the console it appears as → Though if I cut-n-paste the line into the console it looks like > Write-Host → > → So there's obviously no ...
stib's user avatar
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Windows 10 Missing Left Double Quotation Mark Glyph in Character Map

This is so weird. I am simply trying to type an open double quotes symbol in Windows 10 that should look like this: Actually, I'm trying to replace wrongly interpolated quotes symbols in an ANSI ...
Eric Hepperle - CodeSlayer2010's user avatar
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PowerPoint: Alt+Unicode number results in replacement character

On this website, I can copy the Unicode laptop 💻 to my clipboard via a "Copy" button: When I paste that Laptop into a text field in PowerPoint, the laptop appears. However: When I try to do ...
Robert's user avatar
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Is There Any Difference Between the Alt+7 Or Alt+0149 Bullet Symbol?

If I hold Alt, and press 0, 1, 4, then 9, I get a bullet (•). If I hold Alt, then press 7, I get a bullet (•). I've been doing it the first way, but recently came across the second keyboard shortcut. ...
azoundria's user avatar
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What Unicode character is used to describe a horizontal fraction bar?

I have searched quite a bit, but all I can find is en and em dashes? I thought Unicode tries to be specific about the use and meaning of a character, so I am expecting something specific. Is there ...
Ghasan's user avatar
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Why is Unicode 1200 codepage not there in excel?

I am opening a CSV file which is created with Unicode 1200 codepage but when I bring up the wizard in excel to open it, this codepage is not there. I only see UTF-7 and UTF-8. I do need to open an ...
zar's user avatar
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Strange Powershell behaviour with unicode characters

when I run the following command on a powershell window echo é I get the expected output é However, if I run powershell.exe "echo é" on the same powershell window as before I get ? Is this the ...
alexis's user avatar
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Can I tinker with the encoding when using pdftotext to convert PDF to text?

Sometimes when I do pdftotext it results in perfect text. I assume this is because the actual unicode text data is embedded directly in the PDF itself, and simply read out. But other times (around ...
Lance's user avatar
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Unicode Private Use FireFox

I got this in my browser (FF), any idea about what this is? It just did a search by itself on google unicode %EE%80%80 UPDATE google search screenshot
Jorge's user avatar
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Unicode : putting a superscript and subscript both on the same character, in a .txt file (not Latex, Word, or any other tool)

I'm writing text in an UTF-8 file, and I would like to write about a combination of k elements among n. I can write Cᴷ or Cₙ easily if I limit myself to a superscript or a subscript only, using ...
Marc Le Bihan's user avatar
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EasyWorship Copy/Paste/Update Foreign Character Error

I encountered this problem so far on EasyWorship, but I may have seen it before on other similar text editor applications. Recently, we updated our Windows software to Windows 10 and updated our ...
Christopher Marley's user avatar
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Squashed unicode heavy check mark in Consolas Mintty

I use git bash prompt which uses the heavy check mark (U+2714), however using the Consolas font in Mintty the symbol appears squashed. The regular check mark (U+2713) appears normally. I've tried ...
JDN's user avatar
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old computer fonts not working

i will be as fast i can be for describing the problem i have... i have some very old greek fonts... they're supposed to have greek characters in but i can't make them work. Downloaded even a Font ...
George Mavrikis's user avatar
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Pandoc: Using standardized unicode Emoji

I want to use flag: Japan emoticon with unicode U+1F1EF U+1F1F5 as defined in the standard Full Emoji List, v12.0, inside markdown (rendered with Pandoc). Given that this Emoticon is not defined ...
Porcupine's user avatar
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How do I create a lowercase i with a combining accent mark that does not replace the i's dot in MS Word?

I need to type a regular lowercase i and a barred-i with a tilde above the i's dot, like these: When I do this in Word (using v 16.16.11 for Mac), when it combines the accent mark with the letter 'i',...
largercat's user avatar
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What exactly makes a TrueType font a "symbol" font?

I am working with an application that uses so-called "symbol fonts", a specific type of TrueType font. From what I've gathered, these fonts behave a bit different than usual, specifically in how the ...
MC ΔT's user avatar
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Why are my Alt codes different from what is generally reported online?

I was attempting to type the symbol for DC (direct current), I still haven't found it but in the process I noticed that the codes found online generate something completely different on my computer. I ...
Nevermind Susan's user avatar
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Japanese letters aren't showing correctly with UTF8

So I have these several files in Japanese text, that was meant for Japanese computers to use. I first unzipped them, to find a completely garbled unreadable text for the title of files. I went to ...
Yuu Mori's user avatar
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Changing ansi and OEM code page in Windows

How to change ansi and OEM code page from 437 to 65001 in control panel? I have literally searched out whole control panel to change the code page but couldn't find it. Can anybody help me?
Nikhil Sharma's user avatar
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How can I test Punycode URL will display correctly prior to purchase?

I'd like to purchase a Unicode (Punycode) domain name (good📖.com), and want to ensure that it will display correctly on most browsers. I found these links that describe Firefox, but it isn't as ...
TLDR's user avatar
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Character set reverse search

I have a set of strings (well, filenames, but that detail I can handle myself) that I want to convert to UTF-8. However, by trying the obvious candidates I'm not able to do the conversion successfully,...
janneb's user avatar
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How to insert arbitrary unicode characters in kde keyboard shorctuts (send keyboard input)?

My goal is to bind the shrug emoji ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to a key combination such as "Super+Maj+S", such that whenever I type those three keys together that sequence of characters is sent to whatever window is ...
ychaouche's user avatar
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Which type of character encoding consumes the most memory?

I will store a long (45132 character) string in a Postrgres database whilst preserving every character (including really rare ones). Postgres can store strings up to 1GB (see here). In terms of the ...
stevec's user avatar
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Is it safe (no data loss) to convert ANSI to UTF-8 and then back to ANSI?

Is it safe (no data loss) to convert ANSI to UTF-8 and then back to ANSI? I have read that you can lose data going from UTF-8 to ANSI. But if the file was changed from ANSI to UTF-8 (and not changed ...
Mister's user avatar
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How can I easily open a command prompt in current folder with /u (set to unicode output)?

I'm trying to output directory and .txt file names using the following: dir /b /s /a:d >> "filenames.txt" dir /b /s *.txt >> "filenames.txt" But some of the file and directory names use ...
BurrowDeck's user avatar
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A quick tool for inputting many special characters? [closed]

You might be thinking that I can use a special keyboard layout or alt codes. However, they don't provide enough characters. Unicode alt codes in the other hand require knowing every single Unicode ...
Piotr Grochowski's user avatar
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How do assign keyboard multimedia keys to our purpose for char insertion

My keyboard has 10 multimedia keys this site and net search tell that those key can be assigned to software to do specific function like "run browser", "reduce/ increase volume", "start calc" But ...
VSRawat's user avatar
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Why does tilde ('~') go before numeric digits in NTFS file names?

I have a folder structure in which the folder names start with numbers. After a while, some folders (or, rather, the info they contain) become "archived", and I don't want them to visually clutter the ...
Semisonic's user avatar
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Unicode characters are doubled up in Powershell (Running under Cmder)

Ok, this is a weird one. For the last few years, I've used a Unicode lightning bolt symbol as my prompt in Powershell. I just got a new laptop and re-installed everything. I run Powershell using ...
Mike Christensen's user avatar
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Why is λ called "LAMDA" instead of "LAMBDA" in Unicode [closed]

Looking at the Unicode Character Database, I noticed that the λ character, which is usually called "lambda" in English, is in fact spelled "lamda" (or GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA, to be exact). Even ...
m4tx's user avatar
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Any chance to get a superscript directly on top of subscript in Unicode?

Unicode provides subscripts and superscripts, so I can do this: x² And this: x₅ However, combining these two I get: x²₅ or x₅² Which looks badly. Any chance to get the superscript directly on ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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I try to type alt codes like sigma Σ and infinite ∞ on Windows but I keep getting � (unrecognized character). How can I fix this?

I get exactly � at almost every alt code I type. "é" and most other latin alphabet characters seem fine, but the majority of punctuation, symbols, and some letters don't show up. I'm on Windows 10. ...
CreativiTimothy's user avatar
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Python program fails only if run (via ssh) from a mac terminal

I am trying to run a python program on a data processing (linux) cluster. The program runs fine if I ssh to the cluster from my linux desktop and start it but fails if I ssh to the cluster from my mac ...
muzzle's user avatar
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Unable to input UTF-16 characters in firefox

I want to insert greek characters, via a keyboard mapping I've made, when working in firefox (and Jupyter Notebook). I am able to use ctrl+cmd+space to add characters like 𝝭 𝝭 MATHEMATICAL SANS-...
C.Buhl's user avatar
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How to stop Windows 10 Calculator from enclosing copied text in 202D and 202C Unicode characters?

If I use Windows 10 calculator to copy one of its produced values: What it copies to the clipboard is text enclosed in these two Unicode characters: 'LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE' (U+202D) on the left, ...
c00000fd's user avatar
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Unicode character for two *vertical* tildes next to each other? What is that symbol called?

Sometimes on graphs, there is a symbol used to indicate a part of the graph has been ellipsed over to make the graph more compact. It looks something like this: (poor MSPaint mockup) What is that ...
Jamin Grey's user avatar
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LC_ALL=C is set, no idea why

I‘m using st, the simple-terminal or suckless-terminal, which is a terminal with Unicode-support. I have two machines, both run Arch Linux with basically the same system settings but i only get ...
Tim Hilt's user avatar
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Why doesn't "▷" display in vim?

I'm using ConEmu with WSL. I like to have ▷ set as line continuation character: set sbr=▷\ \ This is <▷> 9655, Hex 25b7, Octal 22667. In ConEmu this shows as the square-with-?, and in WSL bash ...
Jean Jordaan's user avatar
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Tools for converting 8-bit C1 control characters to ESC sequences?

The ECMA-48 ("ANSI escape sequences") standard describe two ways of encoding the C1 set of control codes: using 2 character ESC sequences, or alternatively, using 8-bit control characters. Wikipedia ...
Rehno Lindeque's user avatar
6 votes
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How to type the right ceiling character “⌉” in a windows 7 login password box with a qwerty laptop keyboard?

Dumbest question ever: how can I type with laptop keyboard the "right ceiling" character ( aka "⌉" ) in the windows login password box ( ...
Natalie Perret's user avatar
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Gimp Unicode in Text Editor doesn't work

Linux Mint 18.3 (= Ubuntu Xenial), Gimp 2.8.16 In Gimp Text Editor (something you can show when you're entering text using Text Tool) you are meant to be able to go Ctrl-Shift-U + Unicode code... and ...
mike rodent's user avatar
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How to show special characters in filename in Windows

How can I inspect the characters of a file name in Windows 10 ? I have some files which contains some 'space' characters, and other who contain some 'non-breaking-space' characters. And maybe some ...
Pacopaco's user avatar
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