Questions tagged [virt-manager]

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9 votes
1 answer

Configure FirewallD to allow bridged virtual machine network access

I have a Windows guest running on a virt-manager QEMU/KVM virtual machine. My primary NIC eno1 is in a bridge br1 which is configured with my host IP address configuration. This VM is connected to ...
Jonathon Reinhart's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Two mouse cursors when using virt-manager

I created a VM (host: Fedora 25, guest: LUbuntu 16.10) using virt-manager. When I start it and click on the window, I see two cursors: one host cursor and another guest cursor: The movement of the ...
Андрей Беньковский's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Boot windows on virt-manager from an image that fetched from existing Windows on a different computer

I have a PC laptop with Windows 10, it has two hard drives, one for windows that is separated with UEFI, windows and data partition, and another hard drive that has some more apps installed on it. I ...
ufk's user avatar
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